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Unicef warns lockdown could kill more than Covid-19 as model predicts 1.2 million child deaths
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of The Telegraph (One of the UK's leading newspapers)

The Telegraph (One of the UK's leading newspapers), May 13, 2020
Posted: September 7th, 2020

Dr Stefan Peterson, chief of health at Unicef, cautioned that the blanket lockdowns imposed in many low and middle income [countries] are not an effective way to control Covid-19 and could have deadly repercussions. Indiscriminate lockdown measures do not have an optimal effect on the virus, he [said]. If youre asking families to stay at home in one room in a slum, without food or water, that wont limit virus transmission. Im concerned that lockdown measures have been copied between countries for lack of knowing what to do, rarely with any contextualisation for the local situation. According to a stark report published in Lancet Global Health journal on Wednesday, almost 1.2 million children could die in the next six months due to the disruption to health services and food supplies caused by the coronavirus pandemic. The modeling ... found that child mortality rates could rise by as much as 45 per cent due to coronavirus-related disruptions, while maternal deaths could increase by almost 39 per cent. Dr Peterson said these figures were in part a reflection of stringent restrictions in much of the world that prevent people leaving their homes without documentation, preventing them from accessing essential health care services. In some countries the public are also avoiding hospitals and health centres for fear of picking up Covid-19. Dr Peterson warned that these trends have resulted in a reduction in the effective utilization of services - a shift which ... could be more dangerous than the virus itself.

Note: For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on the coronavirus from reliable major media sources.

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