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British UFO files raise questions
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of ABC News
Posted: August 2nd, 2009
Nick Pope worked for Britain's ministry of defense - his job to investigate UFOs sightings. There are some cases, ... about 5 percent, that can't be explained. They are genuine unknowns. 11,000 UFO sightings have been reported in Britian since 1959. Only now are the details being revealed. Lieutenant Milton Torres was ordered to keep silent about what happened. [On] May 20, 1957, he scrambled his sabre jet from a base in England with orders to arm all weapons and fire on sight. Before he could fire, the erratic bright blip on his radar simply disappeared. Any day now, the most contentious file of them all will be opened, the file on Rendlesham Forest, Britain's equivalent of Roswell. POPE: "I have no explanation for the Rendlesham Forest incident." It was Christmas night 1980. Guards at two US Air Force bases in eastern England thought they saw a plane crash in these woods. They investigated and reported a strange glowing object, metallic in appearance. It illuminated the entire forest. The object was hovering or on legs. Two nights later the lights returned. Lt. Col. Charles Halt recorded this as he walked through the dark forest: "Weird. It is coming this way. It is definitely coming this way. This is wierd. There's something very, very strange." Halt's men recorded high radiation levels here at the alleged landing site. The official agenda is ... that gradual disclosure has to be the way. When we're deemed ready to handle the unsettling truth of aliens among us, then all will be revealed.
Note: Don't miss this fascinating five-minute video clip at the link above. To see the video without commercials, click here. For an excellent website on the Rendlesham Forest incident, click here.