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Coal giant exploited Ebola crisis for corporate gain, say health experts
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of The Guardian (One of the UK's leading newspapers)

The Guardian (One of the UK's leading newspapers), May 20, 2015
Posted: June 8th, 2015

As part of a PR offensive to rebrand coal as a 21st-century fuel that can help solve global poverty, it has emerged that at the height of Ebolas impact in Africa, Peabody Energy promoted its product as an answer to Africas devastating public health crisis. Greg Boyce, the chief executive of Peabody, a US-based multinational with mining interests around the world, included a slide on Ebola and energy in a presentation to a coal industry conference in September last year. The slide suggested that more energy would have spurred the distribution of a hypothetical Ebola vaccine. Public health experts who were involved in fighting the spread of Ebola were outraged at Peabodys suggestion that expanding energy access with coal generation could have hindered the spread of Ebola and helped with the distribution of a vaccine especially as there is no approved vaccine against the disease. Skip Burkle, a senior fellow of the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative ... said Peabodys claims were absolutely ludicrous. He went on: The coal industry is going down but there are other answers to this and it is not to dump it in Africa. It is just an insult to the population. The Ebola claims surfaced amid growing pressure on Peabody Energy from the downturn in coal and a global anti-apartheid style fossil fuel divestment campaign.

Note: For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on global warming and corporate corruption from reliable major media sources.

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