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How the leaked documents questioning war emerged from 'Britain's Deep Throat'
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of London Times

London Times, June 27, 2005
Posted: November 11th, 2006,,2087-1669292_2,

Ministry of Defence figures for the number of bombs dropped on southern Iraq in 2002 show that virtually none were used in March and April; but between May and August an average of 10 tons were dropped each month, with the RAF taking just as big a role in the spikes of activity as their US colleagues. Then in September the figure shot up again, with allied aircraft dropping 54.6 tons. If this was a covert air war, both Bush and Blair may face searching questions. In America only Congress can declare war, and it did not give the US president permission to take military action against Iraq until October 11, 2002. Blairs legal justification is said to come from UN Resolution 1441, which was not passed until November 8, 2002.

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