Amazing Books
Several Amazing Books to Transform Your Life
Dear friends,
Below are a few amazing books that I have found to be the most inspiring and transformative out of the many books I've read over the past several years. I can almost guarantee that after reading any one of these books, you will want to tell all of your friends about them. The reviews below are taken from the empowering websites I coordinate, which are listed at the bottom of this page.
With very best wishes,
Fred Burks for
Former language interpreter for Presidents Clinton and Bush
The Holographic Universe – By Michael Talbot
This landmark book beautifully depicts how everything
is much more interconnected than we are led to believe. Using cutting-edge scientific theories and experiments related to the holographic nature of our minds and universe, Talbot shows how powerful our minds are – both individually and collectively – in shaping the reality in which we live. Chapter four's many amazing, well documented examples of miracle healing is especially engaging. If you want to move beyond some of the limiting beliefs instilled in most of us from a young age, this is the book to read. For shifting to an inspiring, more aware and expanded view of life, this may very well be the most amazing book available. Very well researched with lots of footnotes.
Available at
Excellent eight-page summary available free at:
Seeds of Deception – By Jeffrey M. Smith
This explosive exposé reveals how industry manipulation and political
collusion–not sound science–allow dangerous genetically modified (GM) food into
your daily diet. Company research is rigged, alarming evidence
of health dangers is covered up, and intense political pressure applied.
Chapters draw you in like adventure stories. Scientists are offered bribes
and threatened. Evidence is stolen. Data is destroyed. Government employees
who complain are harassed, stripped of responsibilities, or fired. In one
study, laboratory rats fed a GM crop developed stomach lesions and seven of
the forty rats died within two weeks. Yet as the conclusions failed to
mention these "details," the crop was approved based on this study without
further tests. Hailed as the best book on the topic, many believe that the
revelations in this book can eradicate this huge threat to our diet, and
indeed to our very well being. This very well documented book is a
must read for all who care about their diet and health. At the very
least, read the 10-page summary (link below) of this vital
Available at
Excellent 10-page summary available
free at
The Field – By Lynne McTaggart
A deeply engaging, in-depth exploration of the place where science and
spirituality come together. Subtitled
"The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe," this thoroughly researched,
well documented book provides a solid, scientific basis for understanding
miracles and supernatural phenomena. Brilliant scientists in the fields of
quantum physics and consciousness studies discover astonishing scientific
evidence revealing that on the deepest level, we are all interconnected
through a vast sea of energy which the author calls "the Field." This amazing book is a must read for all who are searching for deeper meaning in
their lives. See also the author's informative website at
Available at
For an excellent, three-page essay dealing with concepts similar to this book, click here.
The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions – By Dr. David Ray Griffin
This thoroughly researched book lays bare many disturbing facts surrounding the fateful day of September 11, 2001. A powerful, convincing rebuttal to the 9/11 Commission Report, Professor Griffin's eye-opening book provides a copious amount of critical information that was either omitted from the official report, or begs explanation. His evidence includes a wide range of key issues, including clear conflicts of interest by those who managed the 9/11 commission, and glaring omissions like the complete failure to even mention, let alone investigate, the collapse of the 47-story World Trade Center 7, and the reports of BBC and other major media that several of the hijackers listed by the Commission are still alive. The author, eminent theologian and scholar David Ray Griffin, has published more than 25 books. This excellent exposé includes 37 pages of detailed references to back up the abundance of facts and information given. For more on Dr. Griffin and his amazing books, click here.
Available at
For a 10-page summary of key information in this book, click here.
For other amazing articles, books, magazines, and resources, explore our Inspiration Center at For the best educational resources on important cover-ups, see Happy reading, and have a wonderful day and month ahead!
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