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From McDonald's to the Olympics: How Jumper Quanesha Burks Made Her Way to Team USA
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of Sports Illustrated

Sports Illustrated, July 9, 2021
Posted: July 26th, 2021

Quanesha Burks ordered medium fries with no salt and a side of sweet and sour sauce at McDonald’s. She doesn’t do this often, but the day after making her first Olympic team, she decided to treat herself. “I just ate it with so much gratitude in my mouth,” Burks says. Before Burks was a full-time professional long jumper, her only previous job experience was working at the McDonald’s in Hartselle, Ala., as a 17-year-old. The town of 14,000 people was also where she and her siblings were raised by her grandparents. She remembers the early years as a struggle, watching her family live paycheck to paycheck. While at Hartselle High School, Burks quickly took notice of her classmates using sports as a way to get college scholarships. When track season rolled around ... she finished third at the 2012 USATF National Junior Olympics. “I remember looking up the requirements to earn a full scholarship and I wrote those goals down,” Burks says. “I jumped 20 feet and that’s when everything changed.” At Alabama, she became the first in her family to attend college and went on to have a successful career by setting school records, earning All-America honors and winning the 2015 NCAA outdoor and 2016 NCAA indoor long jump titles.“It felt like all the odds were against me,” Burks says. “I was facing so much, but I kept going back to when I worked at McDonald’s. I had my goals set and I knew I could do it.”

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