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Now you see it, now you don't
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of U.S. National Security Agency Website

U.S. National Security Agency Website, October 1, 1978
Posted: April 26th, 2011

It had been an entirely routine night watch for the Imperial Iranian Air Force's command post in the Tehran area [when] in quick succession, four calls arrived ... reporting a series of strange airborne objects. A senior officer ... immediately scrambled an IIAF F-4 to investigate. The F-4 pilot reported that the brilliant object was easily visible 70 miles away. When approximately 25 NM [nautical miles] distant, the interceptor lost all instrumentation and UHF/Intercom communications. Upon breaking off the intercept and turning towards his home base, all systems returned to normal, as if the strange object no longer regarded the aircraft as a threat. A second F-4 was scrambled ten minutes after the first. Upon reaching the 25 NM point, the object began rapidly moving away to maintain a constant separation distance. Visually, it resembled flashing strobe lights arranged in a rectangular pattern and alternating blue, green, red, and orange. Their sequence was so fast that all colors could be seen at once. As the F-4 continued pursuit south of Tehran, a second brightly-lit object (about one-half to one-third the size of the moon) detached from the original UFO and headed straight for the F-4 at a high rate of speed. The pilot attempted to fire an AIM-9 missile at the new object but was prevented by a sudden power loss in his weapons control panel. UHF and internal communications were simultaneously lost. The pilot promptly initiated a turn and negative G dive to escape. Continuing the turn, the pilot observed the second object turn inside of him and then away, subsequently returning to the primary UFO for a perfect rendezvous.

Note: This official report by U.S. Air Force Captain Henry Shields, taken from the NSA website at the link above, raises many questions. A copy of this document is available at this link. A 1976 report to the US Joint Chiefs of Staff on this remarkable incident is also available here. For astounding statements by other top government and military officials acknowledging a major cover-up of UFOs, click here.

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