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Baby P detective sues bully police after exposing child abuse and corruption
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of Sunday Express (One of the UK's most popular newspapers)
Posted: June 25th, 2018
John Wedger said he was forced into early retirement from the Metropolitan Police. The former detective constable has begun a civil claim against Scotland Yard seeking damages for psychiatric injury arising from work-related stress. Mr Wedger, 47, was involved in an investigation into a well known prostitute in 2004 who was suspected of using children. She was linked to organised crime but intelligence from multiple sources suggested she also had connections within the local police. The prostitute would ply youngsters, including a 14-year-old girl, with drugs and alcohol and then pimp them out to men in budget hotels. During the course of the operation, Mr Wedger says he found that not only were the police aware the youngsters were being used for sex but he believed at least one officer was supplying the criminal gang with information about the investigation. After filing an intelligence report, he was brought in to see a senior officer at Scotland Yard headquarters. Mr Wedger said: He told me in a firm and formal manner that I had dug too deep. He then stated that if I mentioned a word of my findings outside of his office then he would make sure I was thrown to the wolves. On his last day with the unit he was called in by the same officer. He said, You must give your word that you will never look into child prostitution ever again. The experience left me traumatised and paranoid.
Note: Watch a highly revealing video of this courageous police detective giving testimony on his horrendous experience of trying to expose massive child trafficking often reaching to high levels of government. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing sexual abuse scandal news articles from reliable major media sources.
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