As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, we depend almost entirely on donations from people like you.
We really need your help to continue this work! Please consider making a donation.
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Help Push Us Over the Edge
With a Tax-deductible Contribution

Dear friends,

Click here to donate

Please support us

At the beginning of this month, we were $12,900 in the red. With the awesome generosity of 209 of you, we are now $5,500 in the deficit column. Thank you so much to all who have helped this to happen!

Now to the 14,000 of you who have not yet supported us, I first want to say that for those who really can't afford it, no problem. I just ask that you do your best to spread the word about this important work. And for those who have the means, every donation makes a difference. If just 5% of you give $10, our entire deficit would be erased.

The fact is that each year, only a total of about 4 or 5% of our subscribers send in a donation over the course of the whole year, so if you can afford more that $10, we greatly appreciate it. And as we are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, any donation is tax-deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law. Please help us to dig out of our hole by the end of the year.

Click here to donate

"I have searched the web for over 10 years looking for a site like this. You offer the solution for our planet that is so desperately in need.� I've been living in India as a monk for the last 10 years after graduating from Yale. You have no idea how much God is working through you and this site. Thank you!"  ~~  Jemal on the website

To send a check or money order, please make your donation out to PEERS and mail it to:

16791 Greenhorn Road
Grass Valley, CA 95945  USA

PEERS stands for Public Education and Empowerment Resource Service. You can also use this address to send a one-time or monthly donation using your bank's free online "Bill Pay." Just give your bank a call and they will help you. It's quite easy. Thanks for whatever support you are able to offer. May your holiday season be filled with love, joy, and good cheer.

With deep gratitude to all who support our work,
Fred Burks for PEERS and