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He won $3.4 million then went back to work as janitor
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of MSNBC

MSNBC, July 6, 2011
Posted: August 2nd, 2011

Someone has to turn on the lights in life. Someone has to do the jobs we take for granted. But youd think Tyrone Curry would kiss his trash sack goodbye. Five years ago, the Evergreen High School custodian won the Washington State Lotterys Quinto game. I was dumping garbage, he says. Just like today. This is where I was when I found out I won the jackpot and took off running." His wife, Michelle had his winning ticket worth ... $3,410,000. To celebrate, Tyrone went bowling, like hes done every Wednesday night for 25 years. At 4 in the morning, he could be sleeping instead of raising the American flag outside Evergreen High. But he ducks his head and smiles. Nah. You need to be doing stuff: Thats my philosophy. Five generations have grown up around him since he came home from war and started taking care of kids. Budget cuts eliminated Tyrone's teaching assistant's job 35 years ago, so he stayed on as a janitor. He never went looking for another classroom because he found a better one and a second job out back. Tyrone isnt just the Evergreen High School custodian; he also coaches the track team. And thats where he decided to splurge with his lottery winnings. Im getting excited! he says, watching runners circling toward him on the schools old cinder track. This summer hes building them a new one. State-of-the-art. Cost him 40,000 bucks. Im not done, he chuckles.

Note: For a great two-minute video on this inspiring man, click here.

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