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Debate over vaccines, autism won't die
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of MSNBC
Posted: November 20th, 2006
The afternoon after Kelly Kerns' 2-month-old daughter Kaylee got several vaccines was "living hell," with the child screaming and arching her back, her mother said. 'I kept telling myself everybody gets vaccinated — this is OK,' she said. When Kaylee was 18 months old, her white-blonde hair began falling out and she stopped talking. Meanwhile, Kerns had twin boys — Andrew and Daniel. When they were 15 months old, they received three vaccines. A week later, they stopped talking. All three children have since been diagnosed as autistic. Flu vaccine sold in multidose vials still contains the preservative, and the government urges flu shots for pregnant women and young children even though not enough thimerosal-free ones are available, critics say. Finding answers is tough because autism, a little-understood developmental disorder, often is diagnosed at the very ages when children get vaccines. The stories are remarkably similar: A seemingly normal child gets a shot and days, weeks or months later, withdraws from the world, stops speaking, becomes upset at random stimulation such as a doorbell, and adopts compulsive behaviors like head-banging.
Note: MSNBC appears to have removed this article, though you can still find it on this webpage. Thimerosal has now been removed from childhood vaccines, however the government and drug industry continue to deny that there is any link between mercury in vaccines and autism. And mercury is still commonly used in flu and other vaccines in the U.S. A document hidden by drug companies for two years all but proves that a commonly used vaccine is responsible for the deaths of countless toddlers within 10 days of receiving the vaccine. This document is discussed on the US National Institutes of Health website at this link. An article going into depth on this vital information is available here.
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