UFO Evidence
By Two Respected MDs
"[On] March 13, 1997,
thousands of Arizona residents witnessed a mile-long, v-shaped formation of
lights flying in the skies overhead. The UFO sightings garnered headline news,
catching the attention of both
and the 'CBS Evening News with Dan Rather'. One person, however, was not surprised.
Dr. Lynne Kitei was simply grateful that a phenomenon she'd been witnessing
- and documenting - for months was being validated. After the incident, Dr.
Kitei preferred to stay in the background, anonymously feeding information
and video clips to the many news organisations. Now, Dr. Kitei comes forward
to tell her own story."
Phoenix Lights website
with Dr. Lynne Kitei, (see also story on CNN)
Dear friends,
Astonishing UFO evidence has been meticulously compiled over a number of years by two respected medical doctors in the US. Dr. Lynne Kitei is a Chief Clinical Consultant at the world-renowned Arizona Heart Institute in Phoenix, Arizona. Dr. Steven M. Greer, is a former chairman of the Department of Emergency Medicine at a Caldwell Memorial Hospital in North Carolina. Both of these respected doctors have risked their careers and reputations to present an amazing wealth of UFO evidence they have collected from highly respected sources.
Since her 1997 experiences, Dr. Kitei has compiled both an information-packed book, and an eye-opening video which includes footage from Fox TV, MSNBC, and other highly respected sources presenting clear UFO evidence. Watch a six-minute trailer of Dr. Kitei's video at the link below. Dr. Greer has coordinated videotaped interviews of nearly 100 government and military witnesses, and compiled their testimonies into a riveting book and fascinating videos. For Dr. Greer's videos and excellent summaries of his book providing testimony of these highly respected witnesses, see our UFO Information Center at https://www.WantToKnow.info/ufoinformation and Dr. Greer's website at the link below.
Just four years ago, I was a debunker of conspiracy theories. Only after a trusted friend sent me Dr. Greer's National Press Club video did I become convinced that things were not what I had once thought. I watched in disbelief as top military and government witnesses testified at Washington DC's prestigious National Press Club in May of 2001 to a packed audience. Seeing all of the top media present in the audience, yet finding that that no major media even so much as mentioned this monumental event, I became convinced of a major cover-up.
This revelation is what eventually led me to the develop the WantToKnow.info website, and to all of the work I'm doing today. I'm incredibly grateful to Dr. Greer, Dr. Kitei, and many others who have risked their careers, public ridicule, and much more in helping to open my eyes by providing copious amounts of reliable, verifiable evidence on this and other major cover-ups. By spreading this important information, I have no doubt that we will open the eyes of many more people, and that we can all join together in building a brighter future.
With best
Fred Burks for WantToKnow.info
http://www.disclosureproject.org - Dr. Greer's Disclosure Project website
- National Press Club video
- Six minute excerpt from Dr. Kitei's video
- Dr. Kitei's website (excerpts below)
The Phoenix Lights
During the evening hours of March 13, 1997, thousands of Arizona residents witnessed a mile-long, v-shaped formation of lights flying in the skies overhead. The UFO sightings garnered headline news, catching the attention of both 'USA Today' and the 'CBS Evening News with Dan Rather'.
One person, however, was not surprised at the appearance of the lights. Dr. Lynne Kitei was simply grateful that a phenomenon she'd been witnessing - and documenting - for months was being validated by the experience of thousands of people statewide. After the incident, Dr. Kitei preferred to stay in the background, anonymously feeding information and video clips to the many news organisations who wanted in on the story. Now, for the first time, Dr. Kitei comes forward to tell her own story. Phoenix Lights is an exhaustively researched look at the phenomenon, including dozens of astonishing photographs and Kitei's own take on the wider implications of this remarkable event.
[This video provides] an in depth examination of the strange lights seen over Phoenix and throughout AZ on March 13th 1997. Over 30 credible eyewitnesses, scientists and experts give compelling testimony to the reality of these mysterious visitations. The project is a collaborative effort between Lynne D. Kitei, M.D. (Executive Producer/Director/and author of "The Phoenix Lights...A Skeptic's Discovery that We Are Not Alone") and Steve Lantz (Producer/Cinematographer). Dr. Kitei (formerly known in the media as "Dr. X") collected over seven years of data, including photographs and video of multiple unexplained sightings.
- ABC Website Description of Peter Jennings Report on UFOs
"As a journalist, I began this project with a healthy dose of skepticism and as open a mind as possible. After almost 150 interviews with scientists, investigators, and with many of those who claim to have witnessed unidentified flying objects, there are important questions that have not been completely answered -- and a great deal not fully explained." - Peter Jennings
"Peter Jennings Reporting: UFO: Seeing is Believing" reports on the entire scope of the UFO experience, from the first famous sighting by Kenneth Arnold in 1947 to the present day. The program draws on interviews with police officers, pilots, military personnel, scientists and ordinary citizens who give extraordinary accounts of encounters with the unexplained. Also included are the voices of professional skeptics about UFOs, including scientists who are leading the search for life forms elsewhere in the universe.
The program explores the facts behind the enduring mystery of the incident at Roswell, New Mexico, and looks into the strange stories of alien abductions. Among the UFO cases presented:
Minot Air Force Base, October 1968 -- Sixteen airmen on the ground and the crew of an airborne B-52 witness a massive unidentified object hovering near the base.
Phoenix, Arizona, March 1997 -- Hundreds witness a huge triangular craft moving slowly over the city.
St. Clair County, Illinois, January 2000 Police officers in five adjoining towns all independently report witnessing a giant craft with multiple bright lights moving silently across the sky at a very low altitude.
Today, if you report a UFO to the U.S. government, you will be informed that the Air Force conducted a 22-year investigation which ended in 1969 and concluded that UFOs are not a threat to national security and are of no scientific interest. But as one of the world's leading theoretical physicists says, "You simply cannot dismiss the possibility that some of these UFO sightings are actually sightings from some object created by a civilization perhaps millions of years ahead of us in technology."
Note: Though the Jennings report raises some good points, by far the
best documentary I have seen on the subject is "Out of the Blue,"
which drew a record audience to the Science Fiction channel when first aired
there. To order this excellent documentary, see https://www.WantToKnow.info/resources#out
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UFO Evidence