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Osama bin Laden's family found
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of Times of London

Times of London, December 23, 2009
Posted: January 4th, 2010

Osama bin Ladens closest relatives are living in a secret compound in Iran, members of the family said. They include a wife and children who disappeared from his Afghan camp at the time of the 9/11 attacks on the United States. There has been uncertainty about the familys whereabouts for the past eight years, with reports that some of the children had been killed in bombings. However, relatives said that they found out last month that the group, including one of Osamas wives, six of his children and 11 of his grandchildren, had been kept in a high-security compound outside Tehran. Members of the bin Laden family are now appealing for the group to be allowed to leave Iran and described them as the forgotten victims of 9/11. Omar Ossama bin Laden, 29, [Osama bin Laden's] fourth-eldest son, said he had no idea that his brothers and sisters were still alive until they called him in November. They told him how they had fled Afghanistan just before the 9/11 attacks and walked to the Iranian border. They were taken to a walled compound outside Tehran where guards said they were not allowed to leave for their own safety.

Note: This article fails to mention that the US government secretly assisted many bin Laden family members to escape the US within days of the 9/11 attacks, as reported in the major media. For more on this, click here. For many other reports by the major media raising serious questions about the involvement of rogue elements of government in 9/11, click here.

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