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The Weaponization of the Secret Service Has Put Bobby Kennedy’s Life at Risk
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of ScheerPost

ScheerPost, April 1, 2024
Posted: April 8th, 2024

For 55 years, every presidential administration has granted early protection to major candidates who requested it. The Biden administration is the sole outlier. The Kennedy campaign made its fifth formal request for Secret Service protection in March, citing a 67-page report of repeated death threats, nutjob letters, two heavily armed intruders to a campaign event, an invader in Kennedy’s Cape Cod house, and another man who invaded Kennedy’s home twice in one day when Kennedy and his wife, Cheryl Hines, were at home. President Biden’s decision to deny Secret Service protection to Kennedy seems to be based on political considerations and weaponizes the Secret Service by making it necessary for Kennedy to raise and spend millions of dollars each month for security. Kennedy appears to fit neatly into the law governing Secret Service protection for presidential candidates. Security costs the campaign 30 cents out of each dollar raised. Secret Service records recently revealed the agency’s conclusions that Kennedy is at “elevated risk for adverse attention,” and after reviewing credible armed threats against Kennedy, the agency assembled a group of eight teams ready to step in quickly after they get the go-ahead. But they never got it. RFK Jr. has provoked and challenged some of the most powerful forces in our country, especially concerning the military-industrial complex, the CIA, and endless foreign wars that so enrich defense contractors. The perils to Kennedy arise not only because of his name but also because of the mainstream media’s relentless demonization of him.

Note: Nikki Haley asked for Secret Service protection earlier this month, and the Secret Service agreed even though she is no longer in the race. Read more about the JFK assassination. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on government corruption from reliable major media sources.

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