Poems About Life and Love
A Treasure Trove of Short Poems About Life and Love
Note: This page contains poems about life and love by Fred Burks. If you'd like to read several of the most rich and inspiring poems about life ever published by a variety of poets, click here.
Hidden Mystery
In the deepest
depths of you and me
In the deepest depths of we
Lies the most beautiful jewel
Shining forth eternally
that precious jewel
Within that priceless piece of we
Lies a time beyond all time
Lies a place beyond all space
that sacred source of radiance
Lies a love beyond all love
Ever so patiently
for you, waiting for me
Waiting patiently for all to see
The beauty that is you inside of me
The beauty that is me inside of thee
In the
deepest depths of you and me
In the deepest depths of we
Lies the love and wisdom
Of all Eternity
Bright sun
Bursting forth
Into the dawn
Of a brand new day
Golden rays
Streak the sky
Blanketing the land
With newfound warmth
Manifold lifeforms
Arise from slumber
To infinite possibilities
Of this grand awakening
Infinite choice
Presented to all
With the dawn
Of this new day
Choose we
To let past wounds
And future fears
Determine our way?
Or choose we
To stir and awaken
The limitless glories
Within and around us?
Let us choose now
To transcend the shadows
And dance with the rays
Of the newborn sun
Note: For other inspiring, short poems about life and love from various authors, click here
Genesis Revisited
In the beginning was We
We created me
And you and you and all of you
To ask
Who am I?
Who are you?
To sometimes forget
And then to remember
To ask
Who are we?
Souls Merging and Diverging
Two souls meet
As if for the first time.
The world around them
Fades to nothingness.
Two penetrating eyes
Pierce each other's depths.
Seeing the divine reflection
They surrender into timelessness.
Two beating hearts
Dance in sacred union
Opening to the mystery
To fathom the unfathomable.
Consciousness merges
As the two journey
Into an ancient oneness
Known, yet forever unknown.
Desire grows
Igniting boundless passion
As two aspects of infinity
Become the deeper unity.
The universe disappears
For a moment beyond time
Leaving only eternal bliss
Ever pulsing into perfection.
The two become One
Lost in space
Forgetting all
Yet remembering All.
Eternity unfolds
Boundless passion satiated
An inner urge arises
For something even more.
So the One gladly chooses
To return to two,
To me and to you
And to you and you and you.
Ever seeking
To know the unknown,
The One divides itself
Into man and woman.
Ever seeking
To know the unknown,
The One fragments itself
Into all of us.
Two souls merged
As if for the first time
Ever enriched for the union
Yet forever grateful
For this divine individuation
That frees them to be
Apart yet together
For all eternity.
Note: For other inspiring, short poems about life and love from various authors, click here
Mirrors of God
I long to feel again
The majesty, the mystery, the unity
Of you, of me, and of we
Transcending all duality
I long to know the you that is me
Within the greater We
I long to taste this sacred trinity
Without all the filters
Of bias I've built in me
Releasing the fears that bind me
I trust that our hearts will sing
In ever greater harmony
Let us reflect ever more purely
The love dancing in our eyes
Ever so invitingly
That together we can be free
To soar into the depths
Of all eternity
For in the end you and me and we
Are the mirrors of God
Gazing into infinity
Embracing All
Light that
lies deep inside of me
Come forth in all thy majesty
Show me thy gaze
Teach me thy ways
That I a better person may be
that lies deep inside of me
Come forth in all thy mystery
Show me thy gaze
Teach me thy ways
That I a better person may be
Love that
lies deep inside of me
Come forth in all thy unity
Let me be thy gaze
Let me teach thy ways
That I a better person may be
For other inspiring, short poems about life and love from various authors, click here
Dear friends,
I wrote all of the above short poems about life and love, though I am not the originator of the final one. The first two stanzas of "Embracing All" were recited to me by a wise, wonderful woman in a very powerful dream in my early 20s. The words sank profoundly into my soul — so much so that when I awoke, I found myself moved to share this inspiring poem with others. Many years later, the third stanza came to me while contemplating the interconnectedness of all life.
For those interested in more, you might enjoy translations I made of the first two chapters of "The Way of the Wise" (Tao Te Ching) available here. You can also read an inspiring essay titled "Spiritual Eyes" I wrote at this link. And for a list of the most inspiring and transformational essays, books, websites, and more that have profoundly touched me, click here. I hope these short poems about life and love touched and inspired you as they have me. Take care and have a wonderful day!
With sacred love and warm wishes,
Fred Burks for the PEERS empowerment websites
Note: For a website filled with inspiring and thought-provoking essays I've written, click here.
For more inspiring, short poems about life and love from various authors, click here
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