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CDC Director: Covid vaccines can't prevent transmission anymore
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of MSN News

MSN News, January 10, 2022
Posted: December 18th, 2022

The director for the CDC publicly acknowledged in a CNN interview that the COVID-19 vaccine is not effective at preventing transmission of the virus. In a segment on CNN with Wolf Blitzer, Walensky said that while the vaccines are doing very well to protect against serious illness and death, what they cannot do anymore is stop transmission. “Our vaccines are working exceptionally well. They continue to work well for Delta with regard to severe illness and death. They prevent it," Walensky said. The following statement is more notable, however, as it is one of the only times the CDC has acknowledged that the vaccines are not capable of stopping the spread of the virus. "...what they can’t do anymore is prevent transmission" ... Walensky stated.

Note: Why did many officials state emphatically early on that vaccines were the only thing that would stop the pandemic when they do not stop transmission of the virus? Doesn't this show the vaccine mandates were a sham? A BMJ (British Medical Journal) article states “Vaccines aren’t preventing onward transmission by reducing the viral load—or amount of SARS-CoV-2—in your body.” For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on coronavirus vaccines from reliable major media sources.

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