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Former Pentagon director says UFOs warp space-time for uncanny movement: Did aliens figure out time travel?
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of International Business Times
Posted: March 25th, 2018
Alien and Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO) have been mind-boggling stuff since 1947 the first time a well-known UFO sighting occurred. Cut to 2004, Navy pilots encountered a UFO off the San Diego coast. According to an eyewitness, pilot David Fravor, the 40-foot Tic-Tac shaped white vehicle moved, unlike any other thing he had ever seen in the air with lightning speed. UFOs are often reported to display bizarre aerodynamics, defying the laws of physics, which human minds are still incapable of apprehending. Former director of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program - Pentagon's program to identify and investigate UFOs, Luis Elizondo has put forward an explanation about "the physics of how it works". "We do believe all these observables we've been seeing, sudden and extreme acceleration, hypersonic velocities, low observability, trans medium travel, and last but not least, positive lift, anti-gravity is really the manifestation of a single technology," Elizondo said. It is the ability to warp space-time, Elizondo explained, and not by a lot, but by a little. Space and Time Warps theory says that the fourth dimension called the space-time continuum, which fuses the three dimensions of space and the one dimension of time, can be bent like a cloth when exposed to high gravity of objects. Thus from here, another question arises: Are aliens time-travellers?
Note: Luis Elizondo is one of several former government officials reportedly working with a new company called To the Stars Academy for Arts and Sciences. Watch an excellent 8-minute video showing that something is fishy about this company. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing UFO news articles from reliable major media sources. Then explore the excellent, reliable resources provided in our UFO Information Center.
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