Aspartame, MSG Dangers
The Serious Risks and Dangers of MSG & Aspartame
How much do you know about the risks and dangers of aspartame and MSG? For an excellent introduction, watch the seven-minute video produced by the top natural health website at this link: - Aspartame: Risks, dangers
For a more in-depth understanding, watch the incredibly revealing documentary Sweet Misery. This engaging video takes us on a journey across the U.S. interviewing highly respected doctors, neurosurgeons, federal health officials, and concerned individuals who lay out the high risks and dangers of ingesting excitotoxins like aspartame (contained in sugar substitutes NutraSweet, Equal) and MSG. These professionals describe a major cover-up by elements of government and industry to keep these serious risks out of the public eye.
If you care about your health and that of your family and friends, Sweet Misery is a must-watch video which can empower you to make a difference on this vital topic. You will see how it has saved many lives. Even if you have only a few minutes, don't miss at least the first part of this empowering video which will show you the hidden dangers of aspartame and MSG.
Sweet Misery (90 minutes) is available for free viewing at:
A 10-minute Fox News clip at the link below further drives the point home:
For another excellent documentary showing the proven risks and dangers of GMOs in our food:
For three excellent educational websites with treasure troves of quality information on the risks and dangers of aspartame, click here, here and here. For a program developed by a respected M.D. to speed detoxification from the effects of aspartame, click here. For a list of over 50 scientific studies showing the dangers of aspartame to human health, see the bottom of the highly informative webpage on aspartame available here. And for lots more reliable information critical to your health, see our Health Information Center.
- Contact your media and political representatives to inform them of of the risks and dangers of MSG and aspartame. Urge them to tackle the vital topic of food industry greed, corruption, and collusion with government.
- Read a revealing two-page review of a book by one of the top MD's in the US showing an astounding level of corruption and collusion in the health industry.
- Explore our excellent Health Information Center filled with reliable resources and links to key revealing health videos, essays, news articles, and much more.
- Learn more about major health cover-ups which put your health at risk and other ways to improve your health in this lesson from the free Insight Course.
- Spread this news on the risks and dangers of MSG and aspartame to your friends and colleagues, and bookmark this article on key news websites using the "Share" icon on this page, so that we can fill the role at which the major media is sadly failing. Together, we can make a difference.
Finding Balance: Inspiration Center believes it is important to balance disturbing cover-up information with inspirational writings which call us to be all that we can be and to work together for positive change. For an abundance of uplifting material, please visit our Inspiration Center.
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