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UK Government Releases UFO Files
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of CNN Larry King Live
Posted: May 22nd, 2008
KING: Britain's Ministry of Defense has just released secret UFO files on sightings dating from 1978 through 1987. They include live, eyewitness accounts and the government's response. More files dating from the 1950s and recent events will be released over the next four years. Joining us to discuss this in London is Nick Pope [and others. Pope] ran the British government's UFO project at the Ministry of Defense from 1985 to 2006. Nick, what do you make of all of this? What's in these files? NICK POPE: Well, this is extremely exciting news here in the UK. It is a massive story. What we've seen is the first step in a three to four-year program to release the government's entire archive of UFO files. We have got some absolutely fascinating cases. A lot of UFOs seen by police officers. We have got some cases where pilots have seen UFO. And we have got a really amazing case where a UFO was tracked on military radar traveling 10 nautical miles in 12 seconds. KING: Peter Davenport, will this tend to put naysayers away? PETER DAVENPORT, UFO EXPERT: It's still [hearsay] evidence. I find it interesting that the release follows hot on the heels of the Vatican just yesterday, I think it was, stating that they felt it was OK to believe in aliens and UFOs and life elsewhere in our galaxy. This is an interesting one-two punch. KING: Lieutenant Chuck Halt, the only one of our panel, I guess, who's seen one. What do you make of it? CHUCK HALT, RETIRED UNITED STATES AIR FORCE: I find it quite puzzling. Why is this being spread over four years? It doesn't really make sense to me, unless the volume is so great it takes that long to preview it.
Note: This fascinating interview begins about 3/4 of the way down the page at the link above. For a powerful summary of other evidence on UFO sightings presented by government and military professionals, click here.
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