Moving Mountains in Cyberspace
"I send kudos on your FABULOUS website. I only recently discovered it. I bookmarked it and now, every time I come in to browse some more, I am re-impressed with how good I think it is. I also like that you admonish against sliding into "victim mode", and offer suggested avenues of effective activism." -- Heather
"I know of no site that has used technology as well as yours. You have achieved the delightful goal I was looking for. One can follow one's thought processes forever with your links. There are many good websites on the Internet - but nothing I find compares to all you have put together in one place." -- Dennis
"Thank you for your brilliant work and fabulous, balanced web site. That you have the insight to combine political activism with inspirational relief from it, is a welcome paradigm shift. As a spiritual person, I find your organization a very welcome tool with which to navigate this bizarre time." -- Jane (Click here for more)
Dear friends,
The world is transforming as we speak. With your support, has helped educate millions of people from around the world about all that is going on behind the scenes and inspired them to join in building a brighter future for us all. With our strong emphasis on reliable, verifiable information, we are moving mountains in cyberspace. We now have over 5,000 subscribers to our email list from 100 countries around the world. And with over two million website visits in the past two years, we are reaching a diverse and educated audience of people who care and who are working together to make a difference.
We have been quite successful in bringing our materials to the public in a variety of ways, most especially through search engines like Google and Yahoo. We are now ranked #1 in literally thousands of searches, for instance 9/11 information, media cover-ups, new energy sources, CIA secrets, war information, health cover-ups, and inspiring resources. We're even currently ranked #4 out of over 200 million entries for a search on the term "news articles" on Yahoo. About half of the over 3,000 visits a day we receive come from search engines. This is great news, as these are most often people from the uninformed public that we want to reach.
We have also been instrumental in awakening key, influential people to all that is going on. The highly respected theologian generally credited with being the most influential leader of the 9/11 movement, Prof. David Ray Griffin, first learned about the 9/11 cover-up from our two-page 9/11 summary. Another key 9/11 leader who runs George Washington blogspot and is one of several people who manages 9/11 blogger also originally learned of the cover-up through our 9/11 summaries. Leaders and key insiders from almost every major cover-up we reveal have contacted us to offer support and valuable information which we pass on to you. has done all of this with a very limited budget and tremendous volunteer spirit. Many wonderful supporters from around the globe send us powerful information and suggestions from which we are able to make the high quality messages we bring to you. Until April of last year, all of our work was done by volunteers. Then last April we were thrilled to hire our very first employee, Tod Fletcher, who has done a wonderful job on our weekly news summaries and more. Yet because half of the $40,000 annual budget for our work was coming from my own limited savings, we were sad to have to cut Tod back to 12 hours a week just last month, though he has graciously offered to continue doing news summaries even on that limited compensation.
I continue to volunteer full-time on and the other five websites managed by PEERS, the nonprofit under which we operate. I am amazed that thanks to a very simple life style, I have been able to stretch my savings to allow me the joy of doing that about which I am most passionate in my life for the last five years. As I sold my car and stopped my health insurance, I am now able to get by on about $1,200 a month. I've learned to consume very little and enjoy the simple pleasures in life in order to do what I feel called to do here.
Yet in order for our work to continue to grow and thrive, I and others involved with and PEERS would like to ask for your support. With a small budget to run all six websites and two email lists managed by PEERS, I am sometimes amazed at how much we get done. Because of our strong volunteer spirit, we are able to leverage your donations and make every dollar you give have a significant impact. Yet with an increased level of donations, we could do so much more! Will you help us to make an ever bigger difference?
Since January 2006, the website has been under the management of PEERS (Public Education and Empowerment Resource Service), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that I and some close colleagues formed to promote this work. This means that any donation you give PEERS is tax deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law.
We welcome donations of any size by credit card, check, or money order. For check or money order, see postal directions below. Automatic monthly contributions are particularly valuable as they enable us to have some certainty in our long-range planning. To make a secure one-time donation by credit card online, please click on the "Make a Donation" button immediately below or click here. Even if you don't have a PayPal account, you can use your credit card at this secure link.
Note: First enter the amount you'd like to donate and click "Update Total." You do not need to sign up for a PayPal account to make a one-time contribution. Thank you.
Check or Money Order: You can send a check or money order using regular mail. Please make the check or money order payable to PEERS, and mail it to the following address:
16791 Greenhorn Road
Grass Valley, CA 95945 USA
Monthly Donations. Automatic monthly contributions are extremely valuable to us. They allow us to make empowering long-term plans knowing that we have the finances to support this. We invite you to consider this option to provide ongoing support of this important work. To make a monthly donation by credit card online, please choose a U.S. dollar amount below and click on the button. Even if you don't have a PayPal account, you can use your credit card at these secure links.
$5.00 $10.00 $20.00 $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $500.00 $1,000.00
Other Ways to Support Us. There are many ways you can support our work besides or in addition to financial donations. Please see our webpage at for a number of ideas. Particularly helpful are those who have taken the time to learn the process of how to add and edit entries to the Wikipedia (it's not very complicated) with key information and links to We'd love to have the help of anyone interested to build a larger presence on this highly used resource.
We have great plans for the future of and PEERS. Once we can again afford to hire someone or if we get one or two capable volunteers, we'd particularly like to develop some concise summaries of key revealing books and to set up a few more specialized websites which go into greater depth on each cover-up. This will have to wait, however, until we either receive enough donations or get more people to volunteer with these projects. We hope you will consider supporting us in expanding this great work.
By working together, we can reach and inspire millions more people around the world. With your help, there is no limit to what we can achieve. Thanks for how much you "want to know" all that is going on in the world, and for your commitment to making a difference. And thanks for playing your part in these important times. I have no doubt that together, we can and will build a brighter future not only for ourselves, but for our children and for many generations to come. You take care and have a most wonderful spring season ahead.
With gratitude and very best wishes,
Fred Burks for PEERS and
Other Supportive Comments for
"You have REALLY made changes in many people's lives. Some key friends of mine, I am learning, found you a long time ago, on their own. You are doing the most important thing that moral people and true American patriots can do - revealing all the unbelievable lies the Powers that Be have woven over the population. You are brave, moral people and I admire you for your hard work and courage. It is the MOST important work being done in the world at this time! -- John
"This site is AMAZING! I absolutely love it. It is exactly what I have been looking for. I love the way you have all of your information about 9/11 set up. I love how all of your information is backed by reliable and verifiable sources. It is just what we need. I can't stop spreading the word about you guys. Thank you for caring, and for putting forth the effort to make this site. It is so so so important!" -- Alicia
"You people scare the living beejeezers out of me! But I believe fear is a motivator. I think I have been looking for this website all my life. I found it while searching for a car that could get 100 mpg. It might take me the rest of my life to read all your stuff, but I really wasn't doing anything when I found it, so now I have something to do. Everything I have done in my entire life led up to the instant I clicked on your website. Coincidence? Perhaps not! Thanks for the eye opener!" -- Robbie (Click here for lots more supportive comments)
Special Note: For those who are not aware, we now have an extensive compilation of over 1,600 summaries of revealing news articles with links to the full original articles on their major media websites. The articles are organized in such a way that you can quickly find the most important articles on each topic listed. Each of these articles reveals an important piece of all that is going on in the world. Put together, these articles clearly demonstrate all that is being hidden and the need for us to work together in transforming our world. To explore a categorized list of these eye-opening articles in our database, click here.
Kindly support this work: Donate here. - Every person in the world has a heart - Dynamic online courses powerfully expand your horizons - Reliable, verifiable information on major cover-ups - Strengthening the Web of Love that interconnects us all
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