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NSW skywatcher who filmed UFOs says he was quizzed by men in black
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of Sydney Morning Herald (One of Australia's leading newspapers)

Sydney Morning Herald (One of Australia's leading newspapers), August 23, 2015
Posted: September 6th, 2015

There's a movie being screened in Sydney next week ... called Australien Skies. It's a documentary about some of the unexplained stuff seen by people who call themselves skywatchers. There is an intriguing story in the documentary. Liam Freaney [is a] regular kind of guy who, two years ago, had no particular interest in UFOs. But in March 2013, he and a workmate saw in the daylight, bright stars gathering around a ball of white light which disappeared and reappeared. A few months later he started seeing objects regularly. "I would see and film an object then directly afterwards I would get home and a helicopter would show up and sit over the house," he said. "So I started filming the helicopters as well as the unidentified flying objects. It happened over and over again, 20 or 30 times at least." He got in touch with Damien Nott and with Mariana Flynn, president of UFO Research NSW. She said they had [numerous] "reports of people leaning out of the helicopter[s] with a camera and filming." Mr Freaney was last year going to give a talk about his experience to her UFO group. The event had been publicised. Two weeks before the talk ... he noticed a car behind him. "It had flashing lights inside the front grill. It was a black car. I stopped. Two guys got out. One approached the window and he said: 'Good day Liam, how are you?' I said 'This is really strange.' He said: 'Yep, but you know what it is about. We'd like it if you didn't do your talk.' They said it would be better off for me to keep my mouth shut and to have a good day."

Note: Explore an intriguing webpage with many documents showing efforts by top people to open the UFO/ET issue. Then delve into the excellent, reliable resources provided in our UFO Information Center.

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