New Inspiration Center Launch: Help Us Grow Our Mission to Educate and Inspire for Personal and Global Transformation
Dear PEERS subscribers,
We just launched our new Inspiration Center! And this is just the beginning. We’ll be adding a community resource board very soon, and a series of game-changing ideas and helpful resources for a more sensible and collaborative future.
Associate/Creative Director Amber Yang shares more about what we've been up to in a brief, 2-minute video. Check it out to learn more!
We work hard every day to provide news you can trust, and we believe in the open, uncensored flow of information about important issues shaping our lives. We invite you join us in this meaningful endeavor by sharing the work of PEERS and, and supporting us financially with whatever you can give. We do our best not to inundate you with requests for donations. We are currently several thousand dollars in the red for the year. Will you help us to move closer to a balanced budget? Donate here to support our work!
Why is this work important?
Censorship in all its forms, media polarization, and the prevailing loneliness epidemic are a few examples of the steep decline in social engagement playing out in society, impacting our ability to work together to solve collective problems. Perhaps this diminished collective creativity is our ultimate crisis: a crisis of imagination. This crisis seems to be driven, in part, by today's media and journalistic practices shaping public opinion about key issues.
Most news is about what we fear. The recurrence of human failures, war, terror, tragedy, and who's to blame contribute to a cycle of cynicism and disengagement. When society is polarized, we lose touch with what brings out the best in humanity: collaboration, creativity, openness to nuance and complexity, social-emotional intelligence, and shared purpose. Where's the empowering news that highlights these qualities?
In a world gone awry with bad news, we have become passive consumers instead of creative thinkers generating our own news, broadening our media diet, and taking collaborative action.
When it comes to the news we consume, we suggest that there's one more question that belongs to the traditional questions of who, when, where, and how: What's possible now? Solutions to society's problems are often under-reported and reforms go unrealized. Every day, people all over the world are working to heal and transform the massive power imbalances and injustices evident throughout society.
Our Inspiration Center seeks to catalyze new connections and meaningful community action for systemic change. We've summarized over 3,000 inspiring news articles since the beginning of our organization in 2003, focusing on solutions, bridging divides, and unique human stories.
Help Grow Our Mission To Educate and Inspire for Personal and Global Transformation
"I cannot thank you enough for your work. My worldview has changed tremendously, contributed in a significant part by the information on your websites and newsletters. You ought to have millions of subscribers." ~~ Charlotte W.
As PEERS is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, all contributions are tax deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law. To contribute using your credit card online, please visit the link below to make a one-time donation or to set up a monthly contribution.
To send a check or money order, please make your donation out to PEERS and mail it to:
16791 Greenhorn Road
Grass Valley, CA 95945 USA
PEERS stands for Public Education and Empowerment Resource Service. You can also use this address to send a one-time or monthly donation using your bank's free online "Bill Pay." Just give your bank a call and they will help you. It's quite easy.
Thank you for being one of the small, but ever-growing number of people who care about the healing and transformation of our world. Together, we really are making a big difference.
With faith in a transforming world,
Amber Yang for PEERS and
We're $8,400 in the red for the month.
Kindly support this important work. Donate here.