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California parks department finds $54-million surplus
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of Los Angeles Times

Los Angeles Times, July 20, 2012
Posted: July 31st, 2012

California's parks system stashed away nearly $54 million even as it was cutting services and threatening to close parks, a revelation that prompted the resignation of the department's director. The hoarded cash remained untapped while the California Department of Parks and Recreation painted a dire picture of the system's health, soliciting hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations in what was thought to be a desperate scramble to keep facilities open. The state attorney general's office has launched an investigation into the hidden surplus, which officials believe the department concealed from state bookkeepers, the governor and the Legislature for at least a dozen years, dating to the tenure of Gray Davis. State auditors found the extra money in two funds, one intended to finance the purchase and upkeep of properties for off-road vehicle recreation, the other for general park maintenance and restoration. The money came from user fees, rentals and fines. The state planned to close 70 parks this month to save $22 million, less than half the amount of the department's hidden surplus. Elizabeth Goldstein, president of the California State Parks Foundation, called Friday's news "truly disturbing and appalling. People inside the department have not been honest about the resources that have been available to them." The surplus "doesn't prevent the crisis that is currently underway; it may help minimize it," Goldstein said. "This money will not solve the overall parks crisis that has been building for decades."

Note: To learn how governments secretly stash large amounts of cash which very few know about, read the CAFR webpage at this link. For lots more from reliable major media sources on government corruption, click here.

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