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Fighting the Good Fight Against Online Child Sexual Abuse
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of New York Times

New York Times, December 23, 2019
Posted: March 23rd, 2020

Several websites popular with sexual predators were thwarted last month after a determined campaign by groups dedicated to eliminating the content. It was a rare victory in an unending war. In late November, the moderator of three highly trafficked websites posted a message titled R.I.P. It offered a convoluted explanation for why they were left with no choice but to close. The unnamed moderator thanked over 100,000 brothers who had visited and contributed to the sites before their demise, blaming an increasingly intolerant world that did not allow children to fully express themselves. In fact, forums on the sites had been bastions of illegal content almost since their inception in 2012, containing child sexual abuse photos and videos, including violent and explicit imagery of infants and toddlers. In a world exploding with the imagery 45 million photos and videos of child sexual abuse were reported last year alone the open web is a freewheeling expanse where the underdog task of confronting the predators falls mainly to a few dozen nonprofits with small budgets. Several of those groups, including a child exploitation hotline in Canada, hunted the three sites across the internet for years but could never quite defeat them. But [a] Canadian hotline developed ... a sophisticated tool to find and report illegal imagery. The three sites were overwhelmed by the Canadian tool, which had sent more than 1 million notices of illegal content to the companies keeping them online. And last month, they were compelled to surrender.

Note: Listen to a disturbing, yet vitally important New York Times podcast showing this huge problem that few are willing to look at. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on sexual abuse scandals from reliable major media sources.

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