As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, we depend almost entirely on donations from people like you.
We really need your help to continue this work! Please consider making a donation.
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With a Tax-deductible Contribution

Dear friends,


As we're already running quite a bit in the red for the year (over $4,000), I'm making one more appeal for you to support our good work. We really need your help to thrive and to open many more people's eyes to all that is going on in the world.

What better way to use your money than to promote education and the transformation of our world? And as we are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, any donation is tax-deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law. We really need you to support us in the great work.

Click here to donate

Please consider supporting us, even if you can only give $5. Like drops of water in the ocean, many small contributions add up. And note that online donations can easily be made from anywhere in the world. Monthly donations are particularly helpful. To set up a monthly contribution, please click the link above or contact your bank to help start this.

To send a check or money order, please make your donation out to PEERS and mail it to:

16791 Greenhorn Road
Grass Valley, CA 95945  USA

PEERS stands for Public Education and Empowerment Resource Service. You can also use this address to send a one-time or monthly donation using your bank's free online "Bill Pay." Just give your bank a call and they will help you. Thanks for whatever support you are able to offer. May your life be filled with love, joy, and meaning.

With much gratitude and very best wishes for transformation,
Fred Burks for PEERS and

"Your newsletter fills an urgent need in the mountain of 'news' we are bombarded with. It has opened my eyes. I hope many people will take the opportunity to find out for themselves. Keep on going!  ~~  Johanna