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They're coming. Are we ready?
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of Globe and Mail (One of Canada's most widely read newspapers)

Globe and Mail (One of Canada's most widely read newspapers), September 24, 2005
Posted: November 11th, 2006

This weekend, Toronto will host some of the UFO community's more level-headed types. The day-long symposium, dubbed Exopolitics Toronto, is an effort by the UFO community's more moderate and serious adherents to prod officialdom into opening its own X-files. To them, official disclosure would not only help to silence the skeptics, but also the wackier elements of the UFO community, who only make the issue easier for the rest of us to laugh off and for governments to avoid. J. Allen Hynek, the astrophysicist who set out to debunk UFO claims for the U.S. Air Force in the 1950s...[found] that he couldn't. Dr. Hynek, who coined the term "close encounters of the third kind" before Steven Spielberg made it famous, was among the first scientists to lend credibility to UFO study. "We think we're bringing forth the best people on the planet," [organizer Mr. Bird] says of the five speakers on the bill. Most anticipated, perhaps, is the latest addition to that list: Paul Hellyer, a former defence minister...who believes that UFOs exist, and that officials have been too quiet about it.

Note: For quotes from many top officials on the UFO Cover-up:

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