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G30, Ripe for Conspiracy Theorists
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of Wall Street Journal blog

Wall Street Journal blog, December 4, 2009
Posted: December 9th, 2009

If you want to encourage the kind of conspiracy theories that have prospered in the wake of last years financial crisis those that describe a secret cabal of elites running the world try doing the following: Have a group of 30 high-powered economists, government officials and bankers meet under the auspices of an international group that shares ideas on how to run the global financial architecture. Have your Board of Trustees led by an influential former Federal Reserve chairman whos now working as a senior advisor to the president of the United States. Name the former vice chairman of bailout behemoth AIG as the groups Chairman and CEO (It helps that he [is] former governor of the Bank of Israel). Ensure that membership includes the likes of these: A former Treasury Secretary and president of Harvard who also now works as a top presidential economic advisor; Citigroups senior vice chairman; a former IMF deputy managing director and the current governor of the Bank of Israel; and top representatives of the worlds four most important central banks. Hold two days of closed-door meetings at the New York Fed. Do not publicize a list of attendees and leave everyone guessing about the agenda. These were the circumstances surrounding Fridays start to the 62nd plenary meetings of the Group of 30, whose formal name is The Consultative Group on International Economic and Monetary Affairs, Inc.

Note: The article interestingly then goes on to claim that this secret meeting of the world's top bankers is not really anything to worry about, that they are really working for the public good. If so, why not have the meeting open and widely covered by the press? For many other revealing articles from major media reports on secret societies and secret meetings of the most rich and powerful people in our world, click here.

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