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A Consensus on King's Life, if Not His Death; Conspiracy Verdict
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of New York Times

New York Times, January 17, 2000
Posted: May 17th, 2011

A jury in Memphis decided last month that Dr. King was not the victim of a gunman acting alone, but was instead the victim of a far-reaching conspiracy that included the United States government. This year's national holiday ... comes just weeks after the controversial verdict was delivered. At Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, where Dr. King preached his gospel of nonviolence, the Rev. Joseph L. Roberts Jr. said the verdict confirmed what he had always suspected: that Dr. King's assassination was a conspiracy. Dr. King's widow and children have long questioned Mr. Ray's 1969 conviction, and hoped that their civil suit would change the legal and historical record of the assassination. And on Dec. 8, a Memphis jury seemed to give them what they wanted. The jury declared that Loyd Jowers, 73, a retired Memphis restaurant owner, was liable in Dr. King's death for purportedly hiring a Memphis police officer, now dead, to kill Dr. King. The jury also found that unnamed others, including government agencies, had been involved, in effect accepting the King family's contention that Mr. Ray was innocent, despite his guilty plea. Mr. Jowers, through his lawyer, has said he participated in a conspiracy but did not know it was a plot to kill Dr. King. The jury awarded the King family members the damages they had sought: $100, which they say they will donate to charity. The Memphis jury was the first to hold someone accountable for playing a role in Dr. King's assassination.

Note: Why haven't you heard about this stunning trail verdict? And why wasn't this front page news? For an excellent, six-minute Canadian news broadcast on this amazing court case and verdict, click here. For the complete transcript of this highly revealing trial, click here. And for dozens of major media articles suggestion that the assassinations of both Kennedys and King were not the work of a lone gunman, click here. For some of the awesome and inspiring quotes and audio and video clips of Martin Luther King, Jr., click here.

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