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9/11 Conspiracy Theorists Gather in N.Y.
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of Los Angeles Times

Los Angeles Times, September 10, 2006
Posted: November 11th, 2006

Striding into Washington Square Park with a fistful of photocopied circulars and an earnest expression, Eric Williams could have been an environmental canvasser or a hip missionary. In fact, he is a pastry chef or was until last week, when he quit his job to devote himself full time to proving that the World Trade Center attack was ordered not by terrorists but by officials in the U.S. government. As New York readied for another anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, conspiracy theorists and researchers who belong to a group known as the 9/11 Truth Movement gathered in Greenwich Village. Among them were proponents of the "LIHOP" theory, who believe that members of the government "let it happen on purpose," and the "MIHOP" theory, who hold that government officials "made it happen on purpose." A Zogby International poll taken in May found that 42% believed the government concealed evidence that contradicts official accounts. Last week, Brigham Young University announced that physics professor Steven E. Jones, co-chairman of the group Scholars for 9/11 Truth, would be put on indefinite leave while authorities investigated his claims that the buildings were intentionally demolished using explosives. For Williams, the former chef...his fascination with the events of Sept. 11 grew so intense over the last two years that making pastries seemed pointless. devotes six to eight hours a day to researching and writing, and hosts an Internet radio show and website. He has just sold the German and Turkish rights to two of his books, "The Puzzle of 9/11" and "9/11 101." Europeans are always interested, he said. Engaging New Yorkers is more challenging.

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