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DNA Test Helps Mother Reunite With Daughter She Thought Died Nearly 70 Years Ago
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of New York Times

New York Times, December 9, 2018
Posted: December 23rd, 2018

A DNA test has helped reunite a mother and daughter after nearly 70 years by uncovering a startling secret: A baby girl long thought to be dead was alive, and had been covertly adopted by a family in Southern California that lied about her origins. The girl, Connie Moultroup, who is now 69, met her birth mother for the first time this month. I was absolutely floored, she said, upon discovering that her mother, Genevieve Purinton, 88, was living in Tampa, Fla. Ms. Purinton was similarly shocked. After giving birth in 1949, she said, she was told her newborn had died. CeCe Moore, a genetic genealogist and founder of The DNA Detectives, said the two women are far from alone. Ms. Purinton said she was alone when she gave birth on May 12, 1949. She never saw the baby. I was told it was a girl, but she died, Ms. Purinton said. The adoption documents, which Ms. Moultroup retrieved from the adoptions and abandonment unit at the Edmund D. Edelman Childrens Court in Los Angeles County, showed that a doctor at the hospital had arranged for the adoption. Within the paperwork she found her mothers signature. Ms. Purinton said that she recalled having signed papers at the hospital, but that she assumed they were meant to provide a directive in the event that she died or could no longer care for her daughter. I had no idea what I signed, she said. Before being reunited with her daughter, Ms. Purinton thought she was the last surviving member of her immediate family.

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