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Important 9/11 Opportunity and
Improvements to

May 25, 2005
Dear friends,

We have a wonderful opportunity to break the 9/11 story even further into the mainstream media. We've already had some amazing breakthroughs on 9/11 media coverage lately, including Dr. David Ray Griffin's powerful 9/11 lecture being featured two weekends in a row on nationally televised C-SPAN. I'll be sending out an email soon detailing the many recent articles and shows which have appeared in the media questioning the official 9/11 story. We've also seen a few key media pieces debunking the 9/11 cover-up, which demonstrate that those behind the cover-up are beginning to feel the issue can no longer be ignored.

We now have a major opportunity to take 9/11 media coverage a step further. A freelance reporter with contacts at New York's Newsday, one of the 10 largest circulation newspapers in the US, contacted Dr. Griffin, who referred him to me and others. I talked extensively with this gentleman on the phone yesterday. This reporter informed me that he and his colleagues have received information that a significant number of agents in the FBI, CIA, and other intelligence services are talking about the complicity of rogue elements within the US government in the 9/11 attacks. He is pulling together information to write an article about officials within government who do not believe the government's official story.

I am making a special request right now to any of you who know of government officials who, either on the record or off the record, are willing to talk about their doubt of the official story of 9/11. Please encourage them to contact me so that I can give them information on how they can be involved in this important news story.

And to those of you on this list who are government officials, please contact me if you would be willing to consider this. Even if you are not willing to have your name mentioned in the news, this reporter is very interested in your input. This article could really open some doors. I have not received a single threat since my own crucial whistleblowing testimony in Indonesia as a former presidential interpreter. These are exciting times we live in, and here is an opportunity for you to join me and many others in courageously standing up and making a difference!

I also am in contact with a number of government insiders who I will be sending personal invitations about this. As one powerful example, an incredibly knowledgeable Navy veteran who worked 24 years in deep cover intelligence told me over the phone about being called three times by a retired CIA friend in the 24 hours preceding the 9/11 attacks. In the final call, just hours before the first plane hit, his intelligence friend warned that they were expecting a major terrorist attack that day on Washington, DC. My contact has told me he's willing to talk about these calls on the record with serious reporters, so I think we'll have some good information for the above-mentioned reporter.

On another note, interest in the website has been picking up. We're now averaging over 1,800 visits a day, with over 800 of those coming from search engines like Google. If you go to Google and type in "I want to know about democracy" or "I want to know about the world" (without quotation marks), you'll find we are ranked #2 and #3 in both right now. We are ranked #1 in a number of other searches. has also received $3,500 in donations this year, which has been most helpful (this includes two $1,000 donations from generous supporters). Thanks very much to all of you who have contributed! Still, we are nowhere near the amount we need to hire some help. We are working on setting up official 501(c)(3) non-profit status, which should bring in more donations.

If any of you are willing to put in a few hours volunteering, we have a number of ways you can help in our efforts to build a brighter future. Please respond to this email and let me know if you are interested. We are continually upgrading the website and welcome any and all who are passionate about this work.

I've been very busy the last couple weeks compiling some wonderful new additions to the website. As we now have literally thousands of pages worth of reliable, verifiable information dealing with the major cover-ups on which we focus, I've added a page titled "Guide to the Best Information on," which you access by clicking the link at the top left of any webpage or click here. The "Search Site" function located under the top left links on every page can also very useful for those who wish to find information on a specific topic.

Beneath that top left row of links and our new translation service on every page, we've also added a number of new links. I'm most excited about our completely new "Information Centers." For each of nine major cover-up areas, I've just recently developed an information-packed webpage directing visitors to the all of the best information on that specific cover-up. You can find links to these nine Information Centers underneath the new translation service in the left sidebar of any webpage.

Immediately beneath the Information Center links in the left sidebar of every webpage, you'll find links to the best four documentaries dealing with cover-ups which are available for free viewing on the Internet. These include BBC's highly revealing "Power of Nightmares," and Dr. David Ray Griffin's 9/11 lecture on C-SPAN. Beneath these video links, I've also added links to the best inspirational resources, so that serious visitors can take a break from the deep cover-ups and find empowering inspiration to be all that we can be and join in working together for the good of all.

We've also added links direct to the individual pages of declassified CIA mind control documents in the footnotes of our mind control summaries. Some of these documents are incredibly incriminating. I invite you to go to and explore the footnotes section of our 10-page summary. Many thanks to Jay who has volunteered many hours on these footnotes which are vital to providing verifiability, and to Michael DuBois, who has been my main web design whiz and website consultant in general.

Finally, to all of you who are helping to spread these messages, I also want to say a big "Thank you!" The word is definitely getting out! Together, we are making a big difference. Remember that Dr. David Ray Griffin originally found out about the 9/11 cover-up through an email from someone like you who forwarded information from You never know when an email you forward may reach the eyes of someone with a large sphere of influence. Thank you for caring, and for joining in building a brighter future for us all! You take care, and have a great day!

With gratitude and very best wishes,
Fred Burks for

Finding Balance: Inspiration Center believes it is important to balance disturbing cover-up information with inspirational writings which call us to be all that we can be and to work together for positive change. For an abundance of uplifting material, please visit our Inspiration Center.

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9/11 Opportunity