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Former Canadian Minister of Defence on UFO Cover-up
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of MSNBC News

MSNBC News, December 9, 2005
Posted: November 11th, 2006

Paul Hellyer is a former minister of defense and deputy prime minister of the country of Canada. He joins us now from Toronto. HELLYER: I finally concluded, especially after reading a book called "The Day After Roswell," written by Colonel Philip Corso, that unidentified flying objects are, in fact real. I have concluded unequivocally that the people who claim that they have either seen UFO's or have seen classified documents about UFO's or have seen wreckage from the crash at Roswell, on or about July 4, 1947, are the ones telling the truth. CARLSON: You laid out these views in September of this year at a speech at the University of Toronto, and according to the news report I have of the speech, your address..."ended with a standing ovation." That implies, I think, that your views are commonplace in Canada. HELLYER: No, absolutely not. Most of them are skeptics. Most of them haven't spent much time researching the subject, and so they're...very similar to the average American. I am hoping that, maybe, we can persuade the Canadian Senate to hold hearings and listen to some of the 400 witnesses that...Dr. Steven Greer, has compiled, and hear them [so that Senate members can] make up their minds as to whether or not there is a real threat. Maybe this would be just enough to push the American government, the U.S. Congress or Senate, into holding its own hearings, and then getting the United States government finally to come clean and tell us what they are worried about.

Note: To watch the MSNBC video clip of this interview, click here.

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