Growth Potential Unlimited
"Every person in our world – no matter how lost or shut down they may appear – has amazing potential for growth and change. It is up to each of us individually and to all of us collectively to inspire those around us to open to the unlimited potential that lies within every one of us." ~~ The Insight Course, Lesson One
Dear friends,
PEERS has developed a powerful way to awaken people to the deeper realities of our world. By mixing rich inspiration with verifiable, eye-opening information in a free, online course, we are successfully reaching ever growing numbers of people and inviting them to join in building a brighter future for us all. We've had awesome feedback from those who have taken the course on how it has opened their eyes and even transformed their lives. I invite you to get a taste of what we're doing by exploring the inspiring first lesson below.
If you watch the short videos and read the brief essays in this lesson, you cannot help but be inspired to develop your own unlimited potential and join in being the change in our world. The course lessons alternate between trips down the rabbit hole and inspiring topics which invite us to step fully into our power and be the change in the world. After exploring this compelling material, consider following the links at the end of the lesson to continue down this profound path to stepping more fully into your unlimited potential. Enjoy the inspiration!
With very best wishes for a transformed world,
Fred Burks for the PEERS empowerment websites
Insight Course:
Lesson One
The Unlimited Potential
Within Every One of Us
Every person in the world has a heart.
Welcome to the first lesson of the Insight Course! To begin this first lesson, you are invited to read a simple, yet profound message which reminds us of the common humanity we share with all people in our world. Please take a minute now to read the home page of the Moment of Love website at the link below before reading on:
Yes! This simple message can help even contracted individuals to see others in a different light. Every person in the world has a heart. And everyone has a place in their heart that only wants to love and be loved. Let us do our best to live with this awareness in every moment and with every person we meet as we move through each day. A delightful five-minute video journey around the world with dancing Matt visually expresses all of this in a very fun way.
Another inspiring five-minute video depicts the essence of the moment of love message using beautiful faces from around the world. Please click on the link below to watch "It's in Every One of Us."
Next, please read a short, moving story which powerfully reminds us of the unlimited potential within even those who appear to be hopeless or who have a hardened heart.
As shown so beautifully in this story, every person in our world – no matter how lost or shut down they may appear – has amazing potential for growth and change. It is up to each of us individually and to all of us collectively to inspire those around us to open to the unlimited potential that lies within every one of us.
What lies behind us and what lies before us
Are but small matters compared to what lies within us.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. ~ Rumi
Now you will have the opportunity to witness a video clip of one of the most powerfully transformative programs in our world. Challenge Day has transformed the lives of countless teenagers and even entire schools across North America.
Thousands of testimonials every year describe in glowing words how this one-day program has dramatically improved teenagers' lives. Some participants had even been contemplating suicide before Challenge Day, yet now see meaning and real possibilities in their lives.
The one-day program offered by Challenge Day in hundreds of high schools and junior highs every year opens students to seeing their common humanity in a way that is simply miraculous. Please watch the powerful 15-minute clip of the Emmy award winning documentary below and breathe in the deep inspiration of this life-changing program.
Note: For those with a slow Internet connection, click here
A big YES! to the experience of Challenge Day and its ability to show the rich potential in every student even in one day! Once people realize how much we all have experienced separation and alienation, yet how much we are all alike in our essence, they can't help but feel more connected and open to the love that lies in each of our hearts.
We can all be very thankful for programs like Challenge Day which remind so many individuals of our common humanity in a very powerful, moving way. As ever increasing numbers of people understand that every person in the world has a heart, let us join in working ever more powerfully to support the unlimited potential within each one of us.
Thank you for sharing in the empowering inspiration of lesson one of the Insight Course. There is lots more to come! Be prepared, however, that lesson two will take us from this light feeling of love and joy into the realms of deep politics and hidden agendas which affect public perception. For some this transition may be rather jarring, yet remember that this is all part of the change process. To be the change we want to see in the world, it is most effective to recognize and work to transform the shadow aspects of life through both inspiration and education.
For those who would like to explore more inspiring resources along the lines of this first lesson, please see the information in the two sections below. And for those who feel they are on a deep spiritual path, or who enjoy mysticism or metaphysics, please click here before registering or continuing to lesson two.
If you are interested in joining our community networking portal or registering for the course to receive support, keep an online course journal, and keep track of your progress, see the registration link near the bottom of this page. There is no charge for registration or for anything in the Insight Course.
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly.
What is essential is invisible to the eye.
Antione de Saint Exupéry in The Little Prince
Image by Teka Luttrell of
Take Action: Suggested Activities to Be the Change
- Connect with your own heart. Start by sitting quietly with yourself. Take a few slow, deep breaths while inviting your mind to settle down. Just notice and feel your breath for a minute or so. Feel your heart beating. Notice what you are feeling. Find and open to the place in your heart which only wants to love and be loved. Allow this energy to flow through your body.
- Connect with the hearts of others. As you go through the day, look for the heart in each person you meet. Imagine and connect with the place in them that wants only to love and be loved. When you wake up in the morning and just before going to bed at night, open to doing this and to feeling your own heart and the place within that just wants to love and be loved.
- Think of a few people that you believe are beyond help like T.J. Ware in the story. Imagine what might happen if, instead of focusing on their shortcomings, we all consistently chose to see their heart. Cultivate the habit of looking for the best in those who are calling out for attention, and then supporting them in being the best that they can be.
- When were you bullied or humiliated by others in your life? How did this affect you? What story did you make up about yourself? Are you ready to let go of that story? Explore ways to express forgiveness to both yourself and others for anything done to you and how you reacted.
- Think of times when you might have been the bully or have humiliated others. Think of times when you have labeled someone or some group (or yourself) in a way that created distance between you and reinforced stereotypes. How often do you do this now? Explore ways to forgive yourself, to let go of rigid labels and stereotypes, and open to greater heart connection.
- Where have you felt all alone in your suffering? How has this served you? Find ways that you can shift your feelings of being alone to feeling more connected with the hearts of those around you.
For Those Who Want More - Challenge Day website
This inspiring website has lots of great information on the powerful work Challenge Day is doing with both teens and adults in North America and even a few international locations. Those in the U.S. and Canada can volunteer for one day at a program in order to be able to experience this most amazing transformation in person. For information on this, contact Challenge Day with a request to volunteer. - Website of Dancing Matt
The fun video of Matt dancing around the world has inspired many millions. Matt describes himself as a deadbeat who used to think that all he ever wanted to do in life was make and play video games. Eventually his life began to feel empty, like he was missing out on something. In February of 2003, he quit his job and used the money he'd saved to wander around Asia until it ran out. On his journey, he came up with the video idea. The rest is history. This website is inspiring others to follow their dreams and find deeper meaning and joy in life. - The Love Foundation
An inspiring website promoting unconditional love. The vision and purpose of the Love Foundation is to further the understanding and application of unconditional love through education, research, and charitable programs. The desire is to fund a variety of activities that enhance unity and self-conscious expression while promoting love and tolerance to all aspects of life. - Inspiring Website:
Idealist is an interactive website where dedicated people and organizations exchange empowering resources and ideas, locate opportunities and supporters, and take steps to build a better world. You can also create a personal profile to network with other idealists, sign up for daily alerts with opportunities matching your interests, learn about community actions in their resource centers, list your organization, and post opportunities, program information, events, and much more. - Inspiring Videos
This webpage presents some of the most inspiring videos available on the Internet. Please note, however, that if you are planning to take the entire course, most of these videos will be shown in later lessons of the course. - Inspiring News Articles
One-paragraph excerpts of highly inspiring news articles reported in the major media. Links are provided to the full original articles on their media websites. May these news articles inspire us to find ever more ways to love and support each other and all around us to be the change we want to see in our lives and world.
Thanks for your openness to seeing the unlimited potential within every one of us. Lesson two will dive into the rabbit hole by covering little-known ways the media shapes public perception. Thanks for your interest in being the change in our world.
To Register Free for the Insight Course, Click Here
To Continue to Lesson Two Without Registering, Click Here
See the treasure trove of resources in our Inspiration Center
Kindly support this work: Donate here - Every person in the world has a heart - Dynamic online courses powerfully expand your horizons - Reliable, verifiable information on major cover-ups - Strengthening the Web of Love that interconnects us all
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