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Secrets and Shams of Political Polls
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of, September 18, 2008
Posted: September 27th, 2008

In the 13 years David Moore worked for the Gallup Poll, he learned that media polls are not used to uncover the will or thoughts of the public, but rather to manufacture a public opinion that grabs the attention of journalists and can be used to fill media news holes. [Moore] draws on first-hand experience as well as the history of modern media polling practices focusing particularly on the four most influential polls: New York Times/CBS News, Washington Post/ABC News, Pew Research, and USA Today/Gallup to reveal the inner-workings of pollsters and the cycle of bias that tends to promote the powerful and suppress dissent in his new book The Opinion Makers: An Insider Exposes the Truth Behind the Polls. Analyzing pollsters problematic methodology ... Moore reveals how polls distort voters election preferences as well as the publics support for or opposition to government policies. The net result, he says, is that polls give false readings of which candidates voters prefer and what the public wants, which ultimately determines the democratic process. In his new book, Moore shows how polls create a legitimacy spin cycle. Those in power frame an issue to favor their position, while the press limits its coverage of sources that might disagree with the administration. Pollsters, in turn, develop surveys to dovetail with the news stories and the people many of whom have little idea of what is happening beyond the limited information presented to them by the news media are pressured into answering questions that reinforce the original position of those in power.

Note: For lots more on the many threats to free and fair elections in the United States, click here.

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