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Puzzled Researchers Vet BlackLights Physics-Defying Hydrogen Power
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of New York Times

New York Times, October 21, 2008
Posted: October 31st, 2008

BlackLight Power, the company that has pulled in $60 million for its seemingly physics-defying fuel cell, is back with an announcement about an independent validation of its technology. A team of engineers, headed by Dr. Peter Jansson at Rowan University, have tested BlackLights prototypes and found that the devices perform as BlackLight claims, ambiguously concluding that there is a novel reaction of some type causing the large exotherm which is consistently produced. To translate: Theres definitely lots of energy being produced. Theyre just not sure why. BlackLight says its technology can push an electron closer to the nucleus by way of a catalytic reaction, resulting in a huge amount of clean energy. The company describes the reaction as somewhere between a nuclear and a chemical reaction, but without any of the messy fallout. The team at Rowan tested BlackLights 1,000- and 50,000-watt reactors over three months and were able to replicate BlackLights energy claims, saying that the energy produced cannot be explained by other known sources like combustion or nuclear energy. The company says a complete verification of the whole process will likely happen within a year. BlackLight tells us it is now in the process of licensing its technology to power producers. The company says it has enough capital to get through commercialization and plans to have its reactors in a power plant in the next two years.

Note: For several videos demonstrating this amazing new energy source, click here. For reports from professors and engineers who have validated this exciting technology, click here.

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