Website Statistics, an Invitation,
And a Very Special Treat
March 12, 2005
Thank you for your continued support and interest in this email list. In this email, I want to personally invite you to join in making a difference. For the first time, I am inviting everyone on this list to seriously consider how you can help contribute, both financially and otherwise, to building a better world through supporting our work. But first, I want to tell you how the websites and email lists are growing. Then, at the end of the email, I will introduce you to Challenge Day, the most transformative program I've ever seen for our young people. I can almost guarantee that a 15-minute video clip of this amazing non-profit organization will leave you moved and inspired.
As you probably know, I manage four websites, all of which provide both heart-felt inspiration and empowering information to work together towards a brighter future. The website is by far the most popular of the four. Focused on exposing major cover-ups and working together for the good of all, this reliable, revealing website has now had a total of almost 500,000 visits and a million page views in the two years since it was founded. Currently averaging well over 1,000 visits a day, directly inspired a major book (The New Pearl Harbor by Dr. David Ray Griffin), and has educated and inspired numerous reporters, politicians, and other concerned citizens around the world.
Though not as popular, the other three websites are doing quite well. Web of Love now averages well over 100 visits a day, while Moment of Love and Global Community for All both receive about 50 visits a day on average. All three of these websites are clearly focused on spreading love and inspiration in the world through reminding us of the common humanity we share with all people on this planet, and through inviting us to join together in communities of love and inspiration. All four of the websites I manage are also a reflection of my deep, unwavering commitment to what's best for all of us.
The deep insider email list (one email every other day) now has over 800 subscribers from around the world. The list of education and inspiration (one email per week), which includes these 800, now numbers 1,200 subscribers, with more added every day. Both lists are subscription only. No one is ever added to the lists unless they specifically request to be added. We've received hundreds of wonderful emails of support and gratitude from subscribers. Thank you for your warm words of support and encouragement for all that I and we are doing. Without your help in spreading the word, we would not be reaching the large numbers of people we do.
One of my own key weaknesses in life is asking for support. I'm one who has been very good at offering support to those in need, yet when it comes to myself, I have often had fear and hesitation around asking others to support me and my efforts to build a better world. I have a fear that others will see me as pushy or think that somehow I see myself as better or more worthy than them. I have also tended to not trust that others will do the job as well as I could. My core issue of arrogance wants me to believe that I can do things better than everyone else, and that I can't trust others to do the job well. I am committed to transforming these weaknesses, and thankfully have made a lot of progress. This email is one example of my commitment to work on these issues.
So realizing that this is not easy for me, I want to warmly invite you to join in supporting my deep commitment to personal and global transformation through love and empowerment. There are many ways that you can do this. Financial contributions are one important way you can help. Whether it's $10 or $1,000, every dollar helps to support the empowering work of these websites. At this point, we still depend completely on volunteer labor. As contributions have not yet exceeded expenses, we are a few hundred dollars in the red. Other than our website designer (who was paid $300 for his many long hours of great work), no one has ever been paid anything for the many thousands of hours of work that have gone into these websites.
I personally spend over 40 hours a week on this labor of love. Since resigning from my interpreting work at the State Department last November, I have had no income. Though I am drawing on limited funds I had put away towards retirement temporarily to sustain me, I am hopeful that with your support, I will be able to compensate myself and eventually others who are deeply dedicated to developing and promoting this empowering work. Your financial contribution, however how large or small, will help us all to build a better world, and to reach and inspire many thousands of people. To contribute by check or credit card to, click here. To make donations online to Web of Love, Moment of Love, or Global Community for All, click here. You can also use the "Donate" links at any time on the websites.
Another way you can help is to participate in our new Readers Forums. We just last week established these forums for website readers and supporters as a way for all of us to develop community and to share ideas and information. As there are only a few posts on the forums right now, new visitors are less likely to participate. If you are willing to sign on and leave a message, you will add color and flavor, helping to kick start these forums and to share something of yourself in the process. Use the links on any of the websites, or click here for or here for the other three websites.
Many of you have been most helpful in spreading the word. Without you, we would never be getting the amount of interest and attention we have. For those who are not aware, we have developed suggested emails for spreading the word on each website. If you look at the links on the left side of any page of the websites, you will find one named "Spread the Word." If you click on this link, you will see a carefully crafted email which you can easily copy and paste to your email to then send to your friends and colleagues. In this way, you can help even more people to learn about our empowering work.
One of the most powerful ways all of us can make a difference is to take the time to look at where in our own lives we are not on purpose and in full integrity. Getting clear on our deepest life intentions may be the most meaningful way we can make a difference in the world. Click here for empowering ideas on developing your life purpose and intentions. And to promote greater integrity, we can continually ask ourselves where we are keeping secrets that cause us to feel separate and distant from each other. How can we live in greater integrity and with more love and respect for all people on our planet? For some excellent suggestions, I highly recommend which is a concise two-page summary on this and more. I also welcome any other thoughts or suggestions on how we can all work together to build a brighter future for ourselves and for future generations.
And now I have a very special treat for you. As I mentioned earlier, Challenge Day is by far the most transformative program I've ever seen for our young people. I've become friends with Rich and Yvonne, the loving couple who founded this deeply inspiring program many years ago. Challenge Day has transformed many lives across the United States and Canada. Hundreds of testimonials every year come in from teenagers witnessing to how this one-day program dramatically changed their lives. Some have even commented that before Challenge Day they had been seriously contemplating suicide, but now see meaning and real possibilities in their lives.
Challenge Day is a one-day program offered in hundreds of high schools and junior highs every year which opens students to seeing their common humanity in a way that is simply miraculous. It is not uncommon by the end of the day to find rival gang members hugging each other and saying I'm sorry, even with tears in their eyes. "I am truly sorry to the millions of people I have picked on," commented a former school bully as he hugged a gangly boy he had tormented for several years.
I challenge you to watch the 15-minute Emmy award-winning video clip available here and see if you aren't moved and inspired by this life-changing program. For more information on this empowering work, you can contact me, or explore the engaging material on the Challenge Day website at
Thank you very much for being a part of my community.
Your emails and support over the last couple years have often brightened my
day and further inspired me to be all that I can be. I feel truly blessed
and honored to be able to share deep inspiration and education with so many
wonderful, caring people. May we all continue to work together to support
each other in being the best we can be, and in building a brighter future
for us all.
With much love and best wishes,
Fred Burks
Your tax-deductible donations, however large or small, help greatly to support this important work.
To make a donation by credit card, check, or money order:
Explore these empowering websites coordinated by the nonprofit PEERS network: - Every person in the world has a heart - Reliable, verifiable information on major cover-ups - Building a Global Community for All - Strengthening the Web of Love that interconnects us all
Educational websites promoting transformation through education and inspiration
To subscribe to or unsubscribe from this email list of inspiration and education (average one email every two weeks), visit Subscribe to the list of news and information on deep cover-ups (one email every few days) by visiting