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A vote for pope, an insult to abuse victim
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of Boston Globe

Boston Globe, February 17, 2013
Posted: February 25th, 2013

The Catholic Church cant get to a bright, new future until it finally breaks with the ugliness of the past. One way to make such a break would be to keep Cardinal Roger Mahony from participating in the next election to determine a new pope. Two weeks ago, Mahony was relieved of all public duties by current Los Angeles Archbishop Jose Gomez. Long-sought documents revealed that Mahony actively worked to protect priests who were abusing children from police, rather than protect victims from their abusers. Some 12,000 pages of records revealed that Mahony covered up hundreds of allegations of clerical abuse in the 1980s. [But] Mahony remains a bishop in good standing. And after the surprise resignation announcement from Pope Benedict XVI, Mahony rushed to put out word that he intends to participate in choosing a successor. Blogged Mahony, who is one of 11 US cardinals who will vote for the next pope: I look forward to traveling to Rome soon to help thank Pope Benedict XVI for his gifted service to the church and to participate in the Conclave to elect his successor. In Los Angeles, local members of Catholics United, a liberal-leaning Catholic grassroots organization, have organized a petition drive asking Mahony to respect the victims of abuse that occurred under his watch and recuse himself from the papal conclave.

Note: For deeply revealing reports from reliable major media sources on sexual abuse scandals, click here.

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