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Tracking devices used in school badges
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of Houston Chronicle (Houston's leading newspaper)

Houston Chronicle (Houston's leading newspaper), October 11, 2010
Posted: October 24th, 2010

Radio frequency identification the same technology used to monitor cattle is tracking students in the Spring and Santa Fe school districts. Identification badges for some students in both school districts now include tracking devices that allow campus administrators to keep tabs on students' whereabouts on campus. Some parents and privacy advocates question whether the technology could have unintended consequences. The tags remind them of George Orwell's Big Brother, and they worry that hackers could figure a way to track students after they leave school. Identity theft and stalking could become serious concerns, some said. "There [are] real questions about the security risks involved with these gadgets," said Dotty Griffith, public education director for the ACLU of Texas. "Readers can skim information. To the best of my knowledge, these things are not foolproof. We constantly see cases where people are skimming, hacking and stealing identities from sophisticated systems." The American Civil Liberties Union fought the use of this technology in 2005 - when a rural elementary school in California was thought to be the first in the U.S. to introduce the badges. The program was dismantled because of parental concern.

Note: For key reports from reliable sources on the risks to liberty and privacy posed by RFID technologies, click here.

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