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Finding and Sharing Our Gifts

And the Best Video Yet on COVID

Dear friends,

Finding and Sharing Our Gifts

How do we deprogram ourselves from conditioning that told us to be who we are not? And then how do we find our unique gift that is always there within and share it as a way of contributing to the natural unfolding of life. 

Charles Eisenstein, spiritual activist and author of Sacred Economics and The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible, reminds us in the profound and inspiring video below that every one of us in our core is an artist in service to that which wants to be born. When we tap into that and allow our gifts to flow, life is an ever unfolding miracle which supports the growth and expansion of us all. 

Don't miss this incredibly heart and mind opening 38-minute video.

A second video is what I believe to be the most important video yet on COVID. Though the media has branded him a misinformation agent, Dr. Robert Malone is an internationally recognized virologist and immunologist who played a key role in developing mRNA and DNA vaccines. Google scholar lists him as "inventor of mRNA vaccines" with nearly 100 published articles cited over 12,000 times by other scientists. He is calm, cool, collected, and incredibly knowledgeable on all things vaccine.

Joe Rogan is an incisive interviewer with a podcast followed by millions around the globe. Don't miss at least the first 15 minutes of the incredible interview at the link below of Joe interviewing Dr. Malone. I am most grateful for all I learned in this eye-opening and engaging discussion.

A great summary of their talk can be found here. And intrepid news anchor Kim Iversen in this compelling newscast describes the many attempts to silence this caring, courageous man.

Enjoy your viewing, and may this new year give you wonderful opportunities to shine your gift.

With very best wishes for a transformed world,
Fred Burks for the PEERS empowerment websites

Note: If you are moved like I was by the video featuring Charles Eisenstein, please consider supporting their work financially. Videographer Ben Stewart decided to offer the video free so that it might have as wide a viewing audience as possible, yet he poured countless hours into this awesome project. And consider subscribing to Charles' inspiring email list. On another note, if you are interested in one of the best interviews I've ever given where I go deep into speculation about what's going on in our world, see this video.

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