Scientology/Remote Viewing Timeline
Well Researched Timeline on Connection Between Scientology and Remote Viewing
Important Note: Scientology has raised a lot of controversy over the years. We acknowledge the many who have had their lives transformed in a powerful way by this religion. Yet others, including a few of the church's top officials, have left Scientology after many years strongly disillusioned. We do not take a stand on this, yet we have found that Scientology has played an important hidden role in the history of our planet. The very well researched document with many footnotes below answers many of the previously unanswered questions that had been raised on Scientology and it's intriguing connection to remote viewing. You can find the original we copied at this link.
In a nutshell, this research suggests U.S. intelligence agencies recognized the power and potential of L. Ron Hubbard's work early on. They initially tried to work with Hubbard and Scientology to forward their secret agendas. When it eventually became clear that Hubbard would not cooperate, and in fact did his best to thwart these efforts, an intensive infiltration of Scientology was begun that gradually, yet dramatically changed the course of Scientology, such that it eventually diverted far from its original goals. For lots more intriguing information on remote viewing, click here.
This timeline details United States government development of
parapsychology for military intelligence purposes, leading to a secret
CIA-initiated program that became commonly known as "remote viewing."
The timeline reaches to the beginnings of Central Intelligence Agency
(CIA) mind research and experimentation in the late 1940s, and includes
parallel information on similar research being carried out
simultaneously in the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
Because of a secret contract between the CIA and highly trained Scientologists at the inception of
the CIA-initiated remote viewing program, events related to Scientology
and L. Ron Hubbard that led up to the unlikely marriage of CIA and
Scientology are included.
Also included are key events involving CIA and other U.S.
intelligence agencies that are parallel to the evolution of remote
viewing, and that are linked to its development in ways that are as
inexplicable as they are inextricable. As a result, the remote viewing
timeline necessarily is a partial timeline of events and people related
to the Pentagon Papers and Watergate.
October 1943
- E. Howard Hunt is confirmed for service in Office of Strategic Services
CIA's E. Howard Hunt
(OSS), forerunner to CIA. Hunt goes to Catalina Island for
training. Among the people Hunt trains with is Lucien Conein.[1]
Psychiatrist Lewis J. Fielding joins the Veteran's Administration (VA)
in Los Angeles as staff psychiatrist and instructor in clinical
psychiatry. When Fielding joins the VA, and intermittently over the next
several years, Dianetics and Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard is
living in and around L.A., doing Dianetic research. He has opened an
office in Hollywood, California, and is delivering Dianetic processing
to people. When there, he is associated with the Los Angeles Veteran's
[NOTE: Fielding later will be integral to incidents involving CIA's
E. Howard Hunt, Daniel Ellsberg, Lucien Conein, the Pentagon Papers, and
the Watergate scandal—at the very time that CIA is secretly setting up
its remote viewing program using highly trained Scientologists. See
timeline years 1971 and 1972.][2][3][4]
Thursday, 18 September 1947
The National Security Act of 1947 establishes the Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA). Robert Komer is in the CIA at its inception.
[NOTE: Komer will become a close associate of Daniel Ellsberg at Rand and will be with Ellsberg in Vietnam.]
Wednesday, 15 October 1947
A letter purportedly from L. Ron Hubbard, dated 15 October 1947, ends up
in his Veteran's Administration files in Los Angeles, where Lewis J.
Fielding is staff psychiatrist. The subject of the letter is Hubbard
pleading with the VA for psychiatric help.
[NOTE: The letter never surfaces until decades later, and then only
as a copy several generations removed, making its authenticity
impossible to prove or disprove.][7]
June 1948
With CIA liaison for administration and supply, a separate clandestine organization called
Office of Policy Coordination
(OPC) is created. On CIA orders, E. Howard Hunt reports to Washington, D.C. to begin service in OPC.[1]
July 1949
CIA's head of Scientific Intelligence goes to Western Europe to learn
Soviet techniques in mind control and interrogation, including use of
Thursday, 20 April 1950
CIA's mind control program Project BLUEBIRD is authorized.
CIA-contracted psychiatrists begin secret experiments with ice-pick
lobotomies, electroshock, hypnosis, pain, and drugs, including cocaine,
heroin, and LSD. In coordination with the Veteran's Administration, U.S.
military veterans are used as unwitting subjects for many of the
Tuesday, 9 May 1950
The book
Dianetics, the Modern Science of Mental Health by L. Ron Hubbard
is released. It decries hypnosis, and describes techniques for safely
accessing in the mind the contents of incidents involving
unconsciousness, hypnosis, drugs, and pain. It becomes a bestseller.[10][11]
Saturday, 27 May 1950
With Dianetics
a bestseller, L. Ron Hubbard (right) is lecturing around the country
when U.S. Naval Intelligence attempts to force him into service for the
U.S. government. He refuses.
The Office of Naval Intelligence in Washington, D.C. sends an officer to
put L. Ron Hubbard into civilian service in the government to continue
his researches on the mind. Hubbard says no. The officer says that if he
refuses, Hubbard will be ordered back to active duty, since his Naval
commission has not been terminated. Hubbard quickly takes advantage of a
letter of permission he has from the Secretary of the Navy to resign
his commission, thereby putting Dianetics and Scientology out of the
reach and control of the U.S. government.[12][13]
September 1950
As CIA's Project BLUEBIRD expands, the CIA-contracted psychiatrists'
experimental purposes and activities include inducing amnesia, inserting
hypnotic access codes in subjects' minds, controlling behavior from
remote transmitters with brain electrodes, administering LSD to
children, and using electroshock to erase memories.[9]
Office of Policy Coordination (OPC), where E. Howard Hunt is working, is
merged with CIA. Over the coming years, during his CIA career, Hunt has
other occasions to work with Lucien Conein, who is on contract to CIA.[1]
January 1951
- L. Ron Hubbard introduces the "Theta-MEST Theory" stating
that thought (Theta) is separate from the physical universe (Matter,
Energy, Space and Time—MEST): that Theta can operate in and with MEST,
that Theta can consider itself integrated with MEST, and that Theta can
consider itself to be MEST, but that creative thought and perception
reside in Theta, not MEST.[14]
Monday, 25 June 1951
- L. Ron Hubbard exposes "a carefully guarded secret of certain military and intelligence organizations."
CIA's Sidney Gottlieb
In a new book, Science of Survival, Hubbard says: "It
required Dianetic processing to uncover pain-drug-hypnosis. Otherwise,
pain-drug-hypnosis was out of sight, unsuspected, and unknown." Hubbard
denounces its use as a "vicious war weapon" that may be "of considerably
more use in conquering a society than the atom bomb."
[NOTE: It's not until decades later that CIA's pain-drug-hypnosis
experimentation during this period begins to be investigated and
reported by Congress. By that time, CIA's Richard Helms, Sidney
Gottlieb, and others will have destroyed many of CIA's records of such
activities. See January 1973.][15]
Monday, 20 August 1951
CIA's Project BLUEBIRD evolves into
Project ARTICHOKE, with goals such as "get control of an individual
to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even
against fundamental laws of nature."[16]
Monday, 7 January 1952
A secret internal CIA document discusses a multi-level program to
research and develop the use of extrasensory perception for "practical
problems of intelligence."[17]
July 1952
L. Ron Hubbard releases a book, History of Man (published also as What to Audit),
that describes some of the native capabilities of thought (Theta) in
the individual as including communication by telepathy and the moving of
material objects by "throwing an energy flow at them." Hubbard
describes Scientology processes to rehabilitate these potentials.[18]
Wednesday, 6 August 1952
Alexander Puharich delivers a lecture called "On the Possible Usefulness
of Extrasensory Perception in Psychological Warfare" to a Pentagon
"On the Possible Usefulness
of Extrasensory Perception in Psychological Warfare"
becomes a decades-long intelligence agenda
for the Cold War.
December 1952
George Hunter White, on loan to CIA from the Federal Narcotics Bureau,
begins administering LSD to unwitting U.S. citizens at a CIA "safehouse"
in Greenwich Village.[20]
L. Ron Hubbard delivers a series of over 50 lectures in Philadelphia on
processes for attaining a state he calls "Operating Thetan" (OT),
described as a being stably exterior from the body and able to perceive,
communicate, and operate in the physical universe without reliance on
the sense channels or mechanics of a body.[21]
James McCord, later to be involved in the Watergate break-in, joins CIA.[22]
Friday, 10 April 1953
CIA director Allen Dulles gives a speech before the National Alumni
Conference at Princeton University, lecturing on "how sinister the
battle for men's minds" has become in Soviet hands.[23]
Monday, 13 April 1953
CIA's Richard Helms
CIA Director Allen Dulles authorizes a new expanded mind-control program,
MK-ULTRA, brainchild of Richard Helms, a high-ranking member of
CIA's Clandestine Services. E. Howard Hunt is working at CIA
headquarters at the time as a "chief of covert operations" under
Clandestine Services.
Thursday, 19 November 1953
- On a 3-day holiday for CIA officials at Deer Creek Lodge in
the mountains of Maryland, Sidney Gottlieb—head of CIA's
MK-ULTRA—secretly slips LSD into the after-dinner drinks. An Army
scientist and germ warfare specialist named Frank Olson, who is working
on an MK-ULTRA project, experiences a "bad trip," becoming very
disoriented. [NOTE: Olson soon commits suicide.][20]
Circa July 1955
George Hunter White moves his CIA "safe house" operation, equipped with
one-way mirrors and surveillance gadgets, to San Francisco, under the
aegis of MK-ULTRA and Sidney Gottlieb. The code name is Operation Midnight Climax.
He hires prostitute addicts who lure men from bars to the safe houses
after their drinks have been spiked with LSD. White films the events.
The purpose of these "national security brothels" is to enable CIA to
experiment with the act of lovemaking for extracting information from
Factions of the U.S. government are making efforts to "seize Scientology in the United States."[26]
Monday, 15 August 1955
Staff of CIA Director Allen Dulles complete "A Report on Communist Brainwashing."[27]
Wednesday, 2 January 1957
The Church of Scientology of California, the senior church, is granted tax exemption.[28]
July 1957
The CIA has file No. 156409 on L. Ron Hubbard and his organizations.[29]
January 1958
L. Ron Hubbard introduces the "American Blue E-meter," a transistorized
improvement over earlier prototypes, to be used as an aid for
Scientology practitioners. Newer Scientology technology begin to require
the use of the meter as a guide to the use of processes toward the
attainment of Operating Thetan (OT).[11]
June 1958
Daniel Ellsberg arrives at Rand to spend the summer as a consultant.[30]
Circa July 1958
U.S. corporations, including Westinghouse, General Electric, and Bell Telephone have begun telepathy research.[17]
Saturday, 8 November 1958
Herald Tribune in New York reports that Westinghouse Electric Corporation has begun to study ESP using specially designed apparatus.[17]
Ron Hubbard discovers measurable sentience in plants, first using an
E-meter with geraniums in his greenhouse at St. Hill, England, later
with tomatoes
Saturday, 25 July 1959
Westinghouse Corporation's Friendship Laboratory undertakes an experiment in ESP with the
U.S.S. Nautilus,
linking one person on land (the sender) with another person in the
submarine (the receiver),while the vessel is submerged. Representatives
of the U.S. Navy and Air Force are present during the experiments, which
run for sixteen days under Air Force Colonel William H. Bowers. The
experiments result in a 70% success rate.[17]
Friday, 18 December 1959
- Garden News publishes a story, "Plants Do Worry and
Feel Pain," describing experiments done by L. Ron Hubbard where he has
connected plants to a Scientology E-meter and measured their reaction to
threat and damage.[31]
Monday, 17 April 1961
Martin Ebon, administrative assistant of the Parapsychology Association
in New York and on staff with the U.S. Information Agency, is in
Washington, D.C. giving a briefing on telepathy to "a top intelligence
agency." He is a specialist in tracking and examining the nature and
direction of Russian and Soviet security services.[17]
Tuesday, 25 July 1961
L. Ron Hubbard goes from St. Hill in England to Cape Finisterre, Spain
for about 10 days and purchases a ship that is 106 feet long with an 18
foot beam and sleeps about 22 people. He says that purchase of the ship
is "part of an operation" he is conducting from St. Hill.
[NOTE: This event is the earliest indication of Hubbard's creation,
in Spain, of the confidential "Sea Project," later to be called the "Sea
Org," which he establishes to protect and deliver the confidential
upper levels of Scientology. This is the first ship purchased. The Sea
Project will not be made known publicly for several years. Later,
Hubbard writes that the "oldest yacht in the Sea Org" is the
Tuesday, 1 August 1961
The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) is created in the Department of Defense (DOD) by DOD Directive 5105.21, August 1, 1961.
[NOTE: After the 1971-1972 creation of the CIA-initiated remote
viewing program, its administration later gets transferred, at least in
part, to DIA as one action of the remote viewing shell-game of secrecy
that goes on for decades.]
The Soviet Union claims to have
confirmed "communication between two people separated by long distances...without conventional
communication facilities."
July 1962
A book published in the Soviet Union, "Biological Radio Communication,"
claims "experimental confirmation of the fact that communication between
two people separated by long distances can be carried out through
water, over air and across metal barrier by means of cerebral radiation
in the course of thinking, and without conventional communication
CIA organizes the Robert R. Mullen public relations firm as a CIA front
company for use "mainly in providing CIA cover overseas." Mullen has
several overseas branches for its cia front operations and an office in
Washington, D.C.. One of its branches in Europe is staffed, run, and
paid for by CIA.
[NOTE: E. Howard Hunt will "retire" from CIA and go to work for
Mullen on 1 May 1970 (see). At the time of his purported retirement,
Hunt will be CIA's "Chief EUR/CA"][34]
Feds seize Scientology
CIA's Richard Helms attempts to defend CIA drug operations like Midnight Climax by telling CIA Inspector General John Earman that such testing has been necessary "to keep up with the Soviets."[25]
Friday, 4 January 1963
Deputy Marshals and Food and Drug Administration Agents raid the
Scientology headquarters in Washington, D.C. and seize 100 E-meters
along with Scientology publications on the grounds that the E-meters are
Daniel Ellsberg is granted a unique security clearance giving him
"unprecedented access to data and studies in all agencies," as well as
several "special clearances" including "very high-level access to all
our secrets in the State and Defense Departments and the CIA."[2]
Circa November 1964
CIA Director Helms testifies. He later will be convicted of perjury for lying to Congress.
Richard Helms, Director of CIA and father of MK-ULTRA, contradicts
himself on the need "to keep up with the Soviets," telling the Warren
Commission that "Soviet research has consistently lagged five years
behind Western research."[25]
Early January 1965
- L. Ron Hubbard and Mary Sue Hubbard leave St. Hill in
England and travel to Spain, going first at the Canary Islands—a
province of Spain—off the coast of Morocco. His research into upper
levels of Scientology is now confidential, and while in Spain and the
Canary Islands, he lays the groundwork for establishing confidential
bases in Spain to deliver the upper levels. They return to St. Hill
mid-February 1965.[3][36]
Monday, 17 May 1965
Psychiatrist Jose Delgado gives a mind control demonstration in Spain
with a bull: he presses a button on a radio transmitter and the bull
brakes to a halt. He presses another button and the bull turns to the
right and trots away, obeying commands being delivered through radio
signals to brain regions in which fine wires had been planted the day
Monday, 14 June 1965
- L. Ron Hubbard issues "Politics, Freedom From" in Executive
Directive form, declaring Scientology to be "nonpolitical and
nonideological," and declaring it "free of any political connection or
allegiance of any kind whatever." He says the reason for the declaration
is the continuing efforts of the U.S. government "to seize Scientology
in the United States." In closing he says: "Scientologists may be
members of any political group on this planet without restraint only so
long as these individuals or that group do not attempt to seize
Scientology for their own warlike ends and so make it unworkable or
distasteful by invidious connection."[26]
Tuesday, 29 June 1965
L. Ron Hubbard tells a group of Scientology students in a lecture at St.
Hill in England that he has recently returned from Washington D.C.
where IRS and factions of the U.S. government have been "trying to seize
Scientology in the United States," and that he has told them an
emphatic "no."[37]
July 1965
Hunt and Hubbard in Spain
E. Howard Hunt converts from "CIA employee" to "CIA contract status" and
is sent by Richard Helms on a secret mission to Madrid, Spain. The
Canary Islands, where L. Ron Hubbard has recently begun to establish a
base for upper level Scientology research, is a province of Spain at the
In a meeting with CIA's William Colby it is arranged that Daniel
Ellsberg will be traveling to Vietnam with E. Howard Hunt's long-time
associate, CIA's Lucien Conein, on a team headed up by 20-year CIA
veteran Edward Lansdale [often misspelled as Edward Landsdale].[30]
Friday, 3 September 1965
L. Ron Hubbard inaugurates the confidential Clearing Course, available only at St. Hill in East Grinstead, Sussex, England.[3]
Monday, 11 October 1965
Moscow's A.S. Popov Scientific-Technical Society for Radio Engineering,
Electronics and Communication establishes a Laboratory for
Bio-Information to conduct laboratory-controlled telepathic experiments.
[NOTE: Also referred to as Soviet Laboratory for Bio-Electronics and the Laboratory for Bio-Communications.][17]
Sunday, 17 October 1965
- Daniel Ellsberg has arrived in Vietnam with CIA's Edward
Lansdale [often misspelled as Edward Landsdale] and Lucien Conein, and
is put in touch with John Paul Vann. Through Vann, Ellsberg meets
reporter Neil Sheehan. For about six weeks Vann drives Ellsberg around
to every province capital in "III Corps"—the eleven provinces that
include Saigon. [NOTE: Neil Sheehan will later publish secret documents given to him by Ellsberg: the "Pentagon Papers.][30]
Tuesday, 14 December 1965
Stephen I. Abrams, Director of the Parapsychological Laboratory, Oxford
University in England, working under the auspices of CIA's MK-ULTRA,
prepares a review article entitled "Extrasensory Perception." It says
ESP has been demonstrated, but is not understood or controllable.[19]
L. Ron Hubbard forbids access to
confidential Scientology upper levels for anyone connected
to "police spy organizations and government spy
organizations" including CIA, IRS, FBI, and NSA.
Tuesday, 28 December 1965
L. Ron Hubbard issues a Scientology policy letter that forbids anyone
connected to a "Suppressive Group" from being allowed onto the
confidential Scientology upper levels unless and until the group is
permanently disbanded. "Suppressive Groups" are defined as those that
"seek to destroy Scientology" or specialize in "injuring or killing
people or damaging their cases," or that "advocate the suppression of
Mankind." They include "police spy organizations and government spy
organizations" such as the CIA, IRS, FBI, National Security Agency
(NSA), Department of Justice (DOJ), "or any other federal agency in any
Wednesday, 2 February 1966
Cleve Backster plagiarizes plant response testing, giving CIA their own
data set for experiments done years earlier by Hubbard that he would
never share with an intelligence agency
CIA contractor Cleve Backster connects plants to polygraphs and gets
reactions on the machines when the plants are threatened or harmed.
[NOTE: These are almost identical to plant experiments done by L. Ron
Hubbard over six years earlier using the Scientology E-meter. See 18
December 1959.][41]
March 1966
- Daniel Ellsberg is working in Vietnam in conjunction with
CIA's Intelligence Coordination and Exploitation (ICEX)
operations—forerunner of the
Phoenix Project–on "hamlet pacification," a euphemism for, among other things, kidnapping, brutal interrogations, and assassinations.[2][30]
Thursday, 7 April 1966
Daniel Ellsberg is in a meeting in Vietnam with his "old friend from
Rand," CIA veteran and National Security Council (NSC) member Robert
Komer. At the time, Ellsberg is involved with Lucien Conein and John
Paul Vann. One of the Green Berets in the various CIA "pacification
programs" is Paul Preston.
[NOTE: Preston later will enroll in Scientology, and will be
described by some sources as having become the "bodyguard" of L. Ron
Hubbard when Hubbard disappears. See 28 May 1972.]
Circa July 1966
"Special Department No. 8" is established at the Institute of Automation
and Electrometry in Academgorodok, ("Science City"), near Novosibirsk,
Siberia. The building that houses the department can only be entered if
one knows the code, changed each week, that opens the main door's lock.
The "No. 8" operation is devoted to experiments in information
transmission by "bioenergetic" means. About 60 researchers have been
brought to the facility from other parts of the USSR.[17]
Saturday, 9 July 1966
The Moscow daily Komsomolskaya Pravda reports on long-distance
telepathy experiments conducted by the Moscow Laboratory of
Bio-Information, using Yuri Kamensky and Karl Nikolayev. The experiments
are reported to have "demonstrated the reality of the phenomenon and
produced valuable data, both positive and negative, which pointed up the
need for continued research."[17]
The Soviet Union reports more
successful telepathy experiments, escalating the Cold War
race for supremacy in psychological warfare.
Friday, 29 July 1966
IRS sends a letter to the senior Scientology organization, Church of
Scientology of California, recommending revocation of tax exemption.[28]
Sunday, 14 August 1966
The confidential materials for the first Operating Thetan level, OT I,
are released by L. Ron Hubbard to qualified Scientologists on 14 August
1966. The level is called OT I.[11]
Tuesday, 16 August 1966
L. Ron Hubbard issues a Scientology policy letter called "Clearing
Course Security" with instructions on how to handle reports of anyone
being a "potential security risk" with confidential upper level
Thursday, 1 September 1966
L. Ron Hubbard resigns from all directorships and running of Scientology
organizations. At about the same time he releases to qualified
Scientologists the confidential materials of "Operating Thetan Level II"
(OT II).[11]
Wednesday, 21 September 1966
CIA's E. Howard Hunt returns to the Washington, D.C. area from a highly
secret assignment he has been on in Spain for a little over a year. Hunt
supposedly has been on a "contract" basis with CIA rather than an
employee of CIA since leaving for Spain, but a CIA document of 21
September, sent to CIA's Central Cover Staff through the Office of
Security refers to Hunt as "this employee."
[NOTE: Also see 1970, where Hunt purportedly "retires" from CIA as an employee.][1][38]
Wednesday, 5 October 1966
Just after E. Howard Hunt arrives in D.C., Daniel Ellsberg leaves
Vietnam and flies to Washington, D.C., then turns around almost
immediately and makes a one week trip back to Vietnam, flying non-stop
on the plane of Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara. Ellsberg is in
contact again with CIA's Robert Komer.[30]
Wednesday, 12 October 1966
Daniel Ellsberg flies back from Vietnam to Washington, D.C. non-stop on McNamara's plane. With them is CIA's Robert Komer.[30]
Thursday, 10 November 1966
L. Ron Hubbard has created the "Sea Project" and confidential programs for Scientology Clears and OTs to carry out.[43]
Tuesday, 29 November 1966
"Hal" Puthoff from NSA and Ingo Swann from the UN enroll in
Scientology, supposedly unknown to each other. Within five years they
will be at the highest levels of Scientology and under secret contract
with CIA to develop remote viewing for military intelligence.
L. Ron Hubbard gives a lecture to the Saint Hill Special Briefing
Course: "OT and Clear defined," date code 6611C29, lecture code
Ingo Swann begins to take Scientology services. At about the same time,
Swann tenders his two-year notice for resignation from his permanent
contract with the United Nations Secretariat in New York.[44]
NSA's Hal Puthoff enrolls in Scientology services.
[NOTE: Puthoff will somehow get past or around the Hubbard injunction
against members of a "Suppressive Group" being allowed access to the
upper levels of Scientology, and by 1971 Puthoff will have attained the
highest level, OT VII. See January 1971.]
July 1967
IRS revokes the tax exemption of the senior Scientology organization,
Church of Scientology of California (CSC), which it has had since 2
January 1957 (see).[28]
Wednesday, 10 January 1968
L. Ron Hubbard reissues "Politics, Freedom From" [see 14 June 1965],
this time as a broad public issue Hubbard Communication Office Policy
Letter, declaring Scientology to be "nonpolitical and nonideological,"
and declaring it "free of any political connection or allegiance of any
kind whatever."
L. Ron Hubbard issues "Politics, Freedom From" as policy
He says the reason for the declaration is the continuing efforts
of the U.S. government "to seize Scientology in the United States."[26]
February 1968
"American intelligence analysts" begin "noticing a Soviet secret police
(KGB) trend...indicating serious interest in what is called
'parapsychology' in the West."[17]
The first Scientology "Advanced Org" is started on the Scientology Flagship (then called the Royal Scotman, later the Apollo) for the delivery of the confidential upper levels. The location is highly confidential.[45]
March 1968
- Daniel Ellsberg is working at Rand Corporation in Santa
Monica, California. He begins having regular meetings with Beverly Hills
psychiatrist Lewis J. Fielding—former staff psychiatrist of the
Veteran's Administration when L. Ron Hubbard was connected with the VA
there. Ellsberg purportedly is a Fielding patient.[2]
Tuesday, 4 March 1969
On a trip to the Rand office in D.C. Daniel Ellsberg is given a copy of
the top-secret study that will become known as "the Pentagon Papers" for
him to carry with him to the Rand office in Santa Monica, California
where he works.[30]
April 1969
Ingo Swann employment on a "permanent contract" with the United Nations Secretariat in New York comes to an end.[44]
Tuesday, 30 September 1969
G. Gordon Liddy gets "special clearances" from CIA
- Daniel Ellsberg "decides to release the Pentagon Papers,"
purportedly because he reads in the newspaper that all charges have been
dropped against several Green Berets who had been charged with a murder
in Vietnam. [NOTE: The kind of ops the Green Berets had been charged
with were what Ellsberg himself had been immersed in while in Vietnam,
including time spent with his "good friend" Robert Komer—who headed
CIA's Phoenix Project of kidnappings and assassinations.][30]
Tuesday, 16 December 1969
A Scientology Guardian Order says that double agents are being
infiltrated into Scientology staffs and urges the use of any means to
detect such infiltration.[46]
December 1969
G. Gordon Liddy is granted "special clearances" by CIA.[34]
IRS's Meade Emory
January 1970
Meade Emory is Legislation Attorney for the Joint Committee on Taxation of the U.S. Congress.
[NOTE: Emory has ties to the law firm Gall, Lane, Powell and
Kilcullen in D.C. Emory will later be Assistant to Commissioner of IRS,
then secretly will be the architect of several wills attributed to L.
Ron Hubbard, and of the restructuring of all Scientology corporations,
turning control of all Scientology materials over to non-Scientology tax
attorneys appointed for life. See
Meade Emory, Founder.][47]
Sunday, 22 February 1970
- Yvonne Gillham, one of the earliest Sea Org members, has
been Commanding Officer of the Scientology Advanced Organization in Los
Angeles (AOLA). L. Ron Hubbard gives her a mission to set up a
Scientology organization called Celebrity Centre in Los Angeles, with
the purpose of "revitalization of the arts." She rents an old redwood
and brick warehouse near downtown Los Angeles and begins delivering
basic Scientology services to people in the arts, sports, entertainment,
and government. She knows Ingo Swann, and he is instrumental in helping
her get Celebrity Centre started.
Yvonne Gillham (later Jentzsch) opens Celebrity Centre in Los Angeles
The center also has an art gallery, a performance theatre, and
classes in everything from ballet to fencing to fine arts and crafts
like pottery and leatherwork.
Friday, 10 April 1970
Richard Helms has rubber-stamped E. Howard Hunt's "early retirement" and
has written a letter to Robert R. Mullen on behalf of Hunt, urging
Mullen to hire him. Mullen is head of a CIA-created public relations
firm in D.C. and has "cooperated" with CIA in the past." One of the
Mullen offices, in Stockholm, Sweden, is "staffed, run, and paid for by
CIA." Also at the Mullen firm is Douglas Caddy.[1][38]
Monday, 13 April 1970
Daniel Ellsberg quits Rand in California, flies to Boston and signs a
contract at MIT. He remains, though, a "consultant" for Rand.[30]
Friday, 1 May 1970
E. Howard Hunt ostensibly "retires" from CIA. He goes to work for Mullen in D.C.
[NOTE: By this time, up to eight people at the Mullen company have
been "cleared and made witting of Agency ties, mainly in providing CIA
cover overseas." Some time shortly after arriving, Hunt is told by
Robert Mullen that Mullen is planning to retire before long, and that
Douglas Caddy has been selected to run the CIA front company along with
Hunt and an unnamed other person after Mullen's retirement.][1][48]
Four weeks after Hunt's purported retirement
from CIA and employment at Mullen, a CIA Covert Security
Approval is requested for Hunt under
Tuesday, 5 May 1970
Daniel Ellsberg flies to Washington, D.C. and is there for three days, flies to St. Louis for a day, then flies back to D.C.[30]
Wednesday, 13 May 1970
Daniel Ellsberg testifies before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearings, Senator Fulbright chairing.[30]
Thursday, 28 May 1970
A CIA Covert Security Approval is requested under Project QK/ENCHANT for E. Howard Hunt.[49]
August 1970
CIA's James McCord
Just four months after E. Howard Hunt, James McCord "retires" from CIA.[50]
September 1970
Daniel Ellsberg stops seeing Beverly Hills psychiatrist Lewis Fielding.
[NOTE: Ellsberg had moved to Cambridge, Massachusetts months before. See 13 April 1970.][2]
Sunday, 20 September 1970
L. Ron Hubbard releases OT VII, the highest level in Scientology, to Advanced Organizations around the world.[3]
November 1970
Douglas Caddy leaves the Mullen firm to work for Gall, Lane, Powell and
Kilcullen, where tax and probate attorney Meade Emory is connected.
E. Howard Hunt becomes a "client" of Caddy and of Gall, Lane, Powell and
Kilcullen. Caddy consults with Hunt regarding probate and other
G. Gordon Liddy is approached by Robert Mardian, asking Liddy to take a position that Mardian describes as "super-confidential."[51]
January 1971
Harold "Hal" Puthoff, one of fewer than 3,000 Scientology "Clears" in
the world in 1971, has joined the ranks of a much smaller number of OT
- NSA's Hal Puthoff somehow has gotten past L. Ron Hubbard's
prohibitions against government spy agency personnel being allowed
access to upper-level Scientology, and has progressed up the Scientology
levels to the recently-released OT VII—the highest level available. He
writes a success story for a Scientology publication about having
completed OT VII, saying that on a weekend he had stood outside a locked
building and remotely viewed information he wanted from a building
directory that he couldn't physically read from the doorway, then
verified later, when the building was open, that what he had viewed
remotely had been accurate. [NOTE: According to Scientology's The Auditor
magazine, Special Issue March 1971, by that date there are only 2,773
Scientology "Clears" in the world. Being Clear is a prerequisite to the
OT Levels. Even if 10% had gone all the way up through the higher levels
by this date, Puthoff would be among only about 300 OT VIIs in the
February 1971
A hidden taping system is installed in the Oval Office of the White House.[22]
April 1971
- Vietnam vet and Green Beret Paul Preston has signed up in
Scientology's Sea Org, and is at the confidential land base for
Scientology—"Tours Reception Center," in Tangier, Morocco—where the
Flagship Apollo often docks with L. Ron Hubbard aboard.
Saturday, 17 April 1971
CIA's Bernard Barker
E. Howard Hunt is in Miami and meets with
Bernard Barker,
Eugenio Martinez, and Felipe De Diego. Bernard Barker has a history of almost seven years with CIA. Eugenio Martinez is on "retainer" with CIA.
[NOTE: A little over four months later, these same three men will be
involved with Hunt in a purported break-in of the offices of
psychiatrist Lewis Fielding, ostensibly in response to Daniel Ellsberg
having leaked the Pentagon Papers. But the Pentagon Papers haven't been
leaked to the press yet, and won't be for almost two months.][1]
May 1971
IRS begins an audit of the senior Scientology corporation, Church of
Scientology of California. Meade Emory, who later will corporately
restructure all of Scientology, is Legislative Attorney for the Joint
Committee on Taxation.[28]
June 1971
Daniel Ellsberg makes "a series of phone calls" to psychiatrist Lewis
Fielding "shortly before" the Pentagon Papers are published.[2]
Saturday, 12 June 1971
The day before the "Pentagon Papers" are published, Morton Halperin,
Leslie Gelb, and Defense Department official Paul Nitze make "a deposit
into the National Archives" of "a whole lot of papers."
[NOTE: This turns out later to be copies of the not-yet-published
Pentagon Papers that will make Daniel Ellsberg famous and launch
everything that later comes to be known as "Watergate."][22]
Sunday, 13 June 1971
Daniel Ellsberg, having highest possible clearances from CIA, leaks the "Pentagon Papers"
The New York Times publishes the first of three installments of secret
documents that have been passed to Times reporter Neil Sheehan by Daniel
Ellsberg. These come to be known as the "Pentagon Papers."
Tuesday, 15 June 1971
- G. Gordon Liddy is abruptly transferred from being "Special
Assistant to the Secretary of the Treasury" to "Staff Assistant of the
President of the United States," part of the White House Domestic
Council. Liddy is supplied with White House credentials.[53][51]
Wednesday, 16 June 1971
G. Gordon Liddy is at the White House in his new job. A William
Galbraith comes to the White House, purportedly one of a group of
officers from the White House News Photographers Association (WHNPA).
[NOTE: No "William Galbraith" has been found on WHNPA rolls, and a
William Galbraith has been identified as having been a CIA agent. Nine
days after this event a girl is found shot to death on board the
Scientology Flagship "Apollo" at Safi, Morocco, and a William Galbraith
will be in Safi representing the U.S. Embassy in Morocco in response.
See 25 June 1971 and 13 July 1971.][51][54]
Friday, 18 June 1971
An unspecified amount of money being carried by John McLean while on a confidential mission from the Scientology Flagship Apollo is reported stolen by McLean. Also with the Apollo at the time is Green Beret Paul Preston. [NOTE:
McLean will later become a key witness for the Commissioner of Internal
Revenue against Scientology in the IRS case that results from a tax
audit of Scientology being pursued at the time this event takes place.
See May 1971.][28]
Friday, 25 June 1971
One week to the day after John McLean reports Scientology money having
been stolen from him, Susan Meister is found shot to death in a cabin
aboard the Flagship Apollo, docked in Safi, Morocco. Conflicting
reports say she was shot either in the mouth or in the forehead. One
report says the gun was folded in her hands neatly in her lap. Her death
is ruled a suicide by Moroccan authorities.[46][55][56]
Monday, 28 June 1971
Daniel Ellsberg is indicted for the leak of the Pentagon Papers.
Wednesday, 30 June 1971
Yvonne Gillham at Scientology's Celebrity Centre is closely connected to both Hal Puthoff and Ingo Swann
The Supreme Court rules 6-3 that the government has not shown compelling
evidence to justify blocking further publication of the Pentagon
July 1971
- Yvonne Gillham, Executive Director of Scientology's
Celebrity Centre in Los Angeles, is in regular touch with both Ingo
Swann and Hal Puthoff. As Executive Director, as a fellow OT, and as a
highly-trained Scientology auditor, she has taken on responsibility for
their progress in and connection to Scientology.
Thursday, 1 July 1971
- David Young—who is with NSA, the same agency as OT VII Hal
Puthoff—is appointed to the White House Domestic Council to work with
Egil Krogh[57][2]
On or about the same date, Carol Ellsberg, Daniel Ellsberg's ex-wife,
calls the FBI. She tells them that Daniel Ellsberg had seen a
psychiatrist. She says that Ellsberg has "assured her" that he "had told
this analyst all about what he had done" (referring to the Pentagon
Papers). She volunteers the name of the Beverly Hills psychiatrist:
Lewis Fielding.
[NOTE: Daniel and Carol Ellsberg have been living apart since January
1964, divorced since 1966. Daniel Ellsberg didn't begin with Fielding
until two years after the divorce, in March of 1968 (see), and had quit
seeing Fielding in September 1970 (see)—nearly a year before "what he
had done."]
Jack Caulfield
On or about the same date, John "Jack" Caulfield, Staff Assistant to
President Nixon, has created a 12-page political espionage proposal
called "Sandwedge." Ostensibly as part of it, Anthony Ulasewicz has
rented an apartment at 321 East 48th Street (Apartment 11-C), New York
City. G. Gordon Liddy is given the complete "Sandwedge" plan.
[NOTE: The apartment is in close proximity to the lab and school of
CIA's Cleve Backster. It provides a backstopped New York address and
phone. Note, too, that the reference for date of Sandwedge is a document
in the National Archives titled "7/71 Sandwedge proposal," despite most
anecdotal accounts placing it later in 1971.][58][59]
Friday, 2 July 1971
CIA Director Richard Helms is pushing behind the scenes to get E. Howard
Hunt into a position connected with the White House in response to the
Pentagon Papers having been leaked. H. R. Haldeman tells Nixon that that
Helms has described Hunt: "Ruthless, quiet and careful, low profile. He
gets things done. He will work well with all of us. He's very concerned
about the health of the administration. His concern, he thinks, is
they're out to get us and all that, but he's not a fanatic. We could be
absolutely certain it'll involve secrecy... ."
- Charles Colson sends a memo to H. R. Haldeman with a
transcript of a phone conversation he had with E. Howard Hunt the
previous day—which he happened to record. Colson says: "The more I think
about Howard Hunt's background, politics, disposition and experience,
the more I think it would be worth your time to meet him."[22][1]
Wednesday, 7 July 1971
- E. Howard Hunt is hired as a "White House consultant" while
keeping his full-time job at Mullen. Hunt is supplied with White House
Thursday, 8 July 1971
E. Howard Hunt has a private meeting with CIA's Lucien Conein, Hunt's acquaintance of almost 30 years.
[NOTE: Conein had been part of the team that Daniel Ellsberg had gone
with to Vietnam, headed by CIA's Edward Lansdale [often misspelled as
Edward Landsdale], in 1965-66.][1]
Tuesday, 13 July 1971
A William Galbraith, represented as being American vice consul from
Casablanca, meets in Safi, Morocco with two representatives from the
Scientology Flagship Apollo, ostensibly concerning the 25 June 1971 death of Susan Meister [see 16 June 1971 re: Galbraith].
A William Galbraith, reportedly CIA,
is at the Scientology Flagship Apollo in Safi, Morocco
after having been at the White House a month before,
ostensibly as a White House news photographer.
Tuesday, 20 July 1971
E. Howard Hunt has a private meeting with CIA's Edward G. Lansdale [often misspelled as Edward G. Landsdale].
[NOTE: Lansdale had taken Daniel Ellsberg and Lucien Conein to
Vietnam in 1965-66. Green Beret Paul Preston had also been there as part
of so-called "pacification" programs," as well as Neil Sheehan, who
just has published the Pentagon Papers.][1]
Thursday, 22 July 1971
E. Howard Hunt goes to CIA headquarters and meets privately with Deputy Director of CIA Robert Cushman.[1][60]
Friday, 23 July 1971
The CIA supplies E. Howard Hunt with counterfeit ID in the name of
"Edward J. Warren." Hunt meets CIA's Stephen Greenwood in a CIA
safehouse where a fake driver's license and other ID material, plus a
disguise, are given to Hunt.[60][1][61]
Saturday, 24 July 1971
NSA's David Young is running everything that leads to
the Fielding office break-in. Young will later be given
immunity by Watergate prosecutors, then will report
the Fielding burglary, backed up by CIA photos, just after
CIA has given a secret contract to Hal Puthoff to develop
the remote viewing program using OT VII Ingo Swann.
- Based on a memorandum by Egil Krogh and NSA's David Young,
the Special Investigations Unit is established at the White House under
them. It comes to be known as the
White House Plumbers.
[NOTE: David Young gives the unit its nickname, supposedly because it
is there to "stop leaks." It never stops a single leak, or accomplishes
anything effective regarding security leaks. Liddy and Hunt are already
established in their positions weeks before the unit is created. The
creation of the Special Investigations Unit does nothing to alter the
operational status or position of either of them.]
Friday, 30 July 1971
A highly secure facility has been set up in Room 16 of the Old Executive
Office Building adjacent to the White House that G. Gordon Liddy and E.
Howard Hunt use. It includes a secure phone used "mostly to talk to the
CIA at Langley."[51]
Early August 1971
Green Beret and Vietnam veteran Paul Preston is aboard the Flagship Apollo in the Mediterranean, where L. Ron Hubbard is living. [NOTE:
Less than a year later, Hubbard disappears, and some sources say
Preston is with Hubbard at the time of the disappearance as a
"bodyguard." See 28 May 1972.]
G. Gordon Liddy is in regular communication with "State and the CIA,"
having direct conversations with CIA Director Richard Helms. Liddy is
briefed by CIA on "several additional sensitive programs in connection
with his assignment to the White House staff." Liddy is also making
regular trips to the Pentagon.
E. Howard Hunt is making regular trips to the State Department. U.S.
Ambassador to the United Nations at the time is George H.W. Bush (Sr.).[62][51][1][34]
Monday, 2 August 1971
CIA psychiatrist Bernard Malloy comes to Room 16 and meets privately with G. Gordon Liddy and E. Howard Hunt.[1][53]
Friday, 6 August 1971
- E. Howard Hunt again meets clandestinely in a CIA safehouse,
this time with CIA's Stephen Greenwood and also with CIA's Cleo
Gephart. Hunt purportedly discusses CIA providing a "backstopped address
and phone" in New York city. Hunt also asks for CIA to provide phony ID
and a disguise for "an associate"—G. Gordon Liddy. [NOTE: Hunt is
asking for ID and disguise for Liddy prior to any proposal to break into
Lewis Fielding's office. Also, there's already a backstopped address
and phone in New York city at 321 East 48th Street, Apartment 11-C, New
York City, set up by Anthony Ulasewicz as part of the Sandwedge
proposal, which Liddy and Hunt have. See 1 July 1971.][61]
E. Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy
both are supplied with phony I.D. and "disguises"
by the CIA, and both have been issued
White House credentials.
Wednesday, 11 August 1971
CIA psychiatrist Bernard Malloy again comes to Room 16 and meets
privately with G. Gordon Liddy and E. Howard Hunt. Soon after, Liddy and
Hunt recommend an attempt at surreptitious entry for "acquisition of
psychiatric materials" on Daniel Ellsberg from the files of psychiatrist
Lewis Fielding. They claim the need, first, for a "feasibility study"
of Fielding's Beverly Hills office.[1][53]
Thursday, 12 August 1971
L. Ron Hubbard issues a policy letter called "Advanced Courses" that
makes access to all the confidential upper levels of Scientology
available by invitation only, to be based largely on ethics record in
Scientology and security of materials.[63]
Friday, 20 August 1971
- The CIA supplies G. Gordon Liddy with counterfeit ID in the
name of "George F. Leonard." Hunt and Liddy meet CIA's Stephen Greenwood
(called "Steve" in Hunt's account)
and Liddy take photographs of each other in front of Fielding's door in
CIA-supplied "disguises." The photos will later be used by CIA to give
Ellsberg a convenient "Get Out of Jail Free" card.
in a CIA safehouse where a CIA-created fake driver's license and
other ID material, plus a disguise, and a camera are issued to Liddy. [NOTE:
According to Greenwood, Hunt and Liddy say they have to "stop by the
Pentagon" on their way to the airport, although they don't say where
they are going. It isn't to Los Angeles for the Fielding office
"feasibility study," since that doesn't take place until 26 August 1971
(see) according to the available accounts from Hunt and Liddy, cited in
this timeline.][60][1][61]
Thursday, 26 August 1971
E. Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy fly to Los Angeles. Hunt takes
pictures of Liddy, in his CIA-issued black wig, standing in front of
psychiatrist Lewis Fielding's office door, with Fielding's name on the
door. Liddy also takes pictures of Hunt. The photos are taken with the
camera supplied to them by CIA.[51][1][64]
Friday, 27 August 1971
E. Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy fly back to Washington, D.C. CIA's
Stephen Greenwood meets them at the airport, where Hunt gives Greenwood
the film for developing by CIA. Greenwood delivers prints to Hunt the
same day. The CIA keeps a copy of the photos of Liddy and Hunt (in
CIA-provided "disguises" that don't disguise them at all) mugging in
front of Lewis Fielding's identifiable door.
[NOTE: The CIA later turns their copies of the photos over to
Watergate investigators, which results in all criminal charges against
Daniel Ellsberg for leaking the Pentagon Papers to be dropped. See 1973,
specifically 3 January, 17 March, 15 April, and 11 May 1973][60][1][61]
Saturday, 28 August 1971
CIA's Eugenio Martinez
On a Saturday, Hunt and Liddy purportedly are in Room 16 when Liddy
tells Hunt that the plan to do a break-in of Fielding's office is
approved, but that the two of them are not "to be permitted anywhere
near the target premises."
[See 27 August 1971, immediately above.] E. Howard Hunt then
purportedly calls Bernard Barker in Miami and asks if Barker can "put
together a three-man entry team." Barker calls back to say it will be
Barker, Eugenio Martinez, and Felipe De Diego. [NOTE: As luck would
have it, this happens to be the same three men Hunt had met with in
Miami two months before the Pentagon Papers were published. See 17 April
Friday, 3 September 1971
- A break-in takes place at the office of psychiatrist Lewis
J. Fielding in Beverly Hills, California. The break-in is made obvious
by the smashing of a window. Accounts of the break-in are irreconcilably
conflicting. According to Bernard Barker, E. Howard Hunt, and G. Gordon
Liddy, the three Cubans—Barker, Martinez, and De Diego—had entered the
office and searched thoroughly, and there was no file on Daniel Ellsberg
anywhere. According to Lewis Fielding, there was a file on Ellsberg in
his office, which Fielding says he found on the floor the next morning.
Fielding claims it was evident that someone had gone through the file.
Liddy and Hunt in New York on same night as Fielding break-in in Los Angeles
- The same night, Hunt and Liddy are in New York
City—where Hunt has made an issue of needing "a backstopped address."
They check into the Pierre hotel and remain in New York through at least
Sunday, 5 September 1971. [NOTE: There is no physical evidence that
either Liddy or Hunt had been in Los Angeles at all for the Fielding
office break-in. Only the anecdotal claims of the co-conspirators
account for the whereabouts of Hunt and Liddy that weekend. This is
similar to the later purported
Watergate first break-in
that involved the same personnel. (See 26, 27, and 28 May 1972.)
Also, there is a backstopped address that was available to Liddy and
Hunt in New York: 321 East 48th Street, not far from the Pierre hotel.
Both locations are less than a mile from the Times Square lab and
polygraph school of CIA's Cleve Backster. Five days after Hunt and Liddy
leave New York (see 9 September 1971), OT VII Ingo Swann will "chance"
to meet Backster "at a party" in New York. Backster will be the person
who then ostensibly sets up a connection between Ingo Swann—a
Scientology OT VII—and NSA's Hal Puthoff, also a Scientology OT VII.
Both will be contracted by CIA to start CIA's secret remote viewing
program (see 1 October 1972).][1][51][65]
Thursday, 9 September 1971
OT VII Ingo Swann meets CIA's Cleve Backster, purportedly "at a party"
in New York. Backster has an "extensive network of contacts in law
enforcement agencies and within the CIA."[44]
Sunday, 12 September 1971
- OT VII Ingo Swann visits Cleve Backster's lab and polygraph
school in New York city where Swann is asked to think thoughts of
harming a plant that Backster has connected up to what Swann says was "a
polygraph." Swann thinks of lighting a match with the intent of burning
one of the plant's leaves, and there is an immediate and violent
reaction. With repetitions, the reaction diminishes, and the conclusion
OT VII Ingo Swann
is drawn that not only is the plant capable of detecting
harmful thought, but can "learn" to differentiate between true and
artificial intent. The thought directed at the plant is changed to one
of putting acid in its pot, with the same curve of results.[44]
Wednesday, 15 September 1971
A "Master File" of cables (telexes) disappears from the External Comm Bureau of the Scientology Flagship Apollo.
The file contains all cables related to the administration of
Scientology worldwide from 22 August 1971 to 15 September 1971. In the
External Comm Bureau at the time is John McLean. Also aboard he ship is
Green Beret Paul Preston, doing a service called "Word Clearing Method
E. Howard Hunt makes a request that the CIA "immediately recall a
24-year-old secretary" from Paris for his use and "explain to all
concerned that she was urgently needed for an unspecified special
Monday, 20 c. September 1971
E. Howard Hunt is granted special permission by the State Department for
"full access to the department's chronological cable files."
[NOTE: Shortly thereafter, Hunt is engaged in forging cables.][1]
Saturday, 25 September 1971
Scientology OT VII Ingo Swann is doing experiments with Cleve Backster
involving a piece of graphite hooked into a Wheatstone bridge [the main
mechanism in a Scientology e-meter], connected with a chart recorder.
Swann learns that he can focus a "beam" of intention at the graphite,
and cause repeatable jogs in the chart.[44]
October 1971
E. Howard Hunt is in telephone contact with CIA Chief European Division
John Hart, and has several telephone conversations with CIA Executive
Officer European Division John Caswell.[34]
Friday, 1 October 1971
APA's Karlis Osis
Dr. John Wingate of the American Society for Psychical Research (ASPR)
in New York invites OT VII Ingo Swann to work on "well-designed" psychic
experiments with psychiatrist Karlis Osis. Osis is a member of the very
anti-Scientology American Psychological Association (APA).
[NOTE: Chicago's W. Clement Stone is a member and major contributor
to the ASPR. About 7 months later, CIA's E. Howard Hunt will deliver an
undisclosed amount of cash in a sealed envelope to the W. Clement and
Jessie V. Stone Foundation in Chicago. See April 1972.][44]
Sunday, 10 October 1971
Cleve Backster writes and circulates a small report entitled
"Psychokinetic Effects on Small Samples of Graphite," detailing the
repeatable experiments that he has conducted with OT VII Ingo Swann.
Backster tells Swann, "Boy, are the guys down at the CIA going to be
interested in you."[44]
Friday, 15 October 1971
E. Howard Hunt meets with CIA Director Richard Helms.
Ingo Swann meets with Gertrude Schmeidler, who asks Swann if he thinks
he can influence a thermistor isolated in a sealed thermos bottle. He
agrees to try.[44][38]
Late October 1971
Scientology OT VII Ingo Swann is in Washington, D.C. with "a colleague"
meeting "in bars and pizza parlours" with unnamed intelligence
personnel. At one of the meetings with "six spooks," Swan is asked: "If
you were going to set up a threat analysis program to match what the
Soviets are up to, what would you do?'"[66]
By late October 1971
Ingo Swann is in Washington, D.C. meeting with U.S.
intelligence agency personnel.
Saturday, 30 October 1971
Ingo Swann is working with CIA's Cleve Backster, testing "psi probes" on
gasses in pressurized containers. He and Backster move on to
experiments with biologicals, including one-celled biological specimens,
blood, and seminal fluid. When Swann has some success in affecting
biologicals with psychic probing, Backster says, "Well, you've just done
something the Soviets have been working on for a long time."[44]
Early November 1971
CIA's James McCord, purportedly retired in August 1970, signs a contract
with the Republican National Committee to handle "security." The
contract is in the name of "McCord Associates, Inc."
[NOTE: The corporation will not be created until several weeks after
the contract is signed; incorporation papers are not filed until 19
November 1971 (see) in Maryland.][67]
Monday, 15 November 1971
Gertrude Schmeidler
Dr. Gertrude Schmeidler conducts her thermistor experiments with OT VII
Ingo Swann at the New York City College. Swann can produce changes in
the target thermistors, while the control thermistors remained
unchanged, on a repeatable basis at the direction of the experimenter.[44]
Friday, 19 November 1971
CIA's E. Howard Hunt contacts CIA's Office of Security Director Robert Osborne.[38]
CIA's James McCord files incorporation papers in Maryland for McCord
Associates, Inc., ostensibly a security company, but the incorporation
papers say nothing about providing security, and the company is not
licensed for security. Included on the board are McCord, his wife, and
his sister, Dorothy Berry, who works for an "oil company in Houston."
[NOTE: Berry later claimed she had "no idea" she had been listed on
the board. Also, the Gulf Resources and Chemical Corporation—an "oil
company in Houston" that controls half the world's supply of
lithium—will later provide checks that get converted to traceable $100
bills for part of what becomes known as Watergate. See 15 April 1972.][67]
Monday, 22 November 1971
OT VII Ingo Swann is involved in one of a series of ten out-of-body
(OOB) perception experiments at ASPR, the task being to verbally
describe objects out of his sight in a target tray. Having difficulty
doing a narrative description of the target items, he hits upon the idea
of doing sketches. Successful, this becomes a regular part of the
Wednesday, 1 December 1971
Gertrude Schmeidler's paper, "PK EFfects Upon Continuously Recorded
Temperature," describes results of her thermistor experiments with Ingo
Swann and is being circulated for peer review. It generates speculation
that if someone could trigger a thermistor, they also might be able to
remotely trigger a bomb. There are requests for interviews of Schmeidler
and Swann from media like Time and Newsweek, but Swann refuses.[44]
Monday, 6 December 1971
G. Gordon Liddy becomes General Counsel to the Committee for the Re-Election of the President.[68][51]
Wednesday, 8 December 1971
In one of a series of long-distance remote viewing experiments at ASPR,
OT VII Ingo Swann suggests calling the experiments "remote sensing" or
"remote viewing."[44]
E. Howard Hunt is in touch with senior CIA officer Peter Jessup, who is with the National Security Council staff.[38]
On or about the same day, Hunt meets privately again with CIA's Lucien Conein.[1]
Sunday, 12 December 1971
NSA's David Young meets with Egil Krogh and CIA psychiatrist Bernard Malloy.[2]
Lt. George W. Bush
Thursday, 16 December 1971
CIA's E. Howard Hunt is in Dallas, Texas—an airline hub.
Lt. George W. Bush is living in Houston, Texas. He is a pilot trained on T-38 Talons, a type of plane used as a chase plane.[69]
Thursday, 30 December 1971
An "out-of-body" (OOB) perception experiment results in Ingo Swann
sketching the target object (a 7-Up can) upside down, so he believes he
has missed getting it. Dr. Osis realizes that it is a perfect drawing of
the can once it is turned upside down.[44]
January 1972
G. Gordon Liddy and E. Howard Hunt are collaborating on a "political
espionage" plan to replace the Sandwedge proposal. One of the items they
have factored into the budget, ostensibly for "political espionage," is
a chase plane.[1][51]
T-38 Talon, commonly used as "chase plane"
Monday, 10 January 1972
G. Gordon Liddy is in New York city at the apartment Ulasewicz has established at 321 East 48th Street, Apartment 11-C.[70][51]
Wednesday, 12 January 1972
G. Gordon Liddy is still in New York city. Ingo Swann learns that "two
men in suits," flashing credentials, have visited the ASPR facility
investigating him. They have met with Dr. Osis, and have looked at the
experiment rooms and some of the experiment results. Osis tells Swann
that he (Osis) isn't "free to tell" Swann what was discussed.[44]
Friday, 14 January 1972
- Origin date of Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) report, "Controlled Offensive Behavior—USSR"[71]
Tuesday, 25 January 1972
Buell Mullen tells Ingo Swann that a small group of her "high-placed
friends" has begun establishing a pool of money for Swann. Already some
$70,000 has been "pledged" from "several sources."[44]
Monday, 31 January 1972
- "Information Cut-off Date" for a 1972 Defense Intelligence
Agency (DIA) report entitled "Controlled Offensive Behavior—USSR"
concerning Soviet research and development of "psi" technologies.[71]
E. Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy return from a weekend trip to Los
Angeles, during which Liddy also has gone to San Diego and back.
[NOTE: Dr. Augustus B. Kinzel has a home just outside San Diego.][1][51]
The secret DIA report,
"Controlled Offensive Behavior—USSR" will say
when published that Soviet knowledge in parapsychology
"is superior to that of the U.S."
Early February 1972
Buell Mullen calls Ingo Swann to say that Dr. Augustus B. Kinzel will be
in New York city on 17 February with "some friends" who want to meet
with Swann. She is having a dinner party for the occasion. Swann says
he'll be there.[44]
G. Gordon Liddy and E. Howard Hunt fly to Miami, home of Bernard Barker and other CIA-connected Cubans.[1][51]
G. Gordon Liddy "recruits" CIA's James McCord as a "wire man,"
purportedly to be able to do electronic eavesdropping for "political
espionage" purposes.
[NOTE: At the time, Liddy has no approved budget for any such
activities, nor are there any approved plans for, or targets for, any
such activities.][53]
Thursday, 17 February 1972
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
At a dinner at Buell Mullen's home in New York, Dr. Augustus B. Kinzel
has brought four "friends" in suits who Kinzel will only introduce to
Swann by first names. They have a one-hour meeting that is "strictly
confidential," concerning "big-time funding for a new research
organization" that's separate from the $70,000 already collected.
According to Swann, at least one of the "friends" is CIA.[44]
On or about the same date, E. Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy again fly
to Miami, ostensibly to meet with Donald Segretti (a.k.a. "Donald
Simmons"). While there, Hunt is in contact with CIA's Bernard Barker.
Tuesday, 22 February 1972
OT VII Ingo Swann performs the first of a series of "out-of-body" (OOB)
experiment with Vera Feldman of the ASPR as the outbound experimenter.
Swann is hooked up to brainwave leads and locked in the OOB room while
Feldman goes to the Museum of Natural History a few blocks away. Swann
gets a high number of "hits" on what Feldman is seeing, one of them
being a display case full of gemstones. Swann and Feldman talk about ESP
being used for psychic spying.[44]
Liddy and Hunt name the operations they are engaged in "GEMSTONE"
G. Gordon Liddy meets with CIA in connection with CIA "special clearances" he has been granted.[34]
Thursday, 24 February 1972
G. Gordon Liddy and E. Howard Hunt meet with a "retired" CIA doctor,
introduced by Hunt to Liddy as "Dr. Edward Gunn," to get briefed by him
on various covert means of murder for a possible assassination. [NOTE:
Although Liddy and Hunt relate many similar incidents, if disjointedly,
in their respective autobiographies, Hunt mentions nothing about this
incident in his, while Liddy devotes several pages to it.]
Late February 1972
OT VII Ingo Swann, connected with ASPR, meets Robert D. Ericsson, Executive Director of Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship (SFF).
[NOTE: Chicago's W. Clement Stone is a member and major contributor
to both the SFF and ASPR. About two months later, E. Howard Hunt will
deliver an undisclosed amount of cash in a sealed envelope to the W.
Clement and Jessie V. Stone Foundation in Chicago. See April 1972.][44]
One of the members of the board of ASPR, A.C. Twitchell, Jr.,
purportedly calls Ingo Swann early in the morning saying that there is a
move afoot at the ASPR to have Swann ejected on the grounds that he is a
Scientologist. Twitchell says that it has been circulating that Swann
is "Hubbard's spy," and is seeking to take over the ASPR on Hubbard's
behalf. Swann threatens to sue the board over his civil rights.[44]
E. Howard Hunt travels to Nicaragua on an "undisclosed mission."
[NOTE: See entry for 3 March 1972.][38]
Wednesday, 1 March 1972
Russell Targ, Charles T. Tart, and David Hart release a proposal
entitled "Research on Techniques to Enhance Extra Sensory Perception."[44]
On or about the same date, Douglas Caddy begins to do "legal tasks" for G. Gordon Liddy.[72]
Friday, 3 March 1972
Gary O. Morris, psychiatrist of E. Howard Hunt's wife, Dorothy, vanishes
while on vacation on the Caribbean island of St. Lucia. No trace is
ever found of the pleasure boat he had left on for a cruise with his
wife and a local captain, Mervin Augustin.[38]
Wednesday, 15 March 1972
A memorandum is sent to Director of FBI J. Edgar Hoover from the Legal
Attaché (LEGAT) Copenhagen titled "SUBJECT: L. RON HUBBARD." It says:
"On 3/13/72, [BLACKED OUT] advised that he has not yet completed
preparation of his report concerning the Scientology Organization and
its operations in Denmark. He reiterated, however, that when completed a
copy of this report will be designated for [BLACKED OUT] Contact will
be maintained with [BLACKED OUT] in order to insure that this office
receives copies of his report and Bureau will be kept advised."[73]
Monday, 20 March 1972
OT VII Ingo Swann is at Cleve Backster's lab in New York. Backster hands
some papers to Swann on Hal Puthoff and purportedly says, "You two
might get along. He's into Scientology, too."
[NOTE: Both Hal Puthoff and Ingo Swann have been connected with
Yvonne Gillham at Celebrity Centre for some time. Both also are OT VII,
and the only place in the United States delivering the OT Levels is the
Advanced Organization in Los Angeles (AOLA), where Yvonne Gillham had
been the senior executive before starting Celebrity Centre.][44]
Wednesday, 22 March 1972
Janet Mitchell writes regarding out-of-body brightness comparison
experiments with Ingo Swann, saying, "It may be possible that he can see
all the waves in the atmosphere from infrared to ultraviolet."[44]
Monday, 27 March 1972
G. Gordon Liddy's job abruptly changes to general counsel of the Finance Committee to Re-elect the President.[53]
Wednesday, 29 March 1972
- Two days after Liddy's job changes, E. Howard Hunt
"terminates" in his paid capacity as a White House consultant—yet he
keeps his office and the safe he'd used as such, and keeps his White
House credentials because he continues to "work there a few hours each
Thursday, 30 March 1972
The day after E. Howard Hunt's "official" disconnection from the White
House, OT VII Ingo Swann contacts OT VII Hal Puthoff saying Cleve
Backster has "suggested" for Swann to contact Puthoff. Swann has several
phone conversations over several days with Puthoff, who suggests that
Swann come out to Stanford Research Institute (SRI) for a couple of
weeks to do some experiments.[44]
Early April 1972
Unknown amount of cash delivered by CIA's E. Howard Hunt to offices of W. Clement Stone's foundation
CIA's E. Howard Hunt flies to Chicago and delivers an undisclosed amount
of cash in a sealed envelope to W. Clement and Jessie V. Stone
Tuesday, 4 April 1972
- OT VII Ingo Swann receives word that an independent judge,
blind to the fact that she was judging an experiment in out-of-body
(OOB) perceptions, has correctly matched all eight of the former
"picture drawing" trials—a 100 per cent match between the OOB drawings
and the contents of the target trays.[44]
Friday, 7 April 1972
L. Ron Hubbard gives three taped lectures to students on the Expanded
Dianetics course. They are the last public lectures Hubbard ever will
[NOTE: As of this date, L. Ron Hubbard had given over 1,300 public lectures since 1950—averaging a little over one a week.]
Monday, 10 April 1972
A timely Minnesota court ruling puts a shipment of Scientology E-meters into permanent federal custody and control
A court ruling this date by the United States Court of Appeals, Eighth
Circuit, in St. Paul, Minnesota, allows the U.S. federal government to
keep a shipment of Scientology e-meters that had been seized by the
Department of Health, Education and Welfare on the basis of "improper
labelling," putting an unknown number of e-meters in permanent custody
and possession of federal agencies.[74]
Saturday, 15 April 1972
E. Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy fly to Miami and deliver checks drawn on a Mexico City bank to CIA's Bernard Barker.
[NOTE: Several of the checks have originated from Gulf Resources and
Chemical Corporation in Houston, which at the time controls half the
world's supply of lithium, used in the making of hydrogen bombs and in
psychiatric drugs.][1]
Monday, 17 April 1972
Physicist Dr. Russell Targ meets with CIA personnel from the Office of
Strategic Intelligence (OSI) and discusses the subject of paranormal
abilities. Films of Soviets moving inanimate objects by mental powers
are made available to analysts from OSI.[19]
Thursday, 20 April 1972
CIA Office of Strategic Intelligence personnel who have been briefed by
Russell Targ contact personnel from the Office of Research and
Development (ORD) and Technical Services Division (TSD) regarding films
and reports of Soviet investigations into psychokinesis.
[NOTE: Although the name of CIA's Technical Services Department (TSD)
later changes to Office of Technical Services (OTS), some sources
anachronistically refer to TSD as OTS when it was still TSD. The name
isn't officially changed until November 1972.][19]
Monday, 24 April 1972
CIA's Bernard Barker cashes a cashier's check for $25,000 at his bank in Miami.
[NOTE: This $25,000, from the Dahlberg check, plus two later
withdrawals by Barker will equal $114,000. See 2 May and 8 May 1972.][75][76]
Monday, 1 May 1972
Russell Targ has joined the Stanford Research Institute, and is visited
by a CIA Office of Research and Development (ORD) Project Officer. Targ
proposes that some psychokinetic verification investigations can be done
at SRI in conjunction with Scientology OT VII Hal Puthoff.[19]
J. Edgar Hoover found dead
CIA's James McCord contacts an ex-FBI agent, Alfred Baldwin, who is
living in Connecticut. McCord purportedly doesn't know Baldwin, but
wants Baldwin to come to Washington, D.C. that night.[77]
Tuesday, 2 May 1972
- FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover is found dead in his home in
the early morning hours. L. Patrick Gray—who has no background in law
enforcement—is appointed as Acting Director of FBI. [NOTE: Hoover's
death is attributed to a heart attack, and no autopsy is done. L.
Patrick Gray later will destroy material taken from the White House safe
of E. Howard Hunt, then will resign.]
CIA's Bernard Barker withdraws an unspecified amount of cash from his bank in Miami.
[NOTE: This is the second of three transactions by Barker that will total $114,000.][75]
Alfred Baldwin meets with James McCord. McCord issues Baldwin a Smith
& Wesson .38 snub-nose revolver. Baldwin is assigned to travel as a
bodyguard with Martha Mitchell on "a trip to the midwest."[77]
Wednesday, 3 May 1972
OT VII Ingo Swann performs an experiment that he says "scared the
bejesus out of the experimenters, and parapsychology as well." In it,
Swann perceives not just things the two outbound "beacons" are seeing,
but also senses confusion in them. When they come back and confirm that
they had gotten lost in some construction work being done in the Museum
of Natural History, one says with concern, "Does this mean you can read
our minds, too?"[44]
CIA's Bernard Barker, Eugenio Martinez, Frank Sturgis, and Filipe De
Diego arrive in Washington, D.C. from Miami and meet with G. Gordon
Liddy and E. Howard Hunt.[65][1]
Thursday, 4 May 1972
Lt. George W. Bush is ordered to "report to commander, 111 F.I.S., Ellington AFB, not later than (NLT) 14 May, 1972."
[NOTE: Bush does not report as ordered. See 19 May 1972.][78]
Friday, 5 May 1972
CIA's James McCord rents room 419 of the Howard Johnson's motel across
the street from the Watergate. The room is registered in the name of
McCord Associates.[79]
Monday, 8 May 1972
Alfred Baldwin returns to Washington, D.C. from his trip with Martha
Mitchell. He is told by James McCord to keep the .38 revolver because
"he might be going on another trip."[77]
G. Gordon Liddy, in D.C., calls CIA's Bernard Barker in Miami.[79]
Bernard Barker withdraws another unspecified amount of cash from his
bank in Miami which, with two other transactions, now totals $114,000.[75]
Though not all in this timeline, cash pay-outs to CIA's James McCord will total at least $71,000
James McCord receives $4,000 in cash from G. Gordon Liddy.[80]
Tuesday, 9 May 1972
Alfred Baldwin leaves Washington, D.C., ostensibly going to his home in
Connecticut to "get more clothes." He takes the .38 revolver with him,
purportedly because he has been told by James McCord that he might be
going on another trip with Martha Mitchell that is scheduled for 11 May
[NOTE: Baldwin doesn't return until 12 May 1972.][77]
Wednesday, 10 May 1972
CIA's James McCord is in Rockville, Maryland. He pays $3,500 cash for a
"device capable of receiving intercepted wire and oral communications."
[NOTE: Rockville, Maryland is about six miles from Laurel, Maryland.
Five days later presidential candidate George Wallace will be shot in
Laurel, Maryland by Arthur Bremer with a .38 caliber revolver. See 15
May 1972.]
Friday, 12 May 1972
Alfred Baldwin returns to Washington, D.C. James McCord tells Baldwin he
won't be going with Martha Mitchell so he can "turn in his gun."
Baldwin purportedly gives the .38 revolver to McCord. McCord tells
Baldwin to move from the the Roger Smith hotel, where Baldwin has been
staying, into room 419 at the Howard Johnson's motel.[77]
Monday, 15 May 1972
Presidential candidate George Wallace is shot in Laurel, Maryland with a .38 revolver
Presidential candidate George Wallace is shot by Arthur Bremer in
Laurel, Maryland, ending his presidential campaign and partially
paralyzing him.
Wednesday, 17 May 1972
CIA's Bernard Barker makes two calls from Miami to G. Gordon Liddy, and two calls to CIA's E. Howard Hunt.[79]
A memorandum is sent to Acting Director of FBI L. Patrick Gray from the
Legal Attaché (LEGAT) Madrid titled "SUBJECT: L. RON HUBBARD FPC." It
says: "Enclosed for information and completion of Bureau and Legat,
Copenhagen files is one copy of a memorandum dated 4/26/72, received
from the [BLACKED OUT]."[73]
Friday, 19 May 1972
Ambassador to UN George H.W. Bush will become CIA Director, then President
Lt. George W. Bush (Jr.) contacts a superior officer in the reserves to
discuss "options of how Bush can get out of coming to drill from now
through November." The memo recording the conversation says that Bush
"is working on another campaign for his dad." The memo writer thinks
Bush is "also talking to someone upstairs."
[NOTE: George H. W. Bush (Sr.) is U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. at this time.][81]
President Richard M. Nixon, about to embark on an historic trip to the
Soviet Union, writes the following in a letter to Henry Kissinger and
Alexander Haig: "The performance in the psychological warfare field is
nothing short of disgraceful. The mountain has labored for seven weeks
and when it finally produced, it produced not much more than a mouse. Or
to put it more honestly, it produced a rat. We finally have a program
now under way but it totally lacks imagination and I have no confidence
whatever that the bureaucracy will carry it out. I do not simply blame
(Richard) Helms and the CIA. After all, they do not support my policies
because they basically are for the most part Ivy League and Georgetown
society oriented."[82]
E. Howard Hunt makes two calls to Bernard Barker in Miami.
Saturday, 20 May 1972
Richard Nixon leaves Washington, D.C. on his trip to Austria, the Soviet
Union, Iran, and Poland. He will not return until 1 June 1972.[83]
James McCord sends Alfred Baldwin to Andrews Air Force Base, where Nixon is leaving on Air Force One, purportedly because there might be demonstrations and McCord wants Baldwin to be there for more "surveillance activities." [NOTE:
The "reason" supplied by McCord in testimony for this trip by Baldwin
is too thin to slice, particularly in light of the amount of security
surrounding Nixon's departure. Besides Air Force One, there is a fleet of White House planes at Andrews for use by VIPs and various staff connected with the White House.]
On or about the same day, CIA's E. Howard Hunt flies to Miami and meets with Bernard Barker.[1]
Monday, 22 May 1972
CIA's Frank Sturgis
Richard Nixon arrives in Moscow and is toasting Soviet leaders at a dinner.[83]
The CIA "Cuban contingent" arrives in Washington, D.C. from Miami:
Bernard Barker, Frank Sturgis, Eugenio Martinez, and Virgilio Gonzalez.
They are in D.C. purportedly to carry out a "first break-in" on the
following weekend of Democratic National Committee headquarters at the
Watergate with G. Gordon Liddy, CIA's E. Howard Hunt, and CIA's James
[NOTE: There is no physical evidence that any such "first break-in" ever took place. For full coverage, see
Watergate first break-in. Note also that while E. Howard Hunt claims
that six Cubans arrived on 22 May 1972, the referenced criminal appeals
court ruling names only four.][1][84]
Tuesday, 23 May 1972
A memorandum is sent to Acting Director of FBI L. Patrick Gray from the
Legal Attaché (LEGAT) Copenhagen titled "SUBJECT: L. RON HUBBARD FPC."
It says: "Mr. Victor Wolf, Jr., U.S. Consul, American Embassy,
Copenhagen, advised on 5/15/72 that he has not yet found time to prepare
the report referred to in relet concerning the Scientology
Organization. Mr. Wolf stated that he hopes to devote attention to this
matter in a short time. This case will be placed in Pending Inactive
status for a period of 90 days."[73]
Alfred Baldwin leaves Washington, D.C. again, purportedly going to his
home in Connecticut again. No reason is given for his departure.[77]
CIA's Virgilio Gonzalez
Friday, 26 May 1972
- G. Gordon Liddy, Alfred Baldwin, CIA's E. Howard Hunt, CIA's
James McCord, and several Cuban CIA contract agents purportedly are
engaged in a failed attempt to break into the Watergate—the "Ameritas
dinner" attempt. [NOTE: But see
Watergate first break-in.]
Saturday, 27 May 1972
G. Gordon Liddy, Alfred Baldwin, CIA's E. Howard Hunt, CIA's James
McCord, and several Cuban CIA contract agents purportedly are engaged in
a second failed attempt to break into the Watergate.
[NOTE: But see
Watergate first break-in.]
Sunday, 28 May 1972
apparently was no "first break-in" at the Watergate. Then where were
Liddy, Hunt, McCord, and Baldwin over Memorial Day weekend? AWOL with
Lt. Bush?
G. Gordon Liddy, Alfred Baldwin, CIA's E. Howard Hunt, CIA's James
McCord, and several Cuban CIA contract agents purportedly are engaged in
a successful "first break-in" at DNC headquarters at the Watergate.
According to their later claims, McCord placed two electronic bugs in
the DNC headquarters during the "first break-in," and Bernard Barker
purportedly had photos taken of the office of the Chairman, Lawrence
O'Brien, and of documents on his desk.
[NOTE: There is no physical evidence that any such "first break-in"
ever took place, or the purported two earlier failed attempts on the
same holiday weekend. Barker later testified that he never was in
O'Brien's office at all, and a telephone company sweep found no
electronic bugs in the DNC at all (see 15 June 1972). For full coverage,
Watergate first break-in.
There is nothing to account for the whereabouts of Liddy, Hunt, McCord,
and Baldwin over the entire Memorial Day Weekend except the conflicting
and contradictory anecdotal accounts of the co-conspirators themselves,
which they volunteered when "caught" inside the building on 17 June
1972 (see). See also 3 September 1971 for similarities in the purported
"Fielding office break-in," including personnel involved and the use of a
holiday weekend, in that case the Labor Day weekend.]
the same weekend as the purported Watergate "first break-in," L. Ron
Hubbard goes absent from his usual duties and activities in the company
of Green Beret Paul Preston. He's reported to have "moved ashore."
The crew of the Scientology Flagship Apollo are told that L. Ron Hubbard has "moved onshore." His "bodyguard" purportedly is Green Beret Paul Preston.
[NOTE: From this date until his reported death in 1986, L. Ron
Hubbard never makes another public appearance. His whereabouts generally
are unknown except to a few close people, who later claim that while
with them he had been either "in hiding" or "on the run" or ill the
entire time, including donning various disguises.][85][62]
Monday, 29 May 1972 (Memorial Day)
Ingo Swann is told by psychiatrist Karlis Osis that there are to be "no
more remote viewing experiments at the ASPR." No reason is given. Swann
calls fellow Scientology OT VII Hal Puthoff at SRI and offers to come
Sunday, 4 June 1972
OT VII Ingo Swann flies from New York to San Francisco, where he is met by OT VII Hal Puthoff and taken to SRI.[44]
Tuesday, 6 June 1972
Ingo Swann mentally affects a supercooled magnetometer encased in solid
concrete five feet beneath the foundation of the Varian Hall of Physics,
Stanford University, witnessed by Dr. Arthur Hebbard, Dr. Marshal Lee,
and representatives of CIA.[44]
Wednesday, 7 June 1972
Willis Harmon meets OT VI Ingo Swann at SRI and takes Swann to a meeting
where there are 16 people. Harmon is Director of his own Educational
Policy Research Center at SRI, a center for "Futurology." At the time,
futurology constitutes one of the most important and biggest efforts in
the world, and Harmon is well connected in Washington, D.C., with
offices there. Harmon explains to Swann at the meeting that part of
their ongoing project is to see if parapsychology and/or psychic
abilities can or should be factored into "future scenarios." Harmon
explains that all was known about the ASPR goings-on, and that the
attempt to expel Swann "gives you more credentials than you realize, and
also makes it easier for various people."[44]
Thursday, 8 June 1972
Ingo Swann goes to the home of Kirlian researcher Bill Tiller and there meets psychiatrist Shafica Karagulla.[44]
Friday, 9 June 1972
OT VII Ingo Swann leaves SRI and returns to New York City.
- John Paul Vann—who had been closely involved with
Lucien Conein and Daniel Ellsberg in Vietnam contemporaneously with
Green Beret Paul Preston—is killed in a bizarre helicopter crash in
G. Gordon Liddy purportedly has a private meeting with Magruder where
they purportedly discuss problems with "the room monitoring device" in
the DNC and the prospects of "another entry" into the Watergate.
[NOTE: There is no "room monitoring device" in the DNC. See
Watergate first break-in.][44][86][53]
Monday, 12 June 1972
OT VII Ingo Swann agrees to return to the ASPR "for further research and experiments."[44]
Jeb Magruder purportedly has another private meeting with Liddy and orders Liddy to "go back into Watergate."[79][53]
The telephone company sweep
of Democratic National Committee headquarters in
the Watergate finds no trace of bugs that
Watergate burglars later will claim they had planted.
Thursday, 15 June 1972
The telephone company does a sweep of Democratic National Committee
Headquarters in the Watergate. No electronic bugging devices are found.
[NOTE: For full coverage, see
Watergate first break-in.][118]
Saturday, 17 June 1972
- Five burglars are arrested at 2:30 a.m. in Democratic
National Committee headquarters in the Watergate: James McCord, Bernard
Barker, Frank Sturgis, Eugenio Martinez, and Virgilio Gonzalez. All five
men have a history of being employed by CIA. CIA veteran James McCord
has had to tape a door latch twice to get them arrested. They have
bugging equipment with them, and several of the men have in their
possession amazingly traceable $100 bills that will trace back to the
White House. Bernard Barker has the phone number of E. Howard Hunt on
him, indicating another connection to the White House.
CIA Watergate Goon Platoon:
Hunt, McCord, Barker, Baldwin, Martinez, Sturgis, Gonzalez, and Liddy.
Director of CIA and convicted perjurer Richard Helms says:
"We know the people... . But there is no CIA involvement."
Almost at once the men start claiming to authorities that they
had broken in weeks earlier, on 28 May 1972 (see), and were there to
"fix" failures from the purported "first break-in," mainly electronic
bugs. [NOTE: But there was no "first break-in," and the phone company
had just days before found there were no bugs in DNC headquarters. See Watergate first break-in.
The amazing amount of obvious evidence on the men soon leads
investigators to Liddy, Hunt, and Alfred Baldwin, who also are linked to
the purported Memorial Day weekend "first break-in," providing them
with an alibi for their whereabouts during that weekend.]
- CIA Director Richard Helms claims to have been
"preparing for bed" (at 3:00 a.m.?) when he gets a call from CIA Chief
of Security Howard Osborn informing Helms that "District police" have
picked up five men in a break-in. Helms is told that James McCord is one
of them, along with "four Cubans." Osborn also purportedly tells Helms
that "Howard Hunt also seems to be involved in some way." Helms
purportedly asks Osborn: "Is there any indication that we could be
involved in this?" and is told "None whatsoever." Next, "still sitting
on the edge of the bed," Helms calls Acting Director of the FBI L.
Patrick Gray, who is "in a Los Angeles hotel room." Gray says that he's
been informed of the break-in, but has no details. Helms tells Gray that
"despite the background of the apparent perpetrators, CIA had nothing
to do with the break-in."[87]
Sunday, 18 June 1972
Ingo Swann flies to Northfield, Minnesota to give lectures at the annual retreat of Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship (SFF).[44]
Thursday, 22 June 1972
Charles Colson is interrogated by the FBI on the Watergate break-in.
After interrogating Colson, the FBI is of the belief that the break-in
is "a CIA thing."
Acting FBI Director L. Patrick Gray has a meeting at about five o'clock
with SA Bates, the Assistant Director in charge of the General
Investigative Division of the FBI. Following the meeting, Gray places a
telephone call to Richard Helms, Director of CIA, to "tell him our
thought that we may be poking into a CIA operation in connection with
the Watergate burglary." Helms tells Gray that Helms has been "meeting
with his men on this every day," and that "although we know the people,
we cannot figure this one out. But there is no CIA involvement." Helms
then meets with Gray and "asks" Gray "not to interview the two CIA men."
Gray issues the order. Gray calls FBI SA Bates "immediately following
that visit" from Helms, and tells Bates that "there was some CIA
involvement here," that "we should proceed very gingerly and very
discreetly and carry out the investigation at the Banco Internationale,
and also continue to try to trace these checks through the correspondent
banks, but to hold off interviewing Mr. Ogarrio." Later that evening,
Gray meets with John Dean. He tells Dean that Richard Helms has said
"there is no CIA involvement."[88][22]
Friday, 23 June 1972
- 10:04 to 11:39 a.m.: In an Oval Office conversation,
President Richard Nixon says "...the FBI agents who are working the
case, at this point, feel that's what it is—this is CIA. ...[W]e
protected Helms from one hell of a lot of things. ...This involves these
Cubans, Hunt, and a lot of hanky-panky that we have nothing to do with
ourselves." Ehrlichman answers that after interviewing Charles Colson
the FBI "are now convinced it is a CIA thing."
11:06 a.m.: Acting FBI Director L. Patrick Gray has a phone conversation
with John Dean. Dean tells Gray that if the FBI persists in
investigating the Mexican money chain they will "be uncovering or become
involved in CIA operations." Gray tells Dean that CIA Director Richard
Helms told Gray the day before that "there is no CIA involvement" in the
Watergate break-in. Gray also tells Dean, "if there is CIA involvement,
let the CIA tell us."
[NOTE: Nixon and Haldeman are still in their meeting, which goes until 11:39 a.m.]
FBI Director L. Patrick and the CIA waltz. Gray soon will destroy
crucial evidence taken from the White House safe of CIA's golden boy, E.
Howard Hunt.
2:19 p.m.: Dean calls Gray to find out if Gray has made an appointment
with Deputy CIA Director Vernon Walters. Gray hasn't. Dean tells Gray
that Walters will be calling Gray for an appointment and Gray should see
2:20 to 2:45 p.m.: Haldeman reports to Nixon that he and Ehrlichman [and
John Dean] have met with CIA Director Helms and Deputy Director Vernon
Walters. Helms has said, "We'll be very happy to be helpful," but
Walters has said, "I don't know whether we can do it." Walters, though,
is going to put in a call to Patrick Gray.
2:35 p.m. Vernon Walters meets with L. Patrick Gray. Walters says that
if the FBI proceeds with the investigation into the Mexican money chain,
they "would uncover CIA assets and resources" and could "interfere with
some CIA covert activities." Walters then mentions to Gray "the
agreement between the agencies not to uncover one another's sources,"
saying further that the FBI has "the five people and that the matter
ought to be tapered off there."
2:53 p.m. After the meeting with Walters, Gray calls John Dean and tells
Dean that Walters has indicated that there is "some CIA involvement,"
and that they will "proceed very gingerly and very discreetly and work
around this until we can determine what we have a hold of."[89]
On the same day, an airgram is sent from the American Embassy in
Copenhagen to the U.S. State Department from the Legal Attaché (LEGAT)
Copenhagen titled "SUBJECT: L. RON HUBBARD FPC ." Its contents are
unknown. [NOTE: The only record of this airgram is a later
memorandum, dated 5 September 1972 (see), to Acting Director of FBI L.
Patrick Gray, enclosing a copy of the airgram, saying it is
Saturday, 24 June 1972
- According to Ingo Swann, he arrives in Washington, D.C. from
Minnesota, ostensibly to "do book research at the Library of
Congress"—but Swann says elsewhere that his trip to D.C. in 1972 was "to
discuss psi phenomena with a variety of officials."[44]
Tuesday, 27 June 1972
Hal Puthoff contacts K. Green, Office of Strategic Intelligence (OSI) at
CIA, informing Green of the results of the Varian Hall magnetometer
experiment with Ingo Swann. There are also subsequent conversations
between Puthoff and CIA personnel regarding this event.[19]
Wednesday, 28 June 1972
L. Patrick Gray gets a call from CIA Director Richard Helms, who asks
Gray "not to interview active CIA men Karl Wagner and John Caswell."
Gray immediately orders "that the interviews of John Caswell and Karl
Wagner be held in abeyance." Caswell and Wagner's names have been found
in a telephone-address notebook belonging to E. Howard Hunt.
In the evening, John Dean turns over some of the items from the White
House safe of E. Howard Hunt to Gray. Gray is provided with a large
brown envelopes to carry the items away in. Dean tells Gray that
included papers have "national security implications," saying they
should "never see the light of day." Gray purportedly never looks at the
papers, but takes them to his apartment in Washington D.C. and puts
them on a closet shelf under his shirts.
Gray has a meeting with Mark Felt and SA Bates on "the CIA ramifications."[88]
Friday, 30 June 1972
Scientology OT VII Hal Puthoff says in a letter to Dr. Gertrude
Schmeidler in New York that he has "obtained a contract to investigate
the primary perception hypothesis of Cleve Backster."[44]
Saturday, 1 July 1972
- The classified Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) report
entitled "Controlled Offensive Behavior—USSR" is published, though its
findings have been known by top personnel for months. In part, it
states: "The Soviet Union is well aware of the benefits and applications
of parapsychology research. The term parapsychology denotes a
multi-disciplinary field consisting of the sciences of bionics,
biophysics, psychophysics, psychology, physiology and neuropsychology.
Celebrity Centre's Yvonne (Gillham) Jentzsch has standing orders to be located for any incoming calls from Puthoff or Swann
Many scientists, U.S. and Soviet, feel that parapsychology can
be harnessed to create conditions where one can alter or manipulate the
minds of others. The major impetus behind the Soviet drive to harness
the possible capabilities of telepathic communication, telekinetic and
bionics are said to come from the Soviet military and the KGB [Committee
of State Security; Secret Police]. ...Soviet knowledge in this field is
superior to that of the U.S. ...The potential applications of focusing
mental influences on an enemy through hypnotic telepathy have surely
occurred to the Soviets... . Control and manipulation of the human
consciousness must be considered a primary goal. ...Soviet efforts in
the field of psi research, sooner or later, might enable them to do some
of the following: (a) Know the contents of top secret US documents, the
movements of our troops and ships and the location and nature of our
military installations (b) Mould the thoughts of key US military and
civilian leaders at a distance (c) Cause the instant death of any US
official at a distance (d) Disable, at a distance, US military equipment
of all types, including spacecraft."[71]
Yvonne Gillham Jentzsch, Executive Director of Scientology's Celebrity
Centre, is married to Heber Jentzsch. Despite running an organization
with over 200 staff members and a grueling schedule, including
appearances around the U.S. and several foreign countries, she has
standing orders with her office and public relations staff to locate her
wherever she is if a call should come in for her from OT VIIs Hal
Puthoff or Ingo Swann. [NOTE: According to staff members who
contributed the information, Yvonne Jentzsch had no specific knowledge
at the time of Swann or Puthoff's connections with CIA or NSA, only that
they both had contact with various influential people, and possibly
even was of the belief that their connections were related somehow to
NASA and the space race, but not to military intelligence.]
Monday, 3 July 1972
- According to one of several conflicting accounts told by L.
Patrick Gray, he burns the papers given to him by John Dean that had
been taken from the safe of E. Howard Hunt in a wastebasket in his
office at the FBI. [NOTE: Gray later retracts this story, saying that
he kept the papers first in his apartment, then moved them to his
office, then to his home, where he burned them on or around 27 December
1972 (see).]
Gray has another meeting with Mark Felt, Bates, and also "Mr. Kunkel,
the Special Agent in charge of the Washington Field Office" on "the CIA
Monday, 17 July 1972
$1.1 million in cash never accounted for except by ledger "credit"
years later, during IRS's Meade Emory restructuring of Scientology
A sum equivalent to US $1,119,678 in Swiss francs is withdrawn in cash
by Fred Hare and Vicki Polimeni from a trust fund (of questionable
origin) in Switzerland and purportedly is brought aboard the Flagship Apollo and put into a safe. [NOTE:
Conflicting accounts in the same referenced Tax Court ruling say that
the amount was "over $2 million," and also say the cash was put into "a
file cabinet in a strongroom" instead of a safe. The same ruling also
provides no accounting of what happened to the actual cash.][90]
Wednesday, 19 July 1972
Fred LaRue gives $40,000 to Herbert W. Kalmbach, who takes it to New York and gives it to Anthony Ulasewicz.
- Ulasewicz delivers $40,000 to Dorothy Hunt—wife of E.
Howard Hunt—and $8,000 to G. Gordon Liddy in unmarked envelopes left in
lockers at Washington National Airport.[91]
Cash to Dorothy Hunt, wife of CIA's E. Howard Hunt, and more cash to G. Gordon Liddy
Wednesday, 26 July 1972
A report is issued entitled "Report of an Out-of-Body Experiment
Conducted at the American Society for Psychical Research: Participants:
Dr. Carole Silfen, Janet Mitchell, Ingo Swann." The report describes an
OOB experiment that suggests that a point of perception exterior to the
body is able to assume "at a different location the functions performed
by the visual system and the brain in the body." This is the first such
experiment that verified the capability of such remote points of view.[44]
Monday, 7 August 1972
Unknown amount of cash delivered by NSA's Hal Puthoff to Ingo Swann
OT VII Ingo Swann flies to San Francisco and is met by OT VII Hal
Puthoff. Puthoff gives Swann an envelope containing an unspecified
amount of cash, and a copy of their three-week schedule. They are to
have a one-week informal period, and then a two-week formal set-up. The
latter two-week segment will be attended by two CIA representatives.[44]
Friday, 11 August 1972
- Ingo Swann flies to Los Angeles for the weekend with
psychiatrist Shafica Karagulla and "her associate," even though he has
come to SRI specifically to perform experiments in the presence of CIA
personnel. No reason is given for the trip. [NOTE: Karagulla is a
neurosurgeon. and has studied under Canadian psychiatrist Wilder
Penfield, infamously known for putting electrical probes into the brains
of conscious subjects.][44]
Monday, 14 August 1972
Swann's weekend travelling companion Shafica Karagulla, a psychiatrist
and neurosurgeon, shown here with her mentor, psychiatrist Wilder
- Swann is back at SRI, after his trip to Los Angeles with
psychiatrist Shafica Karagulla, and is ready to begin the two-week
formal experiments in the company of two representatives from CIA.[44]
Wednesday, 23 August 1972
A CIA project officer contracts Hal Puthoff for a demonstration with OT
VII Ingo Swann. Swann is asked to describe objects hidden out of sight
by CIA personnel. The descriptions are so "startlingly accurate" that
Swann purportedly is asked if he will complete the necessary forms "for a
security clearance." [NOTE: Swann is already on record as having a top secret clearance.]
He agrees to do it once he gets back to New York "where his papers
are." The CIA rep suggests to CIA that the work be continued and
expanded. CIA's Sidney Gottlieb reviews the data, approves another work
order, and encourages the development of "a more complete research
Saturday, 26 August 1972
Ingo Swann returns to New York from SRI. He prepares the application for security clearance and sends it off to Hal Puthoff.[44]
Wednesday, 30 August 1972
A once-sentence letter is received by the FBI. It says: "Did you receive
the printed matter that was sent to you concerning Scientology, if so
please acknowledge. Thank you." [NOTE: In the released FBI copy, the
signature is blacked out. The letter is answered two days later (see 1
September 1972) by Acting FBI Director L. Patrick Gray.]
September 1972
The Scientology Flagship Apollo is moved to Spain for refit. The
crew and officers are given the story that L. Ron Hubbard is still
"living ashore" to account for his absence.
L. Ron Hubbard has functionally disappeared,
his purported whereabouts known only to a small
number of people called the "Special Unit" (SU).
Friday, 1 September 1972
Acting Director of FBI L. Patrick Gray responds to a once-sentence
letter received by the FBI received two days earlier (see Wednesday, 30
August 1972). Gray's reply says: "Your letter was received on August
30th. With respect to your inquiry, a search of our records does not
reveal any prior communication from you." [NOTE: In the released FBI
copy, the address block and the person's name is blacked out, and the
letter has a note at the bottom: "Correspondent is not identifiable in
Tuesday, 5 September 1972
Acting Director of FBI L. Patrick Gray receives a memorandum from the
Legal Attaché (LEGAT) Copenhagen (163-222) (RUC) titled "SUBJECT: L. RON
HUBBARD FPC regarding an airgram sent to the State Department on 23
June 1972 (see). It says: "ReCOPlet 5/23/72. Enclosed are single copies [sic]
of an airgram dated 6/23/72, captioned "THE CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY IN
DENMARK," from AmEmbassy, Copenhagen, to U.S. Dept. of State, which is
self-explanatory." [NOTE: Copies go to Foreign Liaison, Legat Madrid, and Copenhagen]
Friday, 15 September 1972
Hunt, Liddy, McCord and the Watergate burglars are indicted by a federal
grand jury. The involvement of McCord and Liddy provide investigators
with a link to the Nixon campaign. The involvement of E. Howard Hunt
provides investigators with a link to the White House.[92]
Tuesday, 19 September 1972
More cash to Dorothy Hunt, wife of CIA's E. Howard Hunt
- Anthony Ulasewicz flies to Washington, D.C. and delivers
$53,000 cash to Dorothy Hunt—wife of E. Howard Hunt—and $29,000 to Fred
LaRue by leaving unmarked envelopes in a locker at Washington
International Airport and in the lobby of a motel near LaRue's
Saturday, 30 September 1972
According to one of the conflicting stories he told, at the end of
September Acting Director of the FBI L. Patrick Gray takes files that
had been in E. Howard Hunt's White House safe to his home in Stonington,
Connecticut, and puts them in a chest-of-drawers intending to burn
Sunday, 1 October 1972
On a Sunday, CIA's Technical Services Division (TSD) awards OT VII Hal
Puthoff a top-secret research contract to develop "remote viewing" for
military espionage purposes.
[NOTE: TSD is the CIA division formerly known as "Technical Services
Staff." TSD is also the division running MK-ULTRA. The head of TSD is
Sidney Gottlieb. The name of TSD will change a month after this contract
to "Office of Technical Services." Its acronym, OTS is a pun.][19][94]
November 1972
CIA Director Richard Helms calls L. Patrick Gray's "number two man,"
Mark Felt, stating that Helms is going to call Assistant Attorney
General Peterson regarding the interview of CIA's Karl Wagner to see if
it "could not be held off."
CIA's Sidney Gottlieb "retires."
The name of CIA's TSD is changed to Office of Technical Services (OTS).[88][19]
OT III Pat Price
Sunday 3 December 1972
L. Ron Hubbard purportedly "goes into hiding" in New York in the company of Green Beret Paul Preston.
- Scientology OT VIIs Hal Puthoff and Ingo Swann, now
under contract with CIA, "run into" Scientology OT III Pat Price, who
purportedly is selling Christmas trees at a lot in Mountain View,
California—close to SRI. Puthoff is reported to "have met" Price
"several years earlier" at a lecture in Los Angeles. [NOTE: Los
Angeles is the location of Scientology's Advance Organization Los
Angeles (AOLA), the only place in the U.S. at the time where the OT
Levels are delivered.][94]
Friday, 8 December 1972
E. Howard Hunt's wife Dorothy is killed in a plane crash in Chicago
E. Howard Hunt's wife, Dorothy Hunt, is killed in the United Airlines
airplane crash of Flight 533 as it approaches Chicago. Dorothy Hunt's
purse contains $10,585 cash, most of it in hundred dollar bills.
Thursday, 21 December 1972
OT VII Ingo Swann arrives to begin his CIA contract at Stanford Research Institute.
James W. McCord writes a letter to Jack Caulfield that says in part: "If
Helms goes, and if the WG (Watergate) operation is laid at the CIA's
feet, where it does not belong, every tree in the forest will fall. It
will be a scorched desert. The whole matter is at the precipice right
now. Just pass the message that if they want it to blow, they are on
exactly the right course." Caulfield replies: "I have worked with these
people and I know them to be as tough-minded as you. Don't underestimate
January 1973
CIA Director Richard Helms orders that records of CIA's OTS, including records relating to MK-ULTRA, be deliberately destroyed.[96]
Wednesday, 3 January 1973
the very day that Ellsberg goes on trial, the CIA hand-couriers to
Watergate prosecutors CIA's own copies of photos of Liddy and Hunt in
front of Fielding's office
Daniel Ellsberg goes on trial, accused of theft and conspiracy in the disclosure of the Pentagon Papers.[97]
On the same day, CIA's Anthony Goldin hand delivers to the Department of
Justice Watergate prosecutors copies of 10 photos of E. Howard Hunt and
G. Gordon Liddy taken at the office of Ellsberg psychiatrist Lewis J.
Fielding, with Fielding's name on the door clearly visible.
[NOTE: See 26 August 1971, when Liddy and Hunt flew to Los Angeles to take the photos of each other.][93]
Thursday, 4 January 1973
Jack Caulfield delivers to John Dean a handwritten copy of the 21
December 1972 letter Caulfield had received from James McCord: "If Helms
goes, and if the WG (Watergate) operation is laid at the CIA's feet,
where it does not belong, every tree in the forest will fall. It will be
a scorched desert."[93]
Thursday, 1 February 1973
- A translation of a Soviet paper, "Report from Movosibirsk:
Communication between Cells," appears in Vol. 7, No. 2 of the Journal of
Parapsychology. The report says that experiments conducted in "Special
Department No. 8" indicate that cells could communicate illness, such as
a virus infection, despite the fact the cells are physically separated.
The tests showed that when one group of cells was contaminated with a
virus, the adjacent group—although separated by quartz glass—"caught the
Thursday, 1 February 1973
OT VII Hal Puthoff and Russell Targ have meetings with "selected Agency
[CIA] personnel" at CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, to review the
results of their research contract with CIA. Several Office of Research
and Development officers show interest in contributing their own
"expertise and office funding" to the research efforts. Prior to this,
the contract has been with CIA's Office of Technical Services (OTS).[19]
Wednesday, 7 February 1973
CIA Director Richard Helms perjures himself before the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee about CIA attempts to overthrow the government in
Mid February 1973
CIA's Office of Research and Discovery (ORD) sends Project Officers to
SRI to report on the remote viewing experiments of OT VIIs Hal Puthoff
and Ingo Swann. ORD is considering joining CIA's Office of Technical
Services in sponsoring the research on a joint program basis.[19]
Tuesday, 6 March 1973
Frank Church will later head 1975 investigations into U.S. intelligence
agency crimes—but he never exposes CIA's remote viewing program or its
Richard Helms testifies before the Multinational Committee, headed by
Frank Church. Nothing about CIA's remote viewing program is revealed.[98]
Saturday, 17 March 1973
John Dean informs President Nixon that the Watergate Committee has
learned that Justice Department prosecutors have CIA-supplied photos of
E. Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy taken at the office of Ellsberg
psychiatrist Lewis J. Fielding. It's the first Nixon has heard anything
about the Hunt/Liddy operation or of the photos. Dean says of Hunt and
Liddy: "These fellows had to be some idiots."
[NOTE: See 26 August 1971 and 3 January 1973][64]
On or about the same day, E. Howard Hunt meets with Paul O'Brien, an
attorney for the Committee to Re-elect the President. He tells O'Brien
that "commitments had not been met," that he has done "seamy things for
the White House," and that unless he receives $130,000, he "might review
his options."[93]
Wednesday, 21 March 1973
$75,000 cash is delivered to CIA's E. Howard Hunt
Fred LaRue arranges for $75,000 in cash to be delivered to E. Howard Hunt through Hunt's attorney, William Bittman.
April 1973
According to CIA Project Officer over the SRI experiments, Ken Kress,
it's about this time that Scientology OT III Pat Price starts working
with OT VIIs Puthoff and Swann at SRI, and that "the remote viewing
experiments in which a subject describes his impressions of remote
objects or locations began in earnest."
[NOTE: Hal Puthoff asserts that Pat Price came on board at SRI 1 June 1973.][19]
Sunday, 15 April 1973
Assistant Attorney General Henry Petersen supplies to Judge Matthew
Byrne—the judge in the Daniel Ellsberg Pentagon Papers trial—copies of
the CIA-supplied photos of E. Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy in front
of the office of Ellsberg's psychiatrist, Lewis Fielding.[93]
Dean spills the beans on the "break-in" at psychiatrist Lewis J.
Fielding's office. All charges soon will be dropped against Ellsberg.
On the same day, John Dean tells federal prosecutors about the burglary
of Dr. Lewis Fielding's office in Los Angeles, engineered by E. Howard
OT VII Ingo Swann comes up with the name "coordinate remote viewing" instead of just "remote viewing."[94]
Monday, 16 April 1973
E. Howard Hunt confirms what John Dean has told federal prosecutors the
previous day about the burglary of psychiatrist Lewis Fielding's office
in Los Angeles.[98]
Friday, 20 April 1973
CIA's Office of Research and Development decides to become involved in
the remote viewing research, requests an increase in the scope of the
effort, and transfers funds to CIA's Office of Technical Services (OTS):
"C/TSD; Memorandum for Assistant Deputy Director for Operations;
Subject: Request for Approval of Contract; 20 April 1973 (SECRET)."[19]
Late April 1973
OT VII Ingo Swann's "coordinate remote viewing" experiments are getting
more accurate and promising results, prompting Hal Puthoff and Russell
Targ to continue the experiments.[94]
Early May 1973
CIA Project Officer Ken Kress is told not to increase the scope of the
SRI remote viewing research because it's "too sensitive": CIA's Office
of Technical Services (OTS) is being investigated for involvement in the
Watergate affair.[19]
Director of Central Intelligence Dr. James Schlesinger issues a
memorandum to all CIA employees requesting the reporting of any
activities that may have been illegal and improper: CIA operations are
being investigated in connection with Watergate.[19]
Friday, 11 May 1973
Because of CIA-supplied photos of G. Gordon Liddy and E. Howard Hunt at
the office of Daniel Ellsberg psychiatrist Lewis Fielding and the
subsequent revelations, all charges against Daniel Ellsberg for leaking
the Pentagon Papers are dropped and his case dismissed on the grounds of
"government misconduct."[99]
Daniel Ellsberg is cleared of
all charges because of CIA-supplied photos—that had been
taken with a CIA camera and developed by CIA—of Liddy and Hunt in CIA garb in front of psychiatrist
Lewis Fielding's office.
Monday, 21 May 1973
A twenty-six-page preliminary summary of the reports from CIA employees
regarding questionable activities is sent to DCI William Colby under the
title "Potential Flap Activities." The full report, completed later,
comes to 693 pages in all, one for each "abuse," and it quickly acquires
the nom de scandale of "the Family Jewels." It includes reports on CIA's involvement in assassination plots.[98]
Tuesday, 29 May 1973
CIA analyst Richard Kennet gives a set of coordinates he's gotten from a
CIA colleague to Hal Puthoff at SRI as a "rigorous scientific
experiment," coordinates that Kennet himself doesn't know anything
Early June 1973
OT VII Ingo Swann and OT III Pat Price do remote viewing sessions on the
coordinates given to Hal Puthoff by CIA's Richard Kennet. Their results
are similar, both sketching something that resembles some sort of
military installation. Price's report is detailed, including even code
names on file folders on desks and inside file cabinets, and names of
military personnel. Puthoff sends the information off to CIA's Richard
Friday, 8 June 1973
Richard Kennett shows Pat Price's and Ingo Swann's "coordinate remote
viewing" results to his CIA colleague, Bill O'Donnell, who had provided
Kennett the coordinates in question to begin with [see timeline entry for 29 May 1973]. O'Donnell it isn't even close; he had given Kennett map coordinates for his summer cabin in the woods.[94]
Sunday, 10 June 1973
- Richard Kennett takes his wife and children on a "drive into
the countryside" in the Blue Ridge Mountains to check out Bill
O'Donnell's accounting of the coordinates Pat Price and Ingo Swann had
remotely viewed. "A few miles from his friend's cabin," Kennett
discovers a dirt road with a government "No Trespassing" sign, and some
satellite antennas in the background—"obviously some kind of secret
installation." It seems to match many of the descriptions provided by
Price and Swann.[94]
Monday, 11 June 1973
Richard Kennett looks up "an official who he thought might know about"
the strange secret base he and his wife and kids have discovered on
their weekend drive to West Virginia, and gives the unnamed official Pat
Price's and Ingo Swann's descriptions from their "coordinate remote
viewing" sessions.[94]
Wednesday, 13 June 1973
CIA's Richard Kennett finds himself at the center of an intense and
hostile security investigation over the "coordinate remote viewing"
descriptions of Scientology OTs Pat Price and Ingo Swann of the secret
installation in West Virginia. The investigation soon extends to Price,
Swann, and OT VII Hal Puthoff at SRI. The facility, ostensibly a U.S.
Navy communications base, is actually a highly sensitive NSA
The NSA's David Young—who has been granted immunity by Watergate
prosecutors—turns over to them a one-page memo revealing a 1971 plan for
G. Gordon Liddy and E. Howard Hunt to arrange a break-in at the office
of Ellsberg psychiatrist Lewis J. Fielding.[100]
Late June 1973
Hal Puthoff and Russell Targ brief senior CIA officials at CIA
Headquarters in Langley, Virginia on their remote viewing research. The
officials include Office of Technical Services (OTS) chief John McMahon
and Deputy Director for Science and Technology Carl Duckett.[94]
July 1973
Hal Puthoff and Ingo Swann travel to Prague for the First International
Congress on Psychotronic Research. Word comes from CIA that the leader
of the Soviet group is a KGB officer. At the same conference is CIA's
Cleve Backster.[94][101]
August 1973
TOP: OT III Pat Price remote viewing sketch of Soviet gantry at Semipalatinsk.
BOTTOM: CIA illustration of gantry made from satellite photos.
OT III Pat Price is given coordinates supplied by CIA's Ken Kress for
coordinate remote viewing experiments. Price identifies a Soviet
military research facility at the southern edge of the Semipalatinsk
nuclear test area in the Kazakh Republic. The accuracy of Price's
reports about the place become an important factor in future funding of
the remote viewing research of Puthoff, Targ, et. al.[94]
CIA officials discuss parapsychology with "several members" of DIA
(Defense Intelligence Agency). The "DIA people" are interested in the
Soviet activities in this area, and express considerable interest in the
CIA/SRI experiments.[19]
Ingo Swann's contract at SRI ends. He returns to New York.
[NOTE: Later timeline entries indicate that Ingo Swann has been training CIA "in-house" remote viewers.][94]
October 1973
- Ingo Swann is flying from New York to Los Angeles every
weekend to receive Scientology services at Celebrity Centre from Jim
Fiducia. Swann has completed a service called "Grade IV Expanded." He
writes a Scientology "success story" that says in part: "The precision
of Ron's (L. Ron Hubbard's) auditing such a great
contribution to history and humanity that words are not enough.
Utilizing the technology is what to do 'in this point in time.'"[102]
Early November 1973
William Colby has become Director of Central Intelligence (DCI).[19]
Ingo Swann, developing remote viewing for CIA,
says: "The precision of [L. Ron Hubbard's] technology is
such a great contribution to history and humanity that...
utilizing the technology is what to do in this point in time."
Friday, 9 November 1973
CIA's K. Green issues a report on the 1 June 1973 [see]
coordinate remote viewing experiment with Ingo Swann and Pat Price that
had targeted a secret NSA installation in West Virginia: "K. Green;
LSD/OSI; Memorandum for the Record; Subject: Verification of Remote
Viewing Experiments at Stanford Research Institute; 9 November 1973.
(SECRET)." The "new directors" of CIA's Office of Technical Services and
Office of Research and Development are favorably impressed.[19]
Late November 1973
Based on the favorable impression made by the 9 November 1973
"Verification of Remote Viewing" report, a CIA Statement of Work is
outlined, and the SRI team (Puthoff, Targ, et al.) is asked to propose
another program.[19]
January 1974
NSA's Hal Puthoff doing Scientology services at Celebrity Centre as a "professor." (Scans contributed, from Celebrity magazine Minor Issue 9, circa February 1974.)
- NSA's Hal Puthoff, a Scientology OT VII contracted to CIA,
has completed "Dianetic Auditing" at Scientology's Celebrity Centre in
Los Angeles. His "Success Story" soon appears in Celebrity
magazine saying he has "a feeling of absolute fearlessness." He has
represented himself to the Scientologists as merely a "Professor,
Stanford Research Institute."
Somehow the Department of Justice and FBI have upper level, confidential Scientology (OT) materials in their files.[103]
Friday, 1 February 1974
A new CIA program, jointly funded by Office of Research and Development
(ORD) and Office of Technical Services (OTS) is begun at SRI. Kenneth
Kress is the author Project Officer of the program. The project is to
proceed on the premise that the phenomena associated with remote viewing
exist; the objective is to develop and utilize them. The program is
referenced by a cite: "Office of Technical Services Contract, FAN
4125-4099; Office of Research and Development Contract, FAN 4162-8103; 1
February 1974 (CONFIDENTIAL)."[19]
Tuesday, 5 February 1974
- Hal Puthoff is contacted by the Berkeley police, requesting
psychic assistance in the investigation into the disappearance of Patty
Hearst. That afternoon, Puthoff and Pat Price meet with the police at
Patty Hearst's apartment, where Price says it is not a kidnapping for
money, but for political reasons.
Price, a Scientology OT III involved in the secret CIA remote viewing
program, is called in to help on the Patty Hearst kidnapping
They go down to the police station, where Price picks out three
photos from mug books, and associates the word "Lobo" (spanish for
"wolf") with one of the men he has selected. (All three men Price picked
are later confirmed to be members of the "Symbionese Liberation Army,"
which has kidnapped Hearst. The man with the "lobo" association turns
out to be William Wolfe, a.k.a. "Willie the Wolf.")[94]
Saturday, 17 August 1974
- Ingo Swann gives a lecture to about 250 Scientologists at
Laurel Springs Ranch in Santa Barbara, California: "What has Scientology
got to do with Psychic Research?" Its topics include, "What is a
Spirit? Its Potentials, and How Scientology provides a workable way for
anyone to know the answers for himself." Swann has flown in from New
York for the lecture—where Swann secretly has been training CIA
personnel in Scientology-based remote viewing.[104]
Tuesday, 20 August 1974
A secret internal CIA report is issued regarding OT III Pat Price's August 1973 [see]
remote viewing of a Soviet Research and Development facility: "W. T.
Strand; C/ESO/IAS; Memorandum for Director, Officer of Technical
Service; Subject: Evaluation of Data on Semipalatinsk Unidentified
R&D Facility No. 3, USSR; 20 August 1974 (SECRET)."[19]
Thursday, 29 August 1974
Scientology legal has filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request
to the U.S. Treasury Department that becomes civil case No. 76-1719, CSV
v. Secretary of the Treasury, in U.S. District Court for the District
of Columbia. [NOTE: The case will be considerably expanded, entailing
hundreds of documents, and including the Secret Service. Although some
documents are ultimately released to the Scientologists, many are
withheld under "the penumbra of agency's executive privilege which
exempts from FOIA the decision-making processes of government agencies"
and under protected "inter-agency or intra-agency memorandums or
Early October 1974
Ingo Swann returns to SRI as a "consultant."
[NOTE: Later timeline entries indicate that Ingo Swann has been training CIA "in-house" remote viewers.][94]
Friday, 18 October 1974
A paper by OT VII Hal Puthoff and Russell Targ appears in Nature magazine: "Information Transfer Under Conditions of Sensory Shielding."[94]
Thursday, 12 December 1974
A CIA report: "CI/Staff/DDO; Memorandum for the Record; Subject: SRI Experiment; 12 December 1974 (SECRET)."[19]
Monday, 16 December 1974
initially lies and says they have no documents on Scientology or
Hubbard. NSA's Hal Puthoff, a Scientology OT VII, is running the secret
remote viewing program for CIA.
The Founding Church of Scientology, Washington D.C. (FCDC) seeks access
through FOIA to all records maintained by the National Security Agency
(NSA) on FCDC and Scientology, as well as any records reflecting
dissemination of information to other domestic agencies or foreign
governments. [NOTE: The action is soon expanded to include all
references to other specific Scientology organizations and to L. Ron
Hubbard. NSA claims in response that it has no records related to
Scientology or Hubbard. That will turn out to be a lie, but the
documents ultimately will be withheld on grounds of "national security"
and "confidentiality specifically imparted by other statutes."]
Thursday, 19 December 1974
The Church of Scientology of California (CSC) files FOIA requests for
145 documents from the U.S. Treasury, the U.S. Secret Service, the
Secretary of the Treasury, and the Director of Secret Service pertaining
to Scientology and Scientologists and to L. Ron Hubbard.
Sunday, 22 December 1974
- The New York Times publishes an article by Seymour Hersh
regarding the secret Operation Chaos. Gerald Ford is President. DCI
William Colby phones Ford, who is vacationing in Vail, Colorado, and
tells him that Hersh has distorted the record, and that the "excesses"
of CIA had all ended in 1973—following Helms's departure.[98]
January 1975
Secret internal CIA reports are issued:
"AC/SE/DDO; Memorandum for C/D&E; Subject: Perceptual Augmentation Testing; 14 January 1975 (SECRET)"
"Chief/Division D/DDO; Memorandum for C/D&E; Subject: Perceptual Augmentation Techniques; 24 January 1975
"J. A. Ball; "An Overview of Extrasensory Perception"; Report to CIA, 27 January 1975.
"C/Libya/EL/NE/DDO; Memorandum for OTS/CB; Subject: Libyan Desk
Requirement for Psychic Experiments Relating to Libya; 31 January 1975
"C/EA/DDO; Memorandum for Director of Technical Service; Subject:
Exploration of Operational Potential of 'Paranormals'; 5 February 1975
- An internal CIA report is issued regarding the results
of remote viewing experiments performed by CIA "insiders"—all members of
CIA's Office of Technical Services (OTS): "OTS/SDB; Notes on Interviews
with F. P., E. L., C. J., K. G., and V. C., January 1975 (SECRET)." [NOTE:
This is the first confirmation that CIA has their own in-house
personnel as remote viewers. Later timeline entries indicate that Ingo
Swann has been training CIA in-house remote viewers.][19]
Emory becomes Assistant to Commissioner of IRS. By 1982, Emory will
restructure all of Scientology, putting it in the control of three
lawyers who are not Scientologists
Around this time, Ingo Swann purportedly leaves Scientology: "I exited
Scientology of my free will in 1975 and under reasonably amicable
circumstances." [NOTE: Unfortunately, Swann's claim is simply a lie.
In August 1977 (see) he is one of the speakers listed for Scientology's
"International Prayer Day," and in April 1979 (see) he is listed in a
Scientology publication as having completed a service called "New Era
Dianetics for OTs".]
Around the same time, FCDC expands its FOIA action against NSA to
include all references to L. Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology.
Around the same time, Meade Emory is appointed as Assistant to the Commissioner of IRS, Donald C. Alexander. [NOTE:
During Emory's tenure, a clerk typist named Gerald Wolfe will be hired
at IRS despite a hiring freeze. Wolfe will begin feeding stolen
documents to Scientology's Guardian Office, which later will be raided
by FBI. The Guardian Office principals, including Mary Sue Hubbard, will
be sent to jail. In the aftermath, Meade Emory engineers L. Ron
Hubbard's probate, restructures all of Scientology, and becomes one of
the Founders of Church of Spiritual Technology, the ultimate beneficiary
of L. Ron Hubbard's estate.]
Friday, 14 February 1975
The NSA replies to FCDC's FOIA action that it has not established any
file pertaining either to FCDC or L. Ron Hubbard, and that it has
transmitted no information regarding either to any domestic agencies or
foreign governments. [This proves later to be a bald faced NSA lie.]
Thursday, 27 February 1975
CIA's William Colby on CIA assassinations: "Not in this country."
- CBS correspondent Daniel Schorr, in a meeting with CIA
Director William Colby, asks Colby point blank, "Has the CIA ever killed
anybody in this country?" Colby responds: "Not in this country." Schorr
is stunned at Colby's oblique admission, but Colby will not answer
further questions about it, saying only that assassinations had been
"formally prohibited in 1973." [NOTE: See 1972.][98]
Early-mid March 1975
FCDC expands its FOIA action against NSA, naming other Scientology
organizations that NSA is suspected of having documents on. NSA again
denies possession of any of the data sought. [NOTE: This, too, proves
later to be a lie. As has been thoroughly covered, OT VII Hal Puthoff,
running the secret CIA remote viewing program, is NSA.]
Around the same time, all CIA funding of remote viewing and paranormal
research purportedly comes to a sudden halt. "To achieve better
security," the "operations-oriented testing" of remote viewing with
Scientology OTs Hal Puthoff and Ingo Swann purportedly is stopped.[19]
Around the same time, CIA "personal services" contract with Scientology OT III Pat Price is started.[19]
Pat Price departs SRI. He claims he is going to "work for a coal
company" in Huntington, West Virginia, and intends to return in a year.
He is working directly for CIA as a contractor.[94]
Thursday, 12 June 1975
Two internal CIA reports are issued regarding a device being used at SRI in remote viewing research:
"L. W. Rook; LSR/ORD; Memorandum for OTS/CB; Subject: Evidence for
Non-Randomness of Four-State Electronic Random Stimulus Generator; 12
June 1975 (CONFIDENTIAL)."
"S. L. Cianci; LSR/ORD; Memorandum for OTS/CB; Subject: Response to
Requested Critique, SRI Random Stimulus Generator Results; 12 June 1975
Monday, 23 June 1975
FOIA actions against CIA expose NSA's lie about having no relevant
documents. Both FOIA actions are ultimately thrown out by courts on
grounds of "national security."
In the course of FOIA proceedings against the Department of State and
the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), FCDC learns that NSA has at least
sixteen documents concerning Scientology, FCDC and related
organizations despite NSA's claims for months that they had no such
documents. Suddenly, confronted with details extracted by FCDC from the
CIA, the NSA "succeeds" in locating fifteen of those items "in warehouse
storage," and obtains a copy of the sixteenth from CIA. Then NSA takes
legal action to prevent release of the materials on grounds of national
Friday, 11 July 1975
OT III Pat Price, on a "personal services contract" with CIA, is given a
"second requirements list" for a Libyan installation Price had earlier
identified with remote viewing as a guerilla training site. Price dies
"a few days later."[19]
Tuesday, 15 July 1975
OT III Pat Price leaves from Huntington, West Virginia on a several-week
trip west. He first stops and has dinner in Washington, D.C.[94]
Wednesday, 16 July 1975
- OT III Pat Price arrives in Las Vegas, en route first to
SRI, then to Los Angeles. In Vegas, Price is met by an old friend named
Bill Alvarez and his wife, Judy. The three check into the Stardust Hotel
and go into the restaurant for dinner. Price begins to complain that he
doesn't feel well, and tells the Alvarezes that someone "had seemed to
slip something into his coffee" at dinner in Washington the night
before. Price soon feels so bad that he goes up to his room to lie down.
He feels even worse and calls the Alvarezes. They come to his room and
find him on the bed apparently in cardiac arrest. Bill Alvarez calls
paramedics, who try without success to resuscitate Price. He is declared
dead in the local hospital's emergency room. A mysterious "friend" of
Price's turns up at the emergency room with "a briefcase full of his
medical records," which, along with the statements of the emergency
room's physician, are enough to waive an autopsy—which would normally be
performed on an out-of-towner who had died outside the hospital.[94]
Tuesday, 9 September 1975
relevant records are still classified, there can be little doubt that
the remote viewing program is going directly to benefit the Army, since
the entire purpose was for military intelligence. This case, too, will
be thrown out on grounds of "national security."
Pursuant to FCDC's FOIA requests, Department of Defense and Department
of the Army have released a number of documents in their entirety,
released only edited versions of others, and refused to release any
portion of certain documents. Dissatisfied, the Church resorts to legal
action to compel disclosure. On September 9, 1975, the Church files a
complaint seeking an injunction against withholding of records: Church
of Scientology v. United States Department of the Army, No.
CV-75-3056-F. Named as co-defendants in the action are Secretary of the
Army, the U. S. Intelligence Agency and Assistant Chief of Staff for
Army Intelligence. [NOTE: This FOIA case will be lost mainly on grounds of "national security."]
Wednesday, 8 October 1975
A CIA report is done regarding experiments being done at SRI: "G. Burow;
OJCS/AD/BD; Memorandum for Dr. Kress; Subject: Analysis of the
Subject-Machine Relationship; 8 October 1975 (CONFIDENTIAL)."[19]
A CIA report is issued that's somehow related to the "requirements list"
for a Libyan remote viewing target that was allegedly passed to Pat
Price just days before he died: "DDO/NE; Memorandum for OTS/BAB;
Subject: Experimental Collection Activity Relating to Libya; 8 October
1975 (SECRET)."[19]
Thursday, 4 December 1975
The Defense Department also will be protected by U.S. Courts from releasing the documents on the grounds of "national security."
In addition to it 9 September FOIA suit, Scientology's FCDC files a
complaint seeking an injunction against withholding of records in Church
of Scientology v. United States Department of Defense, No.
CV-75-4072-F. Named as co-defendants in the action are Office of the
Secretary of Defense, Secretary of the Department of Defense, United
States Department of the Navy, Secretary of the Navy, Naval Intelligence
Command, and Director of Naval Intelligence. [NOTE: This FOIA case, too, will be lost mainly on grounds of "national security."]
On the same day, an internal CIA report is issued on a Pat Price remote
viewing of a Soviet Research and Development facility is issued: "D.
Stillman; Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory; "An Analysis of a Remote
Viewing Experiment of URDF-3"; 4 December 1975 (CONFIDENTIAL)."[19]
Wednesday, 14 January 1976
The AiResearch Manufacturing Company completes a report to CIA
indicating that further developments in long-distance telepathy are
continuing in the Soviet Union.[17]
Friday, 30 January 1976
George H.W. Bush becomes Director of CIA.
March 1976
OT VII Hal Puthoff and Russell Targ publish an article: "A Perceptual
Channel for Information Transfer Over Kilometer Distances; Historical
Perspective and Recent Research"
Proceedings of the IEEE LXIV March 1976 Number 3, 329-354.[19]
Monday, 16 August 1976
Guardian Office has authority over all Scientology legal actions, and
is directing the FOIA cases against NSA, CIA, and other U.S. agencies
and departments
- Scientology's FCDC files suit in District Court to compel
NSA to conduct a renewed search of its files, and to enjoin NSA from any
withholding of the materials. FCDC serves numerous interrogatories on
NSA inquiring into its efforts to locate the records, its classification
of documents, and its correspondence with CIA with respect to the NSA
items that had been uncovered in FOIA actions against CIA. NSA declines
to supply more than minimal information in answer to the
interrogatories. [NOTE: All Scientology FOIA actions are being
handled by Scientology's Guardian Office, regardless of the specific
Scientology organization filing the requests or suits.]
Tuesday, 24 August 1976
- Opening Day of Scientology's "First International Conference
for World Peace and Social Reform and Human Rights Prayer Day" at the
Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California. Ingo Swann has been
promoted to be one of the many speakers at the event. Another one of the
listed speakers is an unnamed "former Executive Assistant to the Deputy
Director of the CIA." Also featured at the event are the Hubbard
children—Diana, Suzette, Quentin, and Arthur—as well as Celebrity Centre
director Yvonne (Gillham) Jentzsch.[3][105]
Thursday, 28 October 1976
Diana, Quentin, Suzette, and Arthur Hubbard at the Human Rights Prayer
Day event in Los Angeles just a little over two months before Quentin is
found in Las Vegas in a coma from which he never recovers
Quentin Hubbard, son of L. Ron Hubbard, is found in a coma in a car
parked near McCarren airport in Las Vegas, Nevada without any
identification on him. He never comes out of the coma and dies just over
two weeks later, still unidentified. Clark County Medical Examiner
Sheldon Green determines the cause of death to be carbon monoxide
poisoning, but says the "mode and manner" of death are unknown. Although
ultimately able to identify Quentin through automobile records, the
effort isn't made until after he has died. Autopsy reveals evidence of
staph, and an angiogram had revealed a "possible cerebral abscess." [NOTE:
A little over a year later, Yvonne (Gillham) Jentzsch will die
mysteriously, first diagnosed as having a staph infection, but with
cause of death later being attributed to "a brain tumor."]
November 1976
George H. W. Bush (Sr.) is Director of Central Intelligence. He learns
that Soviet officials have been visiting and questioning Hal Puthoff and
Russell Targ at SRI. Bush requests and receives a briefing on CIA's
investigations into parapsychology. Before there is any official
response from Bush, he leaves CIA.[19]
Monday, 31 January 1977
Director of CIA, George H.W. Bush is over CIA's remote viewing program
while the Guardian Office is suing CIA for FOIA documents
Scientology's FCDC files a suit against the Director of CIA and others,
No. 77-0175. The suit alleges that Scientology has been the subject of a
government-wide conspiracy to destroy a religion. It claims that the
church's constitutional and statutory rights have been violated in that
the government agencies have improperly maintained and disseminated
information; harassed, observed, and infiltrated the organization;
"blacklisted" members; and subjected the organizations to discriminatory
tax audits. Defendants include the Director of the FBI, the Attorney
General of the United States, the Director of the CIA, the Secretary of
the Treasury, the Chief of the National Central Bureau of the
International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL); the Director of
NSA; the Secretary of the Army; and the Postmaster General of the Postal
Service. The United States is also named as a defendant. [NOTE:
George H.W. Bush leaves as Director of CIA at almost the same time this
case is filed. This suit, as all the other Scientology FOIA cases, is
being handled by Scientology's Guardian Office, run by Mary Sue Hubbard.
Just over six months after this suit is filed, the Guardian Office is
raided by the FBI and all of its senior members are charged with
stealing IRS and other government agency documents. They will be
sentenced to jail terms. In the aftermath, IRS's Meade Emory will tear
down the entire Scientology corporate structure and rebuild it, but
Meade Emory's work will be in secret, and the restructuring will be
publicly attributed to L. Ron Hubbard, whose whereabouts are unknown
the entire time.]
April 1977
The CIA's Office of Scientific Investigation completes a study about
Soviet military and KGB applied parapsychology: "T. Hamilton; LSD/OSI;
"Soviet and East European Parapsychology Research," SI 77-10012, April
1977 (SECRET/NOFORN)."[19]
Thursday, 2 June 1977
The United States District Court for the Central District of California
issues a Summary Judgment for the U.S. in the Scientology FOIA action
No. CV-75-3056-F (CSC v. Army), granting the Department of the Army the
right withhold documents and portions of documents pertaining to
Scientology and its founder, L. Ron Hubbard. Grounds are "national
- On the same day, the United States District Court for
the Central District of California issues a Summary Judgment for the
U.S. in the Scientology FOIA action No. CV-75-4072-F (CSC v. Defense),
granting the Department of Defense the right withhold documents and
portions of documents pertaining to Scientology and its founder, L. Ron
Hubbard. Grounds are "national security." [NOTE: The Guardian Office
still has FOIA actions outstanding against NSA, CIA, et al. Just over a
month after this ruling, though, the Guardian Office will be raided by
the FBI.]
Friday, 8 July 1977
FBI launches simultaneous early-morning raids on three Guardian Office
locations: two in Los Angeles, one in Washington, D.C.
- The Federal Bureau of Investigation, using chain-saws and
axes, mounts three simultaneous early-morning raids of Scientology
Guardian Office facilities on opposite coasts: the Cedars complex and
Fifield Manor in California, and the Washington, D.C. (FCDC) office
06:00 hours Pacific time. At the time of these raids, the Guardian
Office is managing Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) suits against the
Directors of CIA and the FBI, plus the CIA itself, the National Security
Agency (NSA), the Department of Defense, Army Intelligence, Naval
Intelligence, the Treasury Department (including IRS), INTERPOL, and the
Attorney General of the United States. [NOTE: The senior Guardian
Office (GO) personnel will be sent to jail as a result of the raid, with
the GO soon being disestablished altogether. Control over the other
Scientology FOIA actions is severely compromised, and all are ultimately
lost on grounds of "national security." Soon after, Meade Emory begins
restructuring Scientology to have the ownership and control of the
materials put under three non-Scientologist tax and probate attorneys.
See 28 May 1982.]
The CIA has appropriated Scientology Advanced Technology via the use of
Scientology OTs who have developed "remote-viewing" techniques, and who
have trained CIA personnel. The CIA has a super-secret remote-viewing
installation now set up, which has been joined to the U.S. Army
Intelligence Agency's merger with the Army Security Agency to form the
all-in-one "Intelligence and Security Command" (INSCOM). Under INSCOM, a
major and super-secret remote-viewing program is being established at
Fort Meade. It has been described thus: "The...researchers, in rivalry
with their Soviet counterparts, were attempting nothing less than the
development of the perfect spies, human beings who, undetectably and at
almost zero cost, could spy upon the most remote, sensitive, and heavily
guarded locations." The program has gone under the code name SCANATE
(for "SCAN by coordiNATE"), but soon will become Project GRILLFLAME, and
evolve into Project STAR GATE. The CIA, NSA, and the Defense
Intelligence agencies are all fighting the Guardian Office FOIA actions,
largely on the grounds of "national security" (although other
justifications are thrown in for window dressing). Even Congress, other
than the oversight committee, does not know about these secret
intelligence projects utilizing Scientology and Scientologists.
Tuesday, 9 August 1977
CIA Director Stansfield Turner reveals publicly, but obliquely, that CIA has had "operational interest in parapsychology."
Friday, 4 November 1977
- Former CIA Director Richard Helms appears in federal court
in Washington, D.C. for sentencing on perjury before a Congressional
Committee. Judge Barrington D. Parker reads Helm a stern lecture and
announces the sentence: a $2000 fine and two years in jail—then suspends
the sentence.[98]
Tuesday, 17 January 1978
of Celebrity Centre Yvonne (Gillham) Jentzsch dies under mysterious
circumstances with similarities to medical findings in Quentin Hubbard's
untimely death (Portrait by William Shirley)
- Yvonne (Gillham) Jentzsch, who founded Celebrity Centre and
has been closely connected to Hal Puthoff and Ingo Swann, dies at the
Scientology Flag Land Base in Florida. There is a good deal of mystery
surrounding her death. She had gone to Flag to be handled for a staph
infection that had started in a leg, but then her death is reported as
having been from a brain tumor.
May 1978
The SRI remote-viewing team is called upon to rapidly try and locate,
with remote viewing, a downed Soviet Tupolev-22 bomber that had been
configured for gathering electronic and photographic intelligence, and
had gone down in the jungles the day before somewhere in Zaire. The task
is given to two remote-viewers: Gary Langford at SRI (under Scientology
OT VII Hal Puthoff), and a woman named Frances Bryan at
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. Both produce sketches of a river, which
get matched to maps of the general area where the plane is thought to
have been. A cabled summary of their results goes to the CIA station
chief in Kinshasa, but the co-ordinates are over 70 miles from where the
local CIA team believe the plane has gone down. The wreckage of the
plane is soon found less than three miles from where the remote-viewers
had pin-pointed it. CIA Director Stansfield Turner briefs President
Jimmy Carter on the successful operation and recovery.
[NOTE: Seventeen years later, Carter briefly describes this incident
during a speech at a college, even though the entire program is still
top secret at the time.][94]
Tuesday, 31 October 1978
- Two senior scientists from the Soviet Ministry of
Defense—Jan I. Koltunov and Nikolai A. Nosov—become members of the
Moscow Bio-Electronics Laboratory, which is doing research in telepathy.[17]
Thursday, 7 December 1978
The KGB restructures the Moscow Laboratory for Bio-Electronics' "Rules
for Admittance to Membership in the Central Public Laboratory for
Bio-Electronics," creating stringent security requirements.[17]
January 1979
Funding and tasking of remote viewing are being coordinated by the DIA,
and the separate elements of the project are going by the collective
code name GRILL FLAME. Integration of the project provides political
cover for other agencies that might have been embarrassed to fund
psychic spying directly. Atop this cover is Jack Vorona, who heads the
DIA's Scientific and Technical Intelligence Directorate (known as "DT")
as one of the Pentagon's top scientists. Funding for the SRI branch of
the remote viewing operation alone, where Scientology OTs Hal Puthoff
and Ingo Swann are operating, is estimated to run close to $1 million
Monday, 5 March 1979
Jupiter is discovered to have rings
OT VII Hal Puthoff receives a call from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
(JPL) at La Canada, California. Raw data is coming in from the space
probe Voyager 1, which is approaching Jupiter. JPL scientists have been
completely surprised to discover that there is a ring around Jupiter.
Puthoff's remote-viewing associate at SRI, OT VII Ingo Swann, had, on 27
April 1973
[see]–nearly six years earlier–remote-viewed Jupiter and had
described and sketched just such a ring around the planet. Swann's
results regarding Jupiter had been laughed off at the time.[107]
April 1979
OT VII Ingo Swann is listed in Scientology's
Source magazine issue 20 as having completed New Era Dianetics for OTs.
Despite strict Scientology policies against it,
Ingo Swann, while working for the CIA, is still
doing upper-level Scientology services—even though
Swann later claims he left Scientology "in 1975."
Sunday, 15 April 1979
OT VII Hal Puthoff issues an SRI Internal Report, "Feasibility Study on
the Vulnerability of the MPS System to RV [Remote Viewing] Detection
[NOTE: MPS = Mapping, Chart, and Graphics Production System of the National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA)][108]
July 1979
Hella Hammid, a remote viewer working in the CIA-initiated program at
SRI under OT VIIs Hal Puthoff and Ingo Swann, successfully describes
microscopic picture targets as small as one millimeter square in an
experimental series, and also correctly identifies a silver pin and a
spool of thread inside an aluminum film can.[109][110]
September 1979
- The GRILL FLAME remote viewing headquarters at Fort Meade,
Maryland is an outgrowth of the Scientology-based CIA-initiated remote
viewing studies conducted at SRI by Scientology OT VIIs Hal Puthoff—who
is Director of the SRI facility—and Ingo Swann. The Fort Meade unit is
housed in two single-story wooden structures numbered 2560 and 2561.
Fort Meade is a base for the National Security Agency (NSA) and part of
the Army's Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM), under which GRILL
FLAME is officially established. GRILL FLAME takes its orders from the
Pentagon's Office of the Army's Assistant Chief of Staff for
Intelligence, and its tasking originates from CIA, DIA, and the
President's National Security Council (NSC). Only a few dozen officials
in the intelligence community have been briefed on the existence of
GRILL FLAME. "Access is limited," an Army memorandum of the time notes,
"to those personnel approved on a 'by name' basis."
- Joseph
McMoneagle is a consultant for the SRI remote viewing labs OT VII Hal
Puthoff is Director, and where OT VII Ingo Swann trains government
remote viewers. McMoneagle is being assigned numerous remote viewing
tasks, for which he will later be granted a Legion of Merit award for
excellence in intelligence service. *U.S. Intelligence agencies have
become aware that the Russians have built the largest building under a
single roof in the world. No one in the agencies, however, knows what is
going on inside. The President's National Security Council staff orders
INSCOM to have remote viewers see what they can determine about it. One
of INSCOM's better remote-viewers, Joseph McMoneagle (a consultant with
OT VII Hal Puthoff) reports, after his remote viewing of the facility,
that a very large, new submarine with 18-20 missile launch tubes and a
"large flat area" at the aft end will be launched in 100 days. Two
Soviet subs, one with 24 launch tubes, and the other with 20 launch
tubes and a large flat aft deck, are sighted 120 days later. These are
new Soviet "Typhoon"-class submarines—the largest in the world.[111][112][113][94]
Friday, 23 November 1979
The Joint Chiefs of Staff issue orders for Scientology-trained
government remote-viewing personnel to begin providing information on
the location and condition of the Iranian hostages. [NOTE: A total of 206 remote-viewing sessions are ultimately devoted to the Iranian hostage crisis.]
Friday, 28 May 1982
On the tenth anniversary of the purported
Watergate first break-in, a corporation called
Church of Spiritual Technology
(CST), doing business as the "L. Ron Hubbard Library," is created that
controls all of L. Ron Hubbard's intellectual property, including all
research and materials of Scientology, including the OT Levels. Three
non-Scientology lawyers create the corporation and appoint themselves
for life as its "Special Directors," vesting in themselves ultimate
control over the corporation and all of the intellectual properties. The
corporation has been created as part of a Scientology "restructuring"
engineered by a former Assistant to Commissioner of IRS, Meade Emory.
Circa July 1982
OT VII Ingo Swann, under the direction of OT VII Harold Puthoff, head of
the Remote Viewing Laboratory at SRI, is training remote viewers for
the the Army. According to Major Ed Dames, he and five others are sent
to be trained by Swann, purportedly in a "new model" of remote viewing.
[NOTE: Ed Dames has been documented as lying publicly about the
involvement of Scientology and of OT VIIs Hal Puthoff and Ingo Swann in
the genesis of remote viewing, and reasonably is viewed as a primary
source of CIA disinformation and phony "technology" related to the
subject. See
CST and the CIA.]
Tuesday, 16 July 1984
A press release promises construction in Los Angeles of an $8 million
"L. Ron Hubbard Library" where the original works of Hubbard "will be
made readily accessible" to all. The release goes on to say that "until
construction of the library," all the original manuscripts and tapes
have been buried "in a series of underground vaults in half a dozen
separate, but undisclosed locations."
[NOTE: No such library ever was built. The original works still
remain buried in one or more underground vaults, of which only three
have ever been identified. Also, the release omits any mention of the
Meade Emory-created CST, which controls all the works, or of the fact
that it is doing business at the time of the release under the exact
name as the promised library (see 28 May 1982).][114][115]
Monday, 24 August 1992
trades land with an underground vault to U.S. government at a major
loss, including millions of dollars invested in building the vault. The
land CST takes in trade is valued at only a little over $28,000.
The Church of Spiritual Technology (CST), which had been set up by a
former Assistant to the Commissioner if IRS, Meade Emory, to control all
of L. Ron Hubbard's works, makes a land swap with the U.S. government,
giving the federal government one of the vaults it has constructed—the
Trementina Base
in New Mexico, and all the developments on it—in exchange for a
like-sized but much cheaper piece of public and undeveloped land nearby.
There is no accounting for the contents of the vault traded to the U.S.
[NOTE: See
Trementina Base
for full coverage.]
Friday, 1 October 1993
Just over a year after the land swap (see 24 August 1992), the U.S. government restores tax exemption to Scientology.
[NOTE: See 1967 for date of revocation.]
The "Church of Spiritual Technology" owns
all of Hubbard's works, and has buried the originals
in one or more underground vaults—then traded
one of the vaults to the U.S. government, contents unknown.
Wednesday, 6 September 1995
Ordered to declassify certain information about remote viewing, the CIA
has its public relations office issue the following: "As mandated by
Congress, CIA is reviewing available information and past research
programs concerning parapsychological phenomena, mainly 'Remote Viewing'
to determine whether they might have any utility for intelligence
collection. CIA sponsored research on this subject in the 1970s. At that
time, the program, always considered speculative and controversial, was
determined to be unpromising."
June 1998
Remote viewer Joe McMoneagle says in an interview about CIA's remote
viewing programs: "Probably less than two percent of the information
pertinent to the program has been released; certainly almost none of the
operational data. A great deal of the research data is still classified
as well."[117]
As is well and thoroughly covered elsewhere, the "Church of Spiritual
Technology" (CST) created altered versions of all of Hubbard's books and
materials and began systematically replacing the originals with the
altered versions. Even Hubbard taped lectures were edited, sometimes
with entire sections removed. Earlier versions of the Hubbard works were
collected up and destroyed. The claim was that the new versions were
"correcting" the earlier versions.
Around the same time that the Guardian Office was destroyed, copies of
what were purported to be the confidential upper materials began to be
published in several media sources, first in a small Las Vegas rag
called the Las Vegas Review-Journal, later in some broader publication magazines, and even excerpts in the Los Angeles Times and the Washington Post–whose
Office of Naval Intelligence officer/reporter Bob Woodward told the
world what it should be allowed to know about Watergate. No sources have
ever been revealed for these purported confidential Scientology
materials. Given the proven track of CST altering the works, and the
fact that federal agencies had confidential upper-level Scientology
materials in their files, there is sound foundation for the belief that
the "OT Levels" in circulation are altered forgeries.
CST has made certain that it can never been proven one way or another by
burying the original works in underground vaults, at least one of which
they traded into the possession and control of the U.S. federal
government on 24 August 1992.
In a nutshell, this research suggests that U.S. intelligence agencies recognized the power and potential of L. Ron Hubbard's work early on. They initially tried to work with Hubbard and Scientology to forward their secret agendas. When it eventually became clear that Hubbard would not cooperate, and in fact did his best to thwart these efforts, an intensive infiltration of Scientology was begun that gradually, yet dramatically changed the course of Scientology, such that it eventually diverted far from its original goals. For an intriguing documentary on remote viewing, click here.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah
Hunt, E. Howard
Undercover, Memoirs of an American Secret Agent
ISBN 399-11446-7
a b c d e f g h i j
Wells, Tom
Wild Man; The Life and Times of Daniel Ellsberg
a b c d e
What is Scientology?
Bridge Publications Los Angeles
ISBN 1-573-18122-6
Hubbard, L. Ron "The Story of Dianetics and Scientology" lecture of 18 October 1958
"Key Events in CIA's History,"
CIA Factbook on Intelligence
Weiner, Tim "Robert Komer, 78, Figure in Vietnam, Dies"
The New York Times
12 April 2000
Scan of letter
a b
Chase, Alston
Harvard and the Unabomber: The Education of an American Terrorist
W.W. Norton & Company 2003
a b
Ross, Colin
Bluebird: Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality by Psychiatrists,
Manitou Communications, 2000
Hubbard, L. Ron
Dianetics, the Modern Science of Mental Health
a b c d
What is Scientology
"Complete List of Books and Materials"
Scan of Hubbard letter of resignation, 27 May 1950
Hubbard, L. Ron "How We Have Addressed the Problem of the Mind" taped lecture 4 July 1957
Hubbard, L. Ron "Group Dianetics" Dianetic Auditor's Bulletin Vol. 1 No. 7, January 1951
Hubbard, L. Ron
Science of Survival
limited manuscript edition Wichita, Kansas 25 June 1951
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n
Ebon, Martin
"Amplified Mind Power Research In The Former Soviet Union"
Retrieved April 29, 2006
Hubbard, L. Ron
What to Audit
Scientific Press, Phoenix, Arizona July 1952 and "History of Man" Hubbard Association of Scientologists, London, July 1952
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj
Kress, Dr. Kenneth A. "Parapsychology in Intelligence: A Personal Review and Conclusions"
Studies in Intelligence
(CIA publication) Winter 1977
a b
Schwalbe, David "LSD and the CIA, Part 2"
14 March 1999
Hubbard, L. Ron
Philadelphia Doctorate Course
lecture series
a b c d e f g
Kutler, Stanley I.
Abuse of Power: the New Nixon Tapes
a b
Lee, Martin A. and Shlain, Bruce
Acid Dreams; The CIA, LSD and the Sixties Rebellion
Grove Press, New York: 1985;
ISBN 0-394-55013-7
a b c d
Martin, Harry V. and Caul, David "Mind Control"
Napa Sentinel
August-November 1991
a b c
Hubbard, L. Ron "Politics, Freedom From" LRH Secretarial Executive
Directive 56 Int 14 June 1965 reissued as Hubbard Communication Office
Policy Letter 10 January 1968
Declassified Documents—Microfilms Under MKULTRA" Research Publications Woodbridge, CT 1984 002258
a b c d e
Church of Scientology vs. Commissioner of Internal Revenue
Docket No. 3352-78 United States Tax Court filed 24 September 1984
Miller, Russell
Bare Faced Messiah
a b c d e f g h i j k l
Ellsberg, Daniel
Secrets: A Memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers
Penguin 2003
ISBN 0-142-00342-5
"Plants Do Worry and Feel Pain,"
Garden News
18 December 1959
Hubbard, L. Ron "Creation and Goals" a recorded lecture of 3 August 1961
Sea Org Orders of the Day (OODs) 28 February 1969
a b c d e
Judiciary Committee Impeachment hearings, Testimony of Witnesses, Book
III: Responses by CIA to questions submitted by the Committee
Cooper, Paulette
The Scandal of Scientology
Hubbard, L. Ron "Level VII" a taped lecture of 23 February 1965
Hubbard, L. Ron "The Well-Rounded Auditor" a taped lecture of 29 June 1965
a b c d e f g h
A.J. Weberman
Hubbard, L. Ron, Scientology Policy of 28 December 1965, revised 1968, "Enrollment in Suppressive Groups"
Hubbard, L. Ron, Scientology Policy of 6 December 1976, revised 8 April 1988, "Illegal PCs, Acceptance Of"
Burton, Christine "Green Music" article
Hubbard, L. Ron "Clearing Course Security" Scientology policy letter of 16 August 1966
Hubbard, L. Ron "OT Personnel" Scientology policy letter 10 November 1966 Issue II
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq
Swann, Ingo
Remote Viewing—The Real Story
Miller, Russel Interview with David Mayo
a b
Miller, Russell
Bare Faced Messiah
Meade Emory profile
Tanner, Jerald "Mormon Spies, Hughes and the CIA" citing testimony before Judiciary Committee Impeachment hearings, Book III
CIA memo #104-10119-10323 from CIA Chief Central Cover Staff Corporate Cover Branch
James McCord biography
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n
Liddy, G. Gordon
Will, the Autobiography of G. Gordon Liddy
St. Martin's
ISBN 0-312-92412-7
Hal, Puthoff "Success Story" Scientology Advanced Org Los Angeles (AOLA)
special publication, blue painting cover, printed in 1971
a b c d e f g
Liddy, G. Gordon Deposition in Dean v. Liddy et al., U.S. District Court D.C. 92-1807
Smith, J.
"List of CIA Agents"
magazine Brussels November 1985
Miller, Russell Interview with Kima Douglas
"Data Concerning the Death of Scientology Parishioner Susan Meister"
Company Memorandum TSMY
White House Plumbers
Campaign Contributions Task Force #804—Hughes/Rebozo Investigation, Box 86, Caulfield, John: "7/71 Sandwedge proposal"
Caulfied, John J. (Jack Caulfield)
"In Their Own Words"
a b c d
Memorandum for the Record: "Summary of Mr. Karl Wagner's Knowledge of
CIA Assistance to Mr. E. Howard Hunt" Judiciary Committee Impeachment
a b c d
Memorandum for the Record: "Summary of Contacts by Mr. Stephen Carter
Greenwood with Mr. E. Howard Hunt" Judiciary Committee Impeachment
hearings Book III
a b c
"Orders of the Day" (OODs) of the Scientology Flagship
Hubbard, L. Ron "Advanced Courses" Scientology policy letter of 12 August 1971
a b
Transcript of recording of a meeting among the President, John Dean, and
H.R. Haldeman in the Oval Office on March 17, 1973 from 1:25 pm to 2:10
a b c
Bernard Barker testimony, May 11 and May 24, 1973 Judiciary Committee
Impeachment Hearings Book I, Events Prior to the Watergate Break-in
Victorian, Armen, quoting Ingo Swann "Remote Viewing and the U.S. Intelligence Community"
Issue 31: June 1996
a b
Brussell, Mae
"Why Was Martha Mitchell Kidnapped"
The Realist
August 1972
House of Representatives Judiciary Committee Impeachment Hearings, Book I
"Chasing George W. Bush and the F-102"
Citrine, Charlie
Watergate Timeline
a b c
LaMother, Captain John D. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Report:
"Controlled Offensive Behavior—USSR" DIA Task Number T72-01-14 Controlled Offensive Behavior—USSR
large PDF file
Caddy, Douglas "Gay Bashing and Watergate"
1 August 2005
a b c
FBI files on L. Ron Hubbard
United States Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit ruling April 10, 1972
Church of Scientology of Minnesota et al. v. Department of Health,
Education & Welfare, etc., et al. No. 71-1507
a b c
"Bug Suspects Got Campaign Funds"
Washington Post
FBI report dated 22 June 1972, "Memorandum to Mr. Bolz"
a b c d e f g
Congressional testimony of Alfred Baldwin, 24 May 1973
Document in PDF format "BushGuardmay4.pdf" released by CBS news in September 2004
a b c d e
U.S. v. George Gordon Liddy et al. Grand Jury Indictment; Grand Jury sworn in on June 5, 1972
James McCord testimony, May 11 and May 24, 1973 Judiciary Committee
Impeachment Hearings Book I, Events Prior to the Watergate Break-in
Document in PDF format "BushGuardmay19.pdf" released by CBS news in September 2004
Excerpt of letter from Nixon to Kissinger and Haig
a b c
The Public Papers of President Richard Nixon; 1972
U.S. vs. G. Gordon Liddy, appellant No. 73-1565 United States Court of Appeals District of Columbia, decided 8 November 1974
Watergate first break-in
Arlington National Cemetery web page on John Paul Vann
Helms, Richard and Hood, William
A Look Over My Shoulder
Random House, 2003
a b c d e f
Testimony of L. Patrick Gray, former Acting Director of the Federal
Bureau of Investigation, in Congressional hearings, 3 and 6 August 1973
Transcript from web site "History and Politics Out Loud"
Church of Scientology v. IRS, No. 3352-78, United States Tax Court, filed 24 September 1978
a b
Watergate Chronology
"Watergate burglars indicted" NBC News abstract
a b c d e
House of Representatives Judiciary Committee Impeachment Hearings, Book III
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x
Schnabel, Jim
Remote Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies
Dell (1997)
ISBN 0-440-22306-7
Bio of Jack Caulfield
"Project MKULTRA, the CIA's Program of Research in Behavioral
Modification" Report by U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
The New York Times Company Timeline: NY Times Timeline 1971-2000
a b c d e f g h
Powers, Thomas "Inside the Department of Dirty Tricks"
Atlantic Monthly
August 1979 Volume 244 No. 2 pages 33-64
"Pentagon Papers: Case Dismissed"
magazine 21 May 1973
"Break-In Memo Sent to Ehrlichman" Washington Post Staff Writers Wednesday, June 13, 1973
Jensen, Derrick "The Plants Respond: An Interview with Cleve Backster"
The Sun
July 1997
magazine Minor Issue 8 November 1973
RTC v. FACTnet, Inc. US District Court Colorado No. 95B2143 testimony of Robert Vaughn Young 21 September 1995
magazine Minor Issue 11 September 1974
magazine Major Issue 21
O'Leary, J. "Turner Denies CIA Bugging of South Korea's Park"
The Washington Star
9 August 1977.
Swann, Ingo
The 1973 Remote Viewing Probe of the Planet Jupiter
Puthoff, Hal "CIA-Initiated RV Program at SRI" article
Puthoff, Harold and Targ, Russell, "Direct Perception of Remote Geographical Locations", SRI Menlo Park, 1979
Targ, Russell
Miracles of Mind; Remote Viewing
May, Dr. Edwin C. "Response to the CIA/AIR Report on Remote Viewing"
"Interview with Joseph McMoneagle"
Psychic World
Summer issue 1998
STAR GATE (Controlled Remote Viewing)
Untitled PR Newswire press release dated July 17 1984 but with July 16
dateline, begins "Construction of an $8 million library..."
Untitled PR Newswire press release dated July 17 1984 with July 17
dateline, begins "Construction of an $8 million library..." (text
different from similar release with 16 July 1984 dateline)
CIA Public Affairs Office "CIA Statement on 'Remote Viewing'", 6 September 1995
Csere, Tom "Interview with Joe McMoneagle, World-Class Remote Viewer"
Psychic World
Summer 1998
Colodny, Len and Gettlin, Robert Silent Coup: The Removal of a President