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It's Not a "Military Death Beam" and It's Not Getting Any More Federal Funding
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of Scientific American/Nature Magazine

Scientific American/Nature Magazine, May 16, 2014
Posted: May 19th, 2014

The worlds most advanced ionospheric research facility has in its lifetime faced allegations of being a 'military death beam', a weapon of weather control and even a top-secret mind-control project. Now, the US governments High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is threatened with closure. HAARP, near Gakona, Alaska, comprises radio transmitters and antennas that are used to heat up the ionosphere the uppermost region of the atmosphere creating a laboratory in the sky for scientists.The facility has been used to produce an artificial aurora and to study how charged particles behave in the ionosphere, at a total cost of more than $250 million to build and operate. To justify HAARPs price, the Pentagon had to dream up exotic military applications, sparking conspiracy theories. The practical challenge for HAARP has been to balance its role as a Pentagon-operated site for developing military applications with its function as a basic science facility. Supporters have long tried to come up with potential military uses, such as testing deep-sea communications for submarines, detecting underground military bunkers and cleaning up satellite-disabling electrons in the event of a high-altitude nuclear detonation. Research into that last application had been supported by the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), but its chief says that the agency is now abandoning its work at HAARP. The final DARPA-sponsored experiment, called Basic Research on Ionospheric Characteristics and Effects (BRIOCHE), is scheduled to end in mid-June.

Note: Our excellent webpage on HAARP at this link presents powerful, reliable evidence that HAARP is used for weather control and much more. And there is clearly manipulation going on around the closing of this facility. A July 2013 article stated HAARP was officially shuttered in June 2013. Yet the above article states it "will be closed after a final research experiment in mid-June" of 2014. This may be an excuse to stop the live broadcasting of HAARP's signals on a public website, which provided fodder for conspiracy theorists. With all the intense secrecy around this for reasons of "national security," it's hard to know what's really happening.

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