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Remote Viewing
Declassified Documents and Top Generals Reveal Fascinating Military Paranormal Science Investigations

What is Remote Viewing?

Remote Viewing.

Did you know that the Pentagon and US intelligence agencies conducted top secret operations on human extrasensory perception (ESP), telepathy, clairvoyance, and psychokinesis (mental influence over objects or events)? Recent declassified documents reveal how the Department of Defense also investigated invisibility cloaking, dark energy, mind-controlled robots, wormholes and space travel using current understanding of quantum processes.

Project Stargate was a top secret government program that explored fascinating capacities like remote viewing, the capacity to see what is happening in a location elsewhere in the world using only their mind.

Many of these experiments proved to be successful. Defense intelligence agency use of psychic spying helped locate American hostages, enemy submarines, and strategic buildings in foreign countries using only their mind to do so. Under Project Grill Flame, US intelligence agencies had a whole squad of military-trained psychics using ESP to monitor the dozens of American diplomats taken hostage by revolutionary students who seized the U.S. Embassy in Iran in 1979. The CIA even used a remote viewer to "see" what was on Mars one million years ago. What the remote viewer described was quite mind-blowing.

It's been estimated that US government use of psychics and ESPs resulted in 26,000 telepathic campaigns carried out by 227 psychics before these programs were shut down in 1995.

One case where psychic spies say they played a critical role was in 1989. Charles Jordan was a US Customs agent gone bad, a dangerous fugitive who had eluded police for 2 years. The collective wisdom at the time was that he was probably in the Caribbean. [One psychic spy] started describing him in North Wyoming ... at a campground. Using this and other information, Jordan was finally caught. — Excerpt from "Psychic Spies: Project Stargate," ABC Nightline

Remote viewing involves a set of precise protocols used by the U.S. military and CIA to develop psychic spies. As bizarre as it may seem, through remote viewing and other secret projects, the U.S. has dabbled in ESP and the psychic realm for many decades.

Though documents and details of remote viewing projects were officially classified secret until 1995, documents now declassified show the first government-sponsored remote viewing program was approved in 1970.

Remote viewing is a technique whereby trained individuals enter into a meditative state to access subtle levels of consciousness in which they are able to sense remote locations and describe what they see there, sometimes with a remarkable degree of accuracy. The ability to view objects remotely has clear advantages for intelligence gathering. A good example of how this is done can be seen in the four-minute news clip on remote viewing at the link below.

For a more detailed description of remote viewing and how it is accomplished, see the excellent explanation on the website of the International Remote Viewing Association available here.

Think of the possibilities if anyone were able to develop remote viewing abilities. If you lost your car keys, you might be able to then find them. An abducted child or stolen car could be found. And if remote viewing is possible, what other psychic abilities might also be accessible to us all? Could it be that our consciousness has much more power than we might have imagined, and that life is far grander than most would ever suspect?

Is Remote Viewing Real?

If you research remote viewing in any depth, besides finding excellent information supporting this exciting phenomenon, you will also likely encounter numerous statements like that of the wikipedia entry on the subject which claim that "the [remote viewing] program was terminated in 1995 after it failed to produce any useful intelligence information."

Government disinformation campaigns don't want us to believe that remote viewing was successful, despite the fact that their own declassified documents show without a doubt the amazing results of some top remote viewers. Many remote viewers involved in these secret programs have also gone public stating that the program was a mind-boggling success.

For a nine-page sample from one declassified remote viewing document which shows amazing accuracy in a remote viewing experiment conducted from a submarine, read the October 1978 document available here. This sample comes from an excellent 118-page declassified document summarizing the results of the entire remote viewing program to that date. For the entire summary report, click here. The conclusions section on page 70 of this report contains the quote:

With experienced subjects, the accuracy and reliability of the phenomenon can also be characterized roughly by a two-thirds factor. That is, approximately two-thirds of a given transcript about a given site is correct, roughly two-thirds of a series of transcripts can be blind-matched by a judge to the correct target out of a list, etc.

Note that the remote viewers are simply handed a blank sheet of paper and given the coordinates of a target location for which they have no knowledge. If they get any significant part of the target description right, it's quite remarkable. To be able two-thirds of the time to correctly identify the target is simply stunning! Below is an example of a remote viewing session by Pat Price. Note that because he missed other objects away from the crane, this session was described as a failure! For more on this session and its scientific and spiritual implications, click here.

Remote viewing image
Remote viewing of a secret Russian crane by Pat Price (actual crane on left)

Remote Viewing Documents Declassified

Kept top secret for "national security" reasons, hundreds of thousands of pages of remote viewing documents were carefully stored away as the nation's remote viewers gradually refined their ability to produce drawings of what they saw at a distant location. Finally in 1995, a small percentage of these documents were released to the public through the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act), proving the existence of the program. Even this small percentage released amounts to nearly 100,000 pages of official remote viewing documents.

Unfortunately, the documents were released in a completely random form. Yet thanks to the tireless efforts of a courageous researcher in cataloging this invaluable cache, they are now available in a cataloged and searchable form. To order one or more CDs from a seven-CD set of all these documents now arranged and searchable, click here. For a description of the contents of these CDs, click here. For free access to many of the declassified documents, videos of demonstrations with Uri Geller, and lots more great remote viewing material, click here.

These declassified documents, the experiences of the remote viewers described below, and so much more show that just as the U.S. government officially denied the existence of the remote viewing program for decades, current claims that the program was ineffective are almost certainly disinformation. Could it be that those in power don't want us to know just how powerful our minds are?

The Remote Viewers

Joseph McMoneagle is the respected man considered by many to be the best military remote viewer. He has written an incredibly engaging autobiography, Stargate Chronicles, going into great detail about his rich experiences in the program and his amazing successes even in real operational environments with accurately finding and describing incredibly important targets. A Washington Post article also describes McMoneagle's amazing talent.

The most famous of all remote viewers was a flamboyant civilian by the name of Ingo Swann. This remarkable man was noted for predicting in 1973 what NASA's pioneer probes to Jupiter would find once they reached the gaseous planet for the first close-up view ever. Swann sealed copies of his predictions in envelopes and gave them to many noted scientists who were later astounded at his near 100% accuracy. He also scared military security by being able to literally read files locked in a thick safe on a secure base. For more on Swann, click here.

Swann authored or co-authored over a dozen books, which you can find at this link. Yet when he presented his autobiography titled Penetration to his publisher, the publisher refused, so he published the book himself. Yet all copies that he published seemed to strangely disappear from bookshelves in very short order. Thankfully, it is now easily available online. If you want to know some of the deepest secrets of the U.S. government, this is the book.

Remote Viewing Background, Military Supporters, and Documentaries

The original impetus for U.S. remote viewing programs was the discovery by military and intelligence services in the 1960s that the Soviets were spending millions of dollars and having considerable success in using ESP and psychic spies to break through U.S. security barriers. Not wanting to be left behind in any spying or intelligence capability, no matter how exotic, top government officials contracted in 1972 with SRI (Stanford Research Institute) to develop the first of several remote viewing programs which operated under code names such as Project Scanate, Project Grill Flame, and the Stargate Project.

BBC in 1983 made a fascinating documentary focused largely on remote viewing titled "The Case For ESP." The full 90-minute documentary is available at the link below.

CIA Director Admiral Stansfield Turner and several top generals eventually became strong supporters of the remote viewing program as an effective means to develop psychic spies. Though the official existence of this project was kept secret and even denied until 1995, millions of dollars were poured into what became a major government undertaking using both military and civilian personnel.

Through these remote viewing programs, a set of scientifically based protocols were developed by which many people, even those without prior psychic abilities, were able to describe remote objects with some accuracy. For more declassified government documents on remote viewing, click here. For an eye-opening documentary, including interviews with CIA Director Stansfield, top generals, and key individuals in the remote viewing programs, see the link below:

It's interesting to note that several key players in the remote viewing programs were high level Scientologists. An excellent, well researched timeline shows the strange and convoluted relationship between remote viewing and Scientology.

Could it be that remote viewing is a skill which anyone can develop? Could it be that we all naturally have psychic abilities which can be explained scientifically that we have not developed simply because we didn't know the possibility exists? Could it be that certain elements of the power elite of our world don't want us to know just how powerful each one of us is, so that we continue to believe that they are the ones with power? To further educate yourself on the exciting topics of remote viewing, psychic spies, and secret mind control projects see the section below.

Note: For those interested in learning how to do remote viewing, check out the free materials available on this webpage of the Farsight Institute. Watch the excellent documentary (for a small fee) "Third Eye Spies" with in-depth interviews of key players in the remote viewing programs.

What you can do:
  • Inform your media and political representatives of this important information on remote viewing. To contact those close to you, click here. Urge them to bring greater public awareness to the topics of remote viewing, psychic spies, and mind control.
  • Read a declassified CIA document about serious experiments and research into ESP at this link. Pages 10 - 22 are most relevant (Start with 0000017395_0010.TIF). The title of this CIA documents is "Experimental Analysis of Extrasensory Perception." The revealing page 18 is available here.
  • Read summaries of revealing major media reports on mind control by importance or date posted.
  • See a detailed, revealing timeline on remote viewing's Scientology connection.
  • Visit our comprehensive Mind Control Information Center at this link.
  • Spread this inspiring news on remote viewing to your friends and colleagues, and bookmark this article on key news websites using the "Share" icon on this page, so that we can fill the role at which the major media is sadly failing. Together, we can make a difference.

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