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Bagram prison in Afghanistan may become the new Guantnamo
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of The Times (One of the UK's leading newspapers)
Posted: March 28th, 2010
The American detention centre at Bagram in Afghanistan could be expanded into a Guantnamo-style prison for terrorist suspects detained around the world. This is one of the options being considered as US officials try to find an alternative to Guantnamo Bay. A decision to send al-Qaeda suspects detained in countries such as Yemen and Somalia to Bagram, which is located north of Kabul, would be highly controversial. Bagram is synonymous in Afghan eyes with past human rights abuses, although the old prison has been replaced by a new facility at the large US airbase. The other alternative of using a special prison in the US is seen as less practical because the detainees would have to be put through the American justice system, and some of the suspects considered by the US as the most dangerous would be difficult to prosecute because of the lack of sufficient evidence. Congress would also oppose such a move. Bagram currently houses about 800 detainees, including a small number of foreign fighters who were not arrested in Afghanistan. They were taken there under the Administration of George W. Bush.
Note: Isn't it amazing that this article simply asserts that "lack of sufficient evidence" to prosecute is a reason to hold captives indefinitely?