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Pope collaborators: NAZI's Eichmann, Mengele
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of The Telegraph (One of the UK's leading newspapers)

The Telegraph (One of the UK's leading newspapers), March 17, 2010
Posted: March 28th, 2010

Germany is fighting to keep sealed the Adolf Eichmann files detailing the years the Holocaust chief logistical organiser spent on the run before he was captured by Mossad agents. Those hoping to have a 50-year secrecy order overturned believe the government is embarrassed by details within that may prove German and Vatican officials colluded in his escape and freedom. For the current papacy under the German pope, Benedict XVI, the 4,500 page Eichmann dossier could be the smoking gun that would shoot down his plans to canonize Pope Pius XII (1939-58), aka Hitlers Pope. The role of Pope Pius XII during World War II, his relationship with Nazism and his efforts (or lack of them) to save Jews from the gas chambers are hotly disputed. Even within the Jewish community there are strong opinions on both sides of the debate. In fact historys most savage mass murderers Adolf Eichmann, Dr Josef Mengele, better known as Auschwitzs Angel of Death, Franz Stangl, commandant of the Treblinka extermination camp escaped justice down the ratline that ran straight through the Vatican state in Rome. Senior members of the Roman Catholic hierarchy marinaded in virulent Judeophobia and obsessed by Bolshevism organised the escape of thousands of the most debauched, cruel monsters to a peaceful, prosperous retirement in Catholic South America.

Note: As mentioned by the initiator of the lawsuit to open the documents in this Associated Press story, "I think it's impossible that in Germany we are hiding documents about a convicted Nazi mass murderer today." Evidence suggests that these Nazis were purposely allowed to escape with the involvement of the Vatican, the CIA, and other groups. Josef Mengele is purported to have gone on to train the CIA in powerful mind control techniques he perfected using concentration camp inmates as guinea pigs. For more on this, click here.

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