Hyperdimensional Science
Top Secret Projects Bend Concepts of Reality
"Just skimming through these papers gives an idea of how incredibly sophisticated the science in these areas has become."
Dear friends,
Many are aware of top secret government programs which have developed technologies far in advance of anything that is publicly known. The development of the F-117 Stealth Bomber, for example, was kept secret for years before it's existence was finally revealed. The question is: How far advanced are these programs?
In my research into this topic, I've learned about above top secret programs which for many years have been researching what many would consider science fiction, including invisibility cloaking, extracting energy from the quantum vacuum, and warp drive, i.e. faster than light travel, including using wormholes to travel to other planets and even other dimensions.
Amazingly, there is now strong, verifiable evidence to show active scientific research in all of these areas. Ample evidence suggests that these projects are far more advanced than most would imagine. One group in particular has shined a powerful light into these shadowy programs.
The Federation of American Scientists [FAS] is a nonprofit organization founded in 1945 by scientists who built the first atomic bombs during the Manhattan Project. As stated on their website, "[FAS] provides science-based analysis of and solutions to protect against catastrophic threats to national and international security. Specifically, FAS works to reduce the spread and number of nuclear weapons, prevent nuclear and radiological terrorism, [and] illuminate government secrecy practices." Through this respected organization, the scientists who brought us into the nuclear age have done their best to keep us from destroying ourselves with their discoveries.
Steven Aftergood, director of the Government Secrecy Project at FAS, has long been working to pull back unhealthy veils of secrecy through many hundreds of FOIA (Freedom Of Information Act) requests. His invaluable work has revealed how claims of "national security" at times are used to drape a cloak of secrecy around activities which actually endanger citizens not only of the US, but of the world. What has been revealed through the documents he has obtained is breathtaking.
On August 15, 2018, Aftergood submitted an FOIA request to the Defense Intelligence Agency [DIA] "for information concerning a copy of the list that was recently transmitted to Congress of all DIA products produced under the Advanced Aerospace Threat and Identification Program contract." The list mentioned was sent to many key members of Congress, but received no press coverage. The response he received, dated Jan. 16, 2019, is mind boggling.
The DIA released a list of titles for scientific papers on 38 government projects of a highly advanced nature. You can find the list on this webpage. Number 7 on the list is "Invisibility Cloaking." Number 8 is titled "Traversable Wormholes, Stargates, and Negative Energy." Number 11 is "Antigravity for Aerospace Applications." Number 14 is "Concepts for Extracting Energy from the Quantum Vacuum." Number 19 is "Warp Drive, Dark Energy, and the Manipulation of Extra Dimensions."
The full papers for three of these are available at the links below:
Invisibility Cloaking by Ulf Leonhardt, Chair in Theoretical Physics, University of St. Andrews
Traversable Wormholes, Stargates, and Negative Energy by Eric W. Davis, Earthtech International
Warp Drive, Dark Energy, and the Manipulation of Extra Dimensions by Richard Obousy, Eric Davis
Just skimming through these papers gives an idea of how incredibly sophisticated the science in these areas has become. For a fascinating 2005 interview with Eric Davis, author of two of the above papers, see this webpage. A separate paper by Davis titled "Teleportation Physics Study" is available on this page of a U.S. Department of Defense website.
The paper on wormholes and stargates is particularly fascinating, as it describes a feasible method for traversing interstellar distances using our current understanding of quantum processes. Using the procedures described, he states, "explorers could spend all day investigating the remote spacetime location and then return home through the stargate in time to have dinner with their families."
Why is all of this not being reported in the mainstream media? Why has this astounding list of hyperdimensional science studies been given to members of Congress, but not made widely available to the public? Why did it take Steven Aftergood's FOIA request to get this information released at all? Could it be that powerful people and organizations don't want us to know how far they have gone towards interstellar travel and much more?
For answers to these questions, explore our collection of accounts of award-winning journalists who describe how major, breaking stories they tried to report were shut down by their media bosses. And then take a look at the witness testimony of numerous high-ranking officials about their personal involvement with a major cover-up around UFOs and ETs. For those who want to know, the information is out there. Please help spread the word, so that we can all make more educated choices in our lives and prepare ourselves for mind-boggling explorations into the unknown.
With best wishes for a transformed world,
Fred Burks for PEERS and WantToKnow.info
Former White House interpreter and whistleblower
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