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Bin Laden: Most wanted man. Is he dead?
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of Daily Express (One of the UK's largest-circulation newspapers)
Posted: October 17th, 2009
Thousands of troops from countries including Britain, America, Afghanistan and Pakistan search relentlessly for him. Dozens of CIA agents have no other mission than working day after day on his capture. Yet eight years after the 9/11 outrage on the Twin Towers of New York and the Pentagon in Washington, no one has come close to laying a finger on Osama Bin Laden. Ever since that day when nearly 3,000 people were murdered, America has wanted the leader of al Qaeda dead or alive. But there is a compelling argument, put forward by a respected American academic, that Bin Laden was killed eight years ago. Professor David Ray Griffin, who has written authoritative books on the 9/11 attacks, believes the US has kept the Bin Laden myth alive to bolster the war against terror in Afghanistan and Iraq. What is truly astonishing is that despite an army of investigators, a practically limitless budget and an immense 15million bounty on his head, so little is known about what has actually happened to Bin Laden. In his new book Osama Bin Laden: Dead Or Alive?. Theres much evidence which points to the conclusion that Osama Bin Laden is no longer alive, Prof Griffin insists. We have had no credible intelligence on Bin Laden since 2001. On Christmas Day 2001, Pakistans Observer newspaper carried a report of Bin Ladens funeral, saying he died a natural and quiet death. The major pretext for the war in Afghanistan is the expressed need to prevent Osama Bin Laden and his followers attacking the West again. This pretext would be removed by convincing evidence that Bin Laden is dead. Such evidence exists, [said Prof. Griffin.].
Note: Esteemed scholar and WantToKnow team member David Ray Griffin's book, Osama bin Laden: Dead or Alive?, can be purchased here.