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All-black orchestra aims to widen music choices of African-Americans
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of Atlanta Journal-Constitution (A leading newspaper of Atlanta, Georgia)

Atlanta Journal-Constitution (A leading newspaper of Atlanta, Georgia), March 19, 2017
Posted: April 2nd, 2017

Orchestra Noir is an all-black orchestra founded by Atlanta resident Jason Ikeem Rodgers less than a year ago. Rodgers has worked with various orchestras in North America and Europe for years, receiving several awards. But the idea for Orchestra Noir didnt come while he was on a stage. It came ... while attending an Emerging 100 of Atlanta event with his now-fiance. Rodgers began to reflect on the black middle class in Atlanta. I was really shocked because being from the projects [in North Philly] and growing up rough, there was a different demographic here, he said. At that moment ... I said we need an orchestra here in Atlanta that reflects that demographic. The groups website emphasizes they arent striving to be a traditional orchestra. Instead Orchestra Noir strives to raise the invisible curtain and [bring] classical music to diverse, younger audiences that is relevant and respectful of their community. In orchestral music, sometimes we forget the heritage that goes into it. We forget that you can play R&B [and] hip-hop with an orchestra, Rodgers said. The orchestra has come a long way since launching with 25 musicians last March during a performance at Studio No. 7, now nearly double in size. A 44-piece orchestra will perform in concert alongside ... Bryan-Michael Cox on March 31. Cox, who has nine Grammys ... said he was looking for a way to blend his work as a songwriter, producer and DJ when the orchestra approached him with the idea to collaborate.

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