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123 child victims of Internet sex abuse identified -- one just 19 days old, US officials say
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of NBC News

NBC News, January 3, 2013
Posted: January 8th, 2013

In just over a month, more than 120 sexually exploited children -- one just 19 days old -- were identified in an international operation that found them depicted in child pornography on the Internet, U.S. officials said. In Operation Sunflower, led by agents from Immigration and Customs Enforcements Homeland Security Investigation unit from Nov. 1 to Dec. 7, 123 victims of child sexual exploitation were identified, ICE Director John Morton said at a press conference in Washington. Of that group, 44 children had been living with their abusers, and 79 children were exploited by people outside of their home or were victimized as children and are now adults. Seventy female and 53 male victims [were] rescued; 110 of the victims were identified in 19 U.S. states and the rest were identified in six foreign countries. Of the victims identified during Operation Sunflower, five were under the age of 3, and one of those was just 19 days old. Thirty others were below the age of 10, officials said. Younger children were more often abused and more women were directly involved in carrying out the abuse. Additionally, the victims of child sexual exploitation increasingly have an international nexus, said John Ryan, CEO of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. The problem of child exploitation is hardly confined to the United States, Ryan said.

Note: If you are ready to look at just how ugly this gets, watch the Discovery Channel documentary showing child sex abuse rings at the highest levels of government, available here. For deeply revealing reports from reliable major media sources on sexual abuse, click here.

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