What’s going right with the world? Delve into insights, ideas, videos, resources, and over 3,000 news articles aimed at healing social divides, creating constructive social change, exploring consciousness and spirituality, and strengthening heart-centered living.
The US spends the most on health care but has the worst health outcomes among high-income countries. More than half of children now have chronic health conditions. What is behind this? To understand root causes of chronic illness and disease, we take a multi-factorial approach.
Health and Food Information Center
Our criminal justice system is tasked with maintaining public safety and upholding the rule of law. Yet far too often, social justice takes a backseat while those in authority violate human rights.
See all news on police corruption.
Immigration Enforcement Corruption News
See all news on prison system corruption.
Considering the vital role money plays both in our lives and in the world, our educational system teaches us very little about how money is created, how banks operate, and what causes the huge banking scandals and bankruptcies that have occurred. Furthermore, rising wealth inequality is a major issue of our time. We delve into all things related to financial system corruption.
Banking and Finance Information Center
Federal Reseve: Neither Federal Nor a Reserve
Confessions of An Economic Hitman Summary
Tragedy and Hope: History of Banking and Money
Technology is a powerful force that has helped shape and define human life since the very beginning. Yet when exploited, technology comes with environmental, human rights, and existential costs while Big Tech corporations profit immensely. Now, the world’s biggest tech companies are becoming more powerful than most countries.
Our media landscape is heavily manipulated. Mainstream narratives rarely tell the whole story. Becoming aware of the special interests driving what we see, hear, and read can help us navigate censorship, propaganda and misinformation campaigns that serve powerful interests over open, democratic debate.
Media Manipulation Information Center
Leading Journalists Expose Major Media Corruption
Operation Mockingbird: CIA Infiltration of Media
10 Tips for Navigating the Media Landscape
Interview with Visionary Media Activist Tony Brasunas
The mainstream press often downplays how ineffective, harmful, and wasteful our current national security strategy is. While entrenched bureaucracy are partly responsible for this, deeper covert actions and major cover-ups within the military-intelligence complex continue to remain largely hidden from public awareness.
Military-Intelligence Corruption Info Center
Military Paranormal Science: The Fascinating World of Remote Viewing
A Brief History of US War Failures and Lies
Top General Exposes Major War Corruption
Inspiring: Healing the War Machine
Intelligence Agency Corruption News Articles
Who’s Behind the War on Drugs?
See all news on military corruption.
See all news on intelligence agency corruption.
We dive into the long history of mind control experiments in highly secret, US government-sponsored operations. Declassified CIA documents prove the existence of secret government programs involving hypnosis, drugs, electric shock, mind control, and more. Some of these programs were designed to create super spies, terrorists, and assassins.
Mind Control Information Center
Declassified CIA Documents Reveal Sex Abuse, More
A Nation Betrayed, MKUltra Survivor’s Story
Brief History of Humans Used as Guinea Pigs by U.S. Government and Military
CIA's Operation Midnight Climax: Deadly LSD & Sex Escapades
There are areas of our lives that have the potential to change our assumptions about reality and what is possible. UFO encounters come in a wide variety of mysterious forms. Some involve experimental military aircraft and secret technologies, while others point to the serious possibility of extraterrestrial or interdimensional life.
Over 20+ years, we’ve documented some of the best, most reliable resources on UFOs. Instead of speculating ourselves, we describe what has been documented and backed by credible evidence. UFO experts and government officials with first-hand experiences have made meaningful contributions to our site.
Controlling the UFO Narrative: Government Cover-Ups
UFO Testimonies of Government and Military Officials
SciFi Channel's Explosive Documentary Out of the Blue
There are many serious questions about the origin of COVID-19, the government response, the safety of the vaccines developed, and more. In this section you can find an abundance of reliable, verifiable information presenting strong evidence that the official government story is filled with holes, suppression, and coercion.
Best Summaries, Videos, News Articles
As long as we choose complacency over awareness, these dysfunctions in the system will continue. The sooner we decide that we do want to know, and that we are willing to invite others in open dialogue about these critical issues, the more we can create a world that supports the greater good of all.
Top Assassination News Articles
Martin Luther King Jr. Assassination
MKUltra CIA Program: The Creation of Unsuspected Assassinations
Sexual Abuse Scandals in the News
Jeffrey Epstein: Child Sex Trafficking and Political Blackmail
U.S. Government Child Abuse Scandals
60 Minutes Exposes Top Politicians as Pedophiles
Discovery Channel Documentary: Major Child Sex Abuse Ring Among Washington’s Political Elite
Over the years, we've compiled revealing 2-page and 10-page summaries with concise, powerful information on many of the vital topics covered by WantToKnow.info. Links are provided to explore our comprehensive information centers and online lessons.
Key SummariesWe dive into the long history of mind control experiments in highly secret, US government-sponsored operations. Declassified CIA documents prove the existence of secret government programs involving hypnosis, drugs, electric shock, mind control, and more. Some of these programs were designed to create super spies, terrorists, and assassins.
A Nation Betrayed, MKUltra Survivor’s Story
Brief History of Humans Used as Guinea Pigs by U.S. Government and Military
CIA's Operation Midnight Climax: Deadly LSD & Sex Escapades
Lifting the Veil: Free Online Book
We integrate the best of the media landscape with our own original investigations, written articles and videos. Our organization was founded by White House whistleblower Fred Burks in 2003, after he discovered significant levels of global deception and manipulation in his work as a language interpreter for presidents and top government officials around the world.
Our newsletters are carefully curated, drawing from the best of the corporate and independent media landscape. Each week, we research and summarize over a dozen key media articles that challenge mainstream narratives on important issues shaping society. Once every two weeks, we also send out an inspiring story or news to a separate email list as a balance to the challenging material on cover-ups and corruption.
SubscribeOur database stands as one of the most comprehensive collections of conspiracy and corruption news, featuring over 13,000+ news article summaries from reliable and credible media sources and many categories for in-depth exploration. We also have over 3,000 news article summaries and 18 subcategories focused on inspirational news and solutions. Our archive has been used by journalists, educators, serious researchers, and everyday truth seekers since our founding.
When it comes to conspiracies and cover-ups, what do you most want to know? And if you're looking for more inspiring material, how would you best describe what inspires you? Our vector search app allows you to type in a prompt or question, which will generate a list of news article summaries in our database. Search tools like this are important because all of the major search engines are rigged to prevent us from accessing information that challenges the official story.
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*Please note these tools only search the WTK news archive. To search our whole website, click on the icon in the top left corner or explore core topics in our navigation bar at the top of any page.
Click below for a table providing links to the many information-packed 2-page and 10-page summaries we've put together. These summaries present concise, powerful information on many of the vital topics covered by WantToKnow.info, always with links for verification.
Links are also provided to our many excellent information centers and online lessons covering these vital issues.
A concise essay explores the core reasons there is so much corruption and manipulation in our world and gives inspiring ideas on what we can do to create a brighter future.
This thought-provoking piece examines how the primary means for manipulating are through promoting fear, secrecy, and polarization, and through distracting people from their deeper purpose in life. It also provides concrete ways we can turn all of this around.
Don't lose hope. This inspiring essay reminds us in a most eloquent way that we were made for these times. Here's one paragraph of this poetic writing.
"Ours is not the task of fixing the entire world all at once, but of stretching out to mend the part of the world that is within our reach. Any small, calm thing that one soul can do to help another soul, to assist some portion of this poor suffering world, will help immensely. It is not given to us to know which acts or by whom, will cause the critical mass to tip toward an enduring good."