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An Inconvenient Patriot
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of Vanity Fair September 2005 Issue
Posted: November 23rd, 2006
Love of country led Sibel Edmonds to become a translator for the F.B.I. following 9/11. But everything changed when she accused a colleague of covering up illicit activity involving Turkish nationals. Fired after sounding the alarm, she's now fighting for the ideals that made her an American, and threatening some very powerful people. Edmonds has given confidential testimony inside a secure Sensitive Compartmented Information facility on several occasions: to congressional staffers, to investigators from the O.I.G., and to the staff from the 9/11 commission. Sources familiar with this testimony say that, in addition to her allegations about the Dickersons, she reported hearing Turkish wiretap targets boast that they had a covert relationship with a very senior politician indeed Dennis Hastert, Republican congressman from Illinois and Speaker of the House since 1999. The targets reportedly discussed giving Hastert tens of thousands of dollars in surreptitious payments in exchange for political favors and information. "The Dickersons," says one official familiar with the case, "are only the tip of the iceberg."
Note: Sibel Edmonds is a courageous FBI whistleblower who is one of the great heroes of the 9/11 movement. For more mainstream media reports on her case with links to original sources provided, click here and here. For a nationally broadcast August 10th radio interview (written transcript provided) of Ms. Edmonds describing her case, click here. For an article on her own website describing how the FBI had clear foreknowledge of 9/11, see